General Discussions => Entertainment => Music => Topic started by: Alex_K on January 13, 2013, 07:19:53 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Really well produced music.
Post by: Alex_K on January 13, 2013, 07:19:53 PM
I'm listening to a lot of jazz-funk lately, mostly on my AKG-171 headphones (very pleasant sound, and perfect if you are in a mixing evironement and want to A-B with your studio monitors).

What I usually value the most from a jazzy piece is the music itself, without stressing very much the production factor. But then I discovered The Headhunters. It was Herbie Hancock related during the 70s, and in 2003 they released Evolution Revolution, with only 2 of its original members. The music is awesome, but what caught my attention and got deep into me is the production. It's a pleasure to hear something from 2003 that sounds so much like a good 70s recording. I just get lost into the sound of the drumkick...

Anyway... this thread is for those who do value production. What productions caught your attention lately? Be it for good or for bad, or just for it's original aproach to sound capture, mixing or mastering.
Title: Re: Really well produced music.
Post by: Alex_K on January 13, 2013, 07:29:20 PM
And I'm starting with this: (

It all comes together in a very warm manner, and it sounds to me very 70s, although it's been recorded in 2003. What really has me drifting is the kick; it has a sub low character that contrasts with the roomy sound of the overall kit in a way that I like. And it has dynamics, for gods sake...!  You get tired of always listening to constant and expressionless kicks, so that's a bonus here.

The rest of instruments sound very good, but production-wise, it's all about the drums (and the percusion kit) here...!
Title: Re: Really well produced music.
Post by: Felix on January 16, 2013, 07:45:46 PM
I bet you and my roommate would get along really well.
Title: Re: Really well produced music.
Post by: Alex_K on January 17, 2013, 07:36:24 AM