General Discussions => Spirituality => Topic started by: Amazon D on January 23, 2013, 10:27:40 AM Return to Full Version

Title: A proof of heaven in our multiverse and other universes
Post by: Amazon D on January 23, 2013, 10:27:40 AM (

A lifelong science skeptic who never believed in God, Heaven or consciousness
Long before this book was ever written, Dr. Alexander was a practicing neurosurgeon and a lifelong "science skeptic." He did not believe in consciousness, free will or the existence of a non-physical spirit. Trained in western medical school and surrounded by medical colleagues who are deeply invested in the materialism view of the universe, Dr. Alexander believed that so-called "consciousness" was only an illusion created by the biochemical functioning of the brain.
This is a view held by virtually all of today's mainstream scientists, including physicists like Stephen Hawking who say that human beings are nothing more than "biological robots" with no consciousness and no free will.

Dr. Alexander would have held this view to his own death bed had it not been for his experiencing an event so bizarre and miraculous that it defies all conventional scientific explanation: Dr. Alexander "died" for seven days and experienced a vivid journey into the afterlife. He then returned to his physical body, experienced a miraculous healing, and went on to write the book "Proof of Heaven."


From there, the challenge of life is multi-faceted:

1) Figure out WHO you are and WHY you are here.
2) Learn to recognize and overcome EVIL (tyranny, slavery, oppression, Big Government, etc.).
3) Learn to spread love, compassion, healing and knowledge.

Upon our death, we are judged by a higher power, and that judgment takes into account our performance in these areas. Did we achieve a measure of self-awareness? Did we work to overcome evil? Did we express love and compassion and help uplift others with knowledge and awareness?

As you've probably already figured out, the vast majority of humans fail these tests. They die as bitter, selfish, substance-addicted, greed-driven minions of evil who mistakenly thought they were winning the game of life while, in reality, they were losing the far more important test of the Creator.

The most important part about living a human life is not acquiring money, or fame, or power over others but rather achieving a high "score" in this simulation known as "life" by resisting evil, spreading love and expanding awareness of that which is true.

read the whole thing its wonderful
Title: Re: A proof of heaven in our multiverse and other universes
Post by: Shawn Sunshine on January 23, 2013, 10:55:48 AM
I love this! I know for sure i too will be accountable before our Creator, thanks for posting this Amazon :)

While I have not died and gone to heaven, I have had things happen to me that have no logical explanation.
Title: Re: A proof of heaven in our multiverse and other universes
Post by: Shantel on January 23, 2013, 11:32:25 AM
Hi Amazon!
          There are several scientists who do ascribe to the notion of a parallel universe or of multiple universes such as noted Harvard physicist Lisa Randall. Dr. Carl Sagan, famous for his Cosmos TV series once commented that there is a parallel world that exists just outside the fourth dimension (time) that we are aware of but cannot prove it's existence through scientific means. Ms. Randall and many others believe that there may be multiple levels of universes that parallel our own. This brings to mind Ezekiel's experience that almost sounds like an ancient description of a visit by beings from another dimension and brings to mind once again the supposed sightings by normally credible people of UFO's that may have briefly slipped through some kind of dimensional warp. Interesting stuff to say the least!
Title: Re: A proof of heaven in our multiverse and other universes
Post by: JessicaH on January 24, 2013, 12:24:08 AM
I think the universe vibrates at a fixed frequency at the particle string level and that frequency would correlate to a Plank Constant or the speed of light. Changing the frequency affects the length of the proton wave therefore the speed of light with a change in the particle frequency  possibly allowing a "frequency shift" into another universe. That would allow multiple universes to exist in the same space/time and also explain dark matter that explains unaccounted for "mass" in the universe.  Or not..  lol.
Title: Re: A proof of heaven in our multiverse and other universes
Post by: Shantel on January 24, 2013, 09:29:11 AM
Quote from: JessicaH on January 24, 2013, 12:24:08 AM
I think the universe vibrates at a fixed frequency at the particle string level and that frequency would correlate to a Plank Constant or the speed of light. Changing the frequency affects the length of the proton wave therefore the speed of light with a change in the particle frequency  possibly allowing a "frequency shift" into another universe. That would allow multiple universes to exist in the same space/time and also explain dark matter that explains unaccounted for "mass" in the universe.  Or not..  lol.

Wow, pretty heady thoughts Jessica! You may be quite right because it seems to sound like what the scientists and astrophysicists are coming up with.
Title: Re: A proof of heaven in our multiverse and other universes
Post by: milktea on January 24, 2013, 09:48:34 AM
there is also the theory that pre-death experience is a result of asphyliation and a whole lot of other things happening to the body...producing something akin to being on acid.

but i am interested in the 'evil' part -- is there a golden standard on what is evil, or is it a dynamic concept made up by people that shifts with time and the environment?
Title: Re: A proof of heaven in our multiverse and other universes
Post by: Shantel on January 24, 2013, 11:16:39 AM
Quote from: milktea on January 24, 2013, 09:48:34 AM

but i am interested in the 'evil' part -- is there a golden standard on what is evil, or is it a dynamic concept made up by people that shifts with time and the environment?

