Community Conversation => Transitioning => Topic started by: Jessica-Marie on January 11, 2013, 03:33:13 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Hair removal in exeter
Post by: Jessica-Marie on January 11, 2013, 03:33:13 AM
hi all, im just starting the road down to being full time as i transition, i had a meeting with the pyscologist before christmas regarding autism, and she confirmed what had always been a big question mark after having seen one when i was younger that it would be in my best intrest to transition, and recommended that i start on hair removal so any help with what type to go with would be appreciated i have dark hair on both arms/face/legs and lower back (but not much there) so that im ready after my gp next week gives me the referal to my local gid clinic. 

So any help with whats best laser? if so what type is there only 1 type? electro? or is it best to go laser then electro. sorry for the newbish questions