Community Conversation => Transitioning => Real-Life Experience => Topic started by: stephanie_craxford on October 22, 2005, 07:42:42 PM Return to Full Version

Title: A couple of significant hurdles ahead
Post by: stephanie_craxford on October 22, 2005, 07:42:42 PM
Hey everyone

Yesterday I found a note from my manager that the Principal of a large local public school wants me to phone him and arrange for me to teach his JK, SK, and grade 1classes School Bus Safety, and School Bus Evacuations.  This isn't unusual as it's a routine part of my job, and I've done it many times in the past.  What is different this time is that it will be Stephanie who will be doing the teaching this time, and it's the first time at this particular school.  I'm a little nervous as I'm very up close and personal with both the students and the teachers.

The other thing is that my mother-in-law has arranged for us to go out for dinner at a local restaurant tomorrow night.  She arranged that my daughter will be there along with one of my wife's brothers, both of who have yet to meet Stephanie.  The brother said that he didn't want anything to do with my wife and I after he was told of my transsexuallity, and although my daughter know of this, she has been reluctant to see me.  They both know that it will be Stephanie who will be at dinner so hopefully they will both show up and meet me.

Chat later,


Title: Re: A couple of significant hurdles ahead
Post by: Cassandra on October 22, 2005, 08:10:16 PM
Hi Steph,

Sure seems like every day is another day full of firsts doesn't it? Sounds strange meeting your kids for the first time again. I'm sure you're quite nervous about teaching at the school for the first time as Stephanie but probably not half as nervous as you must be about the big dinner. I hope all will go well for you. Know that our prayers will be with you and we will be thinking of you.

Big Hugs,

Title: Re: A couple of significant hurdles ahead
Post by: Denise01 on October 23, 2005, 02:57:00 PM
Hi Stephanie
Was reading your post, and I sure hope every thing goes well for you.

You will be in my thoughts over the weekend, and Being the real lady that you are, I am sure that you will be able to make the best of everything, that things will be ok and hopefully it will be the beginning of the reconcillation with your daugther.

Chat later

Title: Re: A couple of significant hurdles ahead
Post by: unicorn on October 23, 2005, 03:10:01 PM
thinking of you!

wishing you all the best,

Title: Re: A couple of significant hurdles ahead
Post by: Sheila on October 26, 2005, 02:00:15 PM
  You will do really good with the kids. I love to do evacuations, the kids get to do different things other than the normal get on the bus and leave by the same door. We use the rear door and I show them the escape hatch. I have special needs kids and they are fun. Yes I get questions, but answer honestly without too much info. They don't need much, like you sound like a man, yes I do and I hate it. Everyone tells me that. My mom sounds the same, which she does. There are ways of getting and answer without lying.
Title: Re: A couple of significant hurdles ahead
Post by: stephanie_craxford on October 26, 2005, 07:32:51 PM
Thanks everyone,

And you're right Cassie, it seems if it's not one thing it's another  ;D  Hey, but that's life.  The dinner didn't go as expected.  My daughter couldn't take seeing Stephanie, and she started to cry, so I decided to leave them all together to talk and relax and think things through.  As I've mentioned before, I'm giving my daughter all the time she needs.  On the other side, the brother who said that he didn't want anything to do with us completely changed his mind, and even gave me a huge hug, telling me that he was sorry for the  way he reacted and that he will be there for us  :)  Silver linings  :)

I can so relate with what you said Sheila, I love teaching them and having them do the evacuation drills.  I never thought that jumping out the back door of a school bus could be so exciting.  I often have to drive special needs children.  They are a great bunch and I had gotten to know them pretty well before my transition.  I'm sure that they will be OK with me when I drive them again.  Actually I'm looking  forward to it as the one thing that I love about them is that they aren't judgemental. and they take you for who you are, not what you are.  I really love them.

This Saturday we are going to a local dance.  The band is really good, we've heard them before.  In fact at the last town fair where they played, we were invited back to the lead singers house for an after hours party.  I was kinda nervous so I stayed on the sidelines.  This will be my first dance, so to say that I'm a little scared would be an understatement, but the couple who we are going with said that they will keep an eye on things  :)  I asked my wife, "what should I do if someone asks me to dance?", her answer was simple "dance".  She's great  :)

Chat later,


Title: Re: A couple of significant hurdles ahead
Post by: Shelley on October 27, 2005, 03:56:30 PM
Great news about the brother Steph and it can't but help your daughter I would think.

I have to admit I'm busting to know how it went with the kids.

Title: Re: A couple of significant hurdles ahead
Post by: stephanie_craxford on October 27, 2005, 05:13:17 PM
Quote from: Shelley on October 27, 2005, 03:56:30 PM
Great news about the brother Steph and it can't but help your daughter I would think.

I have to admit I'm busting to know how it went with the kids.


Hello Shelley,

The classes with the kids are scheduled for November 10th.  Quite by accident I met the principal this morning.  I was doing a driver evaluation, and when we got to the school he was standing in the school yard so I went over and introduced myself.  He seems nice enough, and when I asked him if he could provide two gym mats for the evacuations, he wrote it down and said "you've got it".

So we'll see what transpires... :)

Chat later,
