General Discussions => Help and howto's => Topic started by: Alicia on October 26, 2005, 12:45:18 AM Return to Full Version

Title: A bit confused..
Post by: Alicia on October 26, 2005, 12:45:18 AM
Ok, I'm guessing here is where I post it..

I was talking to Val about this, and Well, Me and my boyfriend plan to meet this summer and the cost for a one week visit from UK to US is about $1200.00

Of course, that to me, is ALOT! I mean right now I'm and I want to help him pay for at least half or more..

So this means I need to get a job, but now that I'm dressed..where would be a suitable job?

I was thinking a store clerk at Cato's(a women's dept store)..but I'm sure there are others..?


Title: Re: A bit confused..
Post by: Cassandra on October 26, 2005, 01:08:15 AM
Hi Alicia,

I wish I could help you with some great advice about getting a job as a TS but I work very hard at not working for other people. My experience looking for a job as TS is zero.  A very rich man once said no one ever got rich working for other people. Something to consider and take to heart.

I don't know if you have ever watched The Apprentice but on the 3rd installment one of the apprentices who was eliminated near the end said he had no idea you could start business with so little money. Many of the tasks they were given they had to do with very little cash. Anyway he said he couldn't wait to get home and try some new ideas.

So, Alicia, got any ideas. Maybe you could get together with some friends and put something together that might make you all a bunch of money. Of course the Cato idea ain't bad. You'd get discounts on clothes.

My wife worked for a chain discount clothing store called Merry Go Round. I don't know if they are around anymore. When she worked there she already had fabulous cloths that she wore to work. They were Armani suits. Of course Merry go Round didn't have anything that she wore but she sold a ton of clothes and she worked on commission. The lesson here is dress better than the clothes you are selling.  ;D

Good Luck,

Title: Re: A bit confused..
Post by: Alicia on October 26, 2005, 01:14:15 AM
Hey Cass ^ ^

Well, I'm not one for uhm well, leadership lol. and having my own company is a bit leaderish to me.. I'm probably going to go with Cato for as you said, the discounts lol. There is also Claires to check out for hiring me..

Really I hope either store hires without problems..

If they say "It is required to be female" or something, and I look/pass as a female...think that would help get the job?

Anyways kinda late lol, going to get some rest.

thanks much for your reply Cassandra


Title: Re: A bit confused..
Post by: kloud9 on October 26, 2005, 01:19:18 AM
If you can seriously pass as a female, then you won't have an problems getting a job. THe problem is, management can have any reason in the world for not wanting to hire someone, and they wouldn't have to tell you. It's all gonna come down to how you can pass.
Title: Re: A bit confused..
Post by: Alicia on October 26, 2005, 07:10:31 AM
 :-\ that's not really nice.

Guess I will have to try my best  :D
Title: Re: A bit confused..
Post by: RachelW on October 26, 2005, 07:29:15 AM
Don't take this as sound legal advice, but I was a manager for four years and had to take classes on hiring practices and United States civil rights laws as they relate to hiring.

First, your comment about requiring a woman for a position: This is against the law, unless it's a genuine qualification for the job. The classic example of where this is the case is Hooters. They were sued by a man who wanted to serve tables and claimed that he was discriminated against based on his sex, but Hooters won the case because they were able to argue that being a woman is a bona fide qualification for serving tables at Hooters. (I think we all know why.) Jobs where being a woman is a genuine qualification are few and far between, and I'm almost positive that Cato and Claire's can't make a case for this.

Sex is an example of what's called a "protected class," and that's why it's illegal to discriminate on that basis. Unfortunately, being transgendered is not a federally protected class, and unless the city or state you live in or the company you're applying to specifically protects transgendered individuals, they're within their legal rights to discriminate against you. (Whether they're within their moral rights is another matter, but sadly that doesn't hold any weight.)

And again, this isn't legitimate legal advice, just something I picked up at my last job.

Edit: I found a list of United States jurisdictions with anti-discrimination policies that include transgender individuals. It's available here: It looks like I'll be moving to Illinois soon. :)

Edit 2: Further research reveals that Hooters lost the case I mentioned above. Oops. :)
Title: Re: A bit confused..
Post by: Dennis on October 26, 2005, 09:04:58 AM
If you're in the states, disability is a protected ground of discrimination. If I were the lawyer on a trans case, I would try and argue both gender and disability. It ain't our fault we're born this way.

Another problem with applying for work as female might be your ID. If you have an obviously male name and haven't changed it, they'll probably find out if they do any kind of background check, if they have to remit taxes under your name, or if they just ask to see ID.

Title: Re: A bit confused..
Post by: Alicia on October 26, 2005, 09:17:11 AM
All so intresting o.o

So lets get hypethetical here. lol :angel:

Lets say I'm fully dressed over and are a convincing looking/acting/(sounding-highley unlikley right now) and what not, and I apply for the job go to the interveiw and whatever.

now, lets say they ask for my ID and I give it to them (I have like 3 IDs) And I explain the situation. Would they not hire me because of it or could they just use my real name for my paycheck and my nametag be Alicia for the store? or something? lol  ??? ???

(makes me want to test it out XD)
Title: Re: A bit confused..
Post by: Vanessa V. on October 26, 2005, 10:46:58 AM
Oooh, thats a tough case....

On one hand, like Rachel said, it is against US Labor Laws to descriminate on the basis of sex. However, I would think that the water gets much murkier when it comes to TGs. I don't think the law has written in it the clear deliniation between sex and gender, and if so, I don't know then if Gender is a protected class....

Also, I'm pretty sure management has the right to hire who they please. If he doesn't take kindly to TG's, might be tough.

My advice is to take the bullet and just work and go like a male (at least just there at work). I predict its going to be a lot of hassel to find a job and all that. Heck, I can only imagine how hard it would be for me if I decided to go job hunting as an open CD. Although it may pain you to do it, and I don't blame you, you'll probably get hired much easier, get the money much faster, and can leave there much quicker....

But thats just my opinion, flawed sometimes as it is..... ;)

Title: Re: A bit confused..
Post by: Alicia on October 26, 2005, 11:28:48 AM
Think it would hurt to try dressed? and if it doesn't then go as *shudders* male?

Really appreciate your advice >.>


Title: Re: A bit confused..
Post by: Dennis on October 26, 2005, 01:43:54 PM
Try applying for a few jobs dressed. If you are getting vibes that you're not getting hired because of it, then bite the bullet. Can't hurt to try.

But you are going to run across the ID issue because you have to have a valid SSN for taxes and that will have to be in your legal name. You could always explain the issue to your employer if it gets to that stage.

Title: Re: A bit confused..
Post by: Alicia on October 26, 2005, 02:09:55 PM
Alrighty, about the best news I can give you all is over summer break lol

So I will post here when I get news =)

