General Discussions => Beauty => Fashion => Topic started by: seldom on May 13, 2007, 02:49:23 AM Return to Full Version

Title: The wonders of Etsy
Post by: seldom on May 13, 2007, 02:49:23 AM
I am a big fan of DIY crafts and cloths.  I am a twee (indie pop) kid so it is a big part of my subcultural identity.

There is a site ETSY, nearly everything is handmade and unique.  Most of it is very twee/indie girl stuff, so I naturally love it.  Other stuff is hippy garb, punk fashion, etc. 

Needless to say this is the fashion of the subculture.  The stuff comes from all over the world.  Best part is, its all hand-made by the people who sell the stuff, usually from scratch or using second hand materials (often vintage clothing).  Basically this is as guilt free as you get, it was not made by somebody in a sweatshop in some developing country under poor working conditions. 

I bought a couple of purses from the site. 

There are some other DIY craft sites out there, some with very cute T-shirts, totes and jewelry.  I also hit a good number of the fairs, such as Renegade craft fair in NYC and Chicago. 

I don't know how many people like to buy as little sweatshop free cloths and accessories as possible.  Or just prefer something that is a little different, a little more unique.  But for me etsy has been an invaluable resource because there are only a few big DIY craft fairs each year, and I can only go to a couple of them.