I would suppose that an number of news articles will be a pretty good indicator of what evil is. Then a look back as far as recorded human history goes will show that nothing has changed. The laws for humanity as far back as 25 centuries BC were similar to current times, SOSDD!
Title: Re: A proof of heaven in our multiverse and other universes
Post by: Shawn Sunshine on January 24, 2013, 11:31:09 AM
Here is the Dictionary meaning for Evil:

QuoteDefinition of EVIL

a : morally reprehensible : sinful, wicked <an evil impulse>
b : arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct <a person of evil reputation>
a archaic : inferior
b : causing discomfort or repulsion : offensive <an evil odor>
c : disagreeable <woke late and in an evil temper>
a : causing harm : pernicious <the evil institution of slavery>
b : marked by misfortune : unlucky
— evil adverb, archaic
— evil·ly  adverb
— evil·ness  noun
See evil defined for English-language learners »
See evil defined for kids »
Examples of EVIL

She drank an evil potion.
The city has fallen on evil days.
It was an evil omen.
Origin of EVIL

Middle English, from Old English yfel; akin to Old High German ubil evil
First Known Use: before 12th century
Related to EVIL

Synonyms: adverse, bad, baleful, baneful, damaging, dangerous, deleterious, detrimental, harmful, hurtful, ill, injurious, mischievous, nocuous, noxious, pernicious, prejudicial, wicked

Antonyms: anodyne, benign, harmless, hurtless, innocent, innocuous, inoffensive, safe

Related Words: hostile, inimical, unfriendly; contagious, deadly, infectious, infective, pestiferous, pestilent, pestilential, poisonous, venomous; insidious, menacing, ominous, sinister, threatening; hazardous, imperiling (or imperilling), jeopardizing, parlous, perilous, risky, unsafe, unsound; nasty, noisome, unhealthful, unhealthy, unwholesome; destructive, fatal, killer, lethal, malignant, ruinous

Near Antonyms: advantageous, beneficial, useful; favorable, good, propitious; curative, healthful, healthy, helpful, palliative, remedial, salubrious, salutary, wholesome; secure, sound; benignant; noncorrosive, nondestructive, nonfatal, noninfectious, nonlethal, nonpoisonous, nonpolluting, nontoxic, nonvenomous (
Title: Re: A proof of heaven in our multiverse and other universes
Post by: milktea on January 24, 2013, 09:05:13 PM
But the definition doesn't help. It is an extremely broad concept.

Sure it is correct to say that the basic stuff hasn't changed over the years, but there are also those we've once considered evil that are not so or somehow less evil nowadays. So my point is that evil is based on morality, and morality changes with time.
Title: Re: A proof of heaven in our multiverse and other universes
Post by: TanaSilver on January 24, 2013, 09:14:15 PM
I think "Heaven" for Dr. Alexander is healthy book sales.

And as for a definition of evil, keep in mind that probably a majority of people (especially religious people, who know all about this stuff, right?) would consider trans folk to be evil.

Sorry if I sound snide or cynical, consider this the cynic's post in this thread.
Title: Re: A proof of heaven in our multiverse and other universes
Post by: justmeinoz on January 25, 2013, 05:44:48 AM
He sounded interesting until the "seven days dead" bit.  He would have been a bit on the nose by then I'd say. 
The concept of the multiverse is pretty well accepted by physicists, so no problem with that.

Given that "God, by definition  is beyond all human understanding, then it is not really possible to speak of "existence" as that implies being bound by the physical Universe or even Multiverse.   Therefore proof or disproof is not logically possible. 
Karen Armstrong explains it a lot better in her latest book, "The Case For God."  It's a good read.

Title: Re: A proof of heaven in our multiverse and other universes
Post by: kelly_aus on January 25, 2013, 05:56:55 AM
Quantum Foam,
Help me roam,
To the place I don't belong..

*Apologies to John Denver for that one..
Title: Re: A proof of heaven in our multiverse and other universes
Post by: Shantel on January 25, 2013, 08:33:21 AM
Quote from: milktea on January 24, 2013, 09:05:13 PM
But the definition doesn't help. It is an extremely broad concept.

Sure it is correct to say that the basic stuff hasn't changed over the years, but there are also those we've once considered evil that are not so or somehow less evil nowadays. So my point is that evil is based on morality, and morality changes with time.

Possibly in your perspective, but it's still the same old immorality that has become incrementally more acceptable over time by gradual conditioning. If you tell a lie long enough and with enough conviction eventually others will accept it as true. Nothing has changed about the fact that it's a bald-faced lie, it's the people's perceptions that have changed.

Take the cost of living for example, people will say that everything is getting so much more expensive but that's just a matter of perception, in reality the dollar has become worth less and less in the marketplace. In reality it's just a worthless piece of paper right now, bt as long as other nations continue to buy into the perception that it has value it hasn't completely collapsed thus far as a medium of exchange.

Anyway we're getting off topic here so back to A proof of heaven in our multiverse and other universes