General Discussions => Beauty => Makeup => Topic started by: Shantel on October 26, 2012, 06:59:35 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Lip Color
Post by: Shantel on October 26, 2012, 06:59:35 PM
A few years ago one of the Clinique technicians at Macy's sat me down and made up my face, it was an interesting experience and I dare say I did learn a few things. I realize that they are there to introduce and sell product, but I just couldn't see the point in all that base and other gunk and came away with the idea that just a little is always best unless you're a clown or drag queen. Now they have some really nice lip color in an entirely different type of applicator, not a tube. They are called Chubby's and remind me of one of those really fat color crayons kids use. I bought a few shades that I like....sooo very cool indeed!