Community Conversation => Transitioning => Coming out of the closet => Topic started by: Darkflame on February 20, 2013, 02:16:52 PM Return to Full Version

Title: "How could anyone take you seriously" >.<
Post by: Darkflame on February 20, 2013, 02:16:52 PM
Okay, so last night I went over to my dad's to get some stuff I forgot when I moved out. And the conversation went to what and how much he's told my grandparents (my grandma left a message on my facebook, commenting on my "new look") I wasn't attacking or being negative, I really just wanted to know what he's said to them. I already knew they were going to find out through him before me, he tells them everything (he really doesn't have a concept of discretion or privacy) And I was fine with that. But I wanted to know they were being told the right things and that he hasn't been misinforming them. I was afraid of that mostly because the conversation we had about my transitioning in the first place was extremely vague and we were both walking on eggshells. It sounded like he was trying to think of what's happening as a style choice   ::) so I also wanted to make the situation clear to him. It didn't go well. There were a couple of choice phrases that lead me to not be on speaking terms with him right now. Like "How do expect anyone to take you seriously when you're so all over the place" "You aren't transgender you haven't changed anything you're still a girl" and even trying to calm things down "You're still my daughter... or kid... or whatever you are" He continued to explain how he knows everything about me because he's been there watching  ::) and that he has a hard time believing I'm actually going to transition to being a man because I have "phases" of being more tomboyish and less tomboyish (Not that he would listen to me trying to tell him why it's been in "phases")

The bus ride home was the strongest I've felt gender dysphoria in years. It was the worst feeling. And it's nothing new with my dad in terms of not treating me great (I'd been kicked out of the house over the littlest trivial things several times as a teen) Maybe I'm overreacting, I know some people have had much worse coming outs, but this was a hard blow to take when I'd had such unexpected positive reactions from everyone else I've told  :(
Title: Re: "How could anyone take you seriously" >.<
Post by: Allana Lovins on February 21, 2013, 06:13:25 PM
Dads...! There crazy. My dad is a Veteran and is very soldier like, Yet he is "over-supportive" of me so Before I even get to start really transitioning (for me its mtf) ...  He awkwardly and randomnly because of excitment, He is like " Son, I want you to know that whatever your going through right now, Finding yourself and stuff, I totaly love you, and support you." ! Then he insists I eat a HUGE man portion of Lizania and garlic bread! Its like they can get the aspect of things may change allot, but then they go back to being the same way with you, I want support yall but not retartedness. My mom is like jealous and really wierd and rude about it(my transition) My brother will NEVER take me seriously, he is just like his dad (stuborn/conservative), and my biologocal father is diceased so I basicly have noone but myself and like 1 friend who is always gone and never hits me up. NOT saying your lucky, but I want you to know that your not the only one whos parents are just ...idk... not really cool about it. My mom does NOT know how to teach a girl to be a girl, OR a boy to be a boy, she is mentaly challenged and is stuck inside a 47 year old body with the brain of a teenager and the wisdom of a ... person. I love them and want there support but may not get it picture perfect.. Yet. You still have an awesome life ahead of you!