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Title: Ask Matt: Should I Defend Myself Against Other Women?
Post by: Shana A on January 14, 2013, 11:27:57 AM

Ask Matt: Should I Defend Myself Against Other Women?

January 14, 2013 by Matt Kailey (

A reader writes: "First off, let me say I despise violence, drama, etc. My nerves can't handle it, and being bipolar, it's a huge trigger for depression, etc. Sadly, however, bigots even within our family are a reality.

"I have been on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) since 2001. And have had bilateral orchiectomy (testicle removal). If I could afford SRS, I would have it years ago. SSI (Supplemental Security Income) is all I get, however, and that ain't a whole lot.

"So now my question: There have been times, and last week, where so-called bio women threaten me or even assault me. Then when I stand up for myself, there is almost always a man who steps in and says, 'No, you're a dude. You're not going to touch a woman.'

"Are they right? Or do I have the right to assert that 'Hey, I am too a woman and can defend myself against another woman like any other woman?'"
Title: Re: Ask Matt: Should I Defend Myself Against Other Women?
Post by: cynthialee on January 14, 2013, 12:01:20 PM
I am three years into HRT and going on 2 years post orchi and I still have a definate physical advantage over natal women.
My skeleton is male. As a result I have a very large rib cage and shoulders. My muscles as a result must be large enough for my frame. Larger muscles are stronger muscles.
Sevan has been on T for 3 years. Sevan still has a female skeleton. As a result hir muscles are smaller.
Even though Sevan has an inch in height on me and is on testosterone I am physicaly stronger than ze is.

Now granted there are plenty of natal women who are physicaly fit and athletic who have alot more strength than I do and I would not stand a chance in a physical confrontation with them. But the average woman does not have the physical advantages I have in confrontation. As a result I would feel like a total heel for fighting a natal woman.

Now the younger MTF who transitions very young and stops the masulinization so that they do not have a male skeleton, they have no apreciable advantage over a natal female in a physical contest or confrontation so if I was that girl and a natal female picked a fight with would be on.

So I guess I am saying that this is a situational call?
Title: Re: Ask Matt: Should I Defend Myself Against Other Women?
Post by: Shawn Sunshine on January 14, 2013, 12:05:32 PM
Well this is why I would rather learn a style of fighting than can disable a person (male or female) without having to do them much harm. If you just throw wild punches or beat someone over the head with a weapon , this can be problematic, if its out in public. But if someone was invading your home, i think things would be different
Title: Re: Ask Matt: Should I Defend Myself Against Other Women?
Post by: cynthialee on January 14, 2013, 12:28:19 PM
home invasion is a differant can of worms all togather

this time of year it is around 10-20 F outside

I am not retreating into the forest when it is that cold. There is no cell phone service out here. Therefore in such a situation a home invader must be dealt with with violence.
Title: Re: Ask Matt: Should I Defend Myself Against Other Women?
Post by: NotThereYet on January 14, 2013, 12:40:55 PM
Are butch, aggressive women who want to pick up a fight really women, Cis or not?

Aren't we past gender stereotypes? If anybody, male or female, gets attacked by anybody, also male or female, the attacked person has a right to defend themselves against the attacker. Period.

Of course, everything needs to be taken with a grain of salt: if some frail lady gives you a light slap in the face in a very female style, do not by any means punch her out in a very male style, but if a pair of butch female animals attack you the way that poor trans girl was attacked by those two female animals in that Mac Donald's, that one time: strike back as hard as you can and defend yourself as effectively as possible.

My opinion,
Title: Re: Ask Matt: Should I Defend Myself Against Other Women?
Post by: Shawn Sunshine on January 14, 2013, 12:46:38 PM
QuoteAren't we past gender stereotypes? If anybody, male or female, gets attacked by anybody, also male or female, the attacked person has a right to defend themselves against the attacker. Period.

Yeah i would agree, I never go out of my way to attack anyone, regardless of gender, I only defend myself.