General Discussions => Beauty => Topic started by: AnarchoChloe on February 22, 2013, 10:27:30 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Skincare
Post by: AnarchoChloe on February 22, 2013, 10:27:30 AM
Hello, I was wondering if anyone here had any recommendations for how to improve my skin? I've been neglectful of it my whole life (well, neglectful of pretty much every physical aspect of myself because what's the point of even trying when you're perpetually upset by the form in the mirror?) but now that I'm facing my GD head-on I am wondering how to go about taking care of my face. I use Origins facewash daily but that's it and I'm noticing that my face is drying out a lot more than it used to (probably because I'm bathing more regularly because of the endless cardio exercises I do each day) and that I'm breaking out along my chin line where my shadow is (which I think is due to the LHR going after the hair follicles).

What's your routine? Any and all advice is appreciated.
Title: Re: Skincare
Post by: EmmaS on February 22, 2013, 10:32:58 AM
Well I try to shave first if I'm going to shave. Then I start by using a moisturizer, then I use something called a scrub, it's basically a rougher cleanser, but not too rough obviously, and then I use a regular cleanser for regular skin. A lot of it depends on your skin type, if you have oily skin or sensitive skin be aware that you might want special types. Best of luck!
Title: Re: Skincare
Post by: Heather on February 22, 2013, 11:25:41 AM
If your skin drying out you should definitely use a moisturizer daily. And you should exfoliate daily to get rid of the dry/dead skin and I don't know if your on hormones yet but it will definitely improve your complexion. :)
Title: Re: Skincare
Post by: Heavenlywind on February 22, 2013, 05:58:11 PM
I guess it depends on your skin type :). This is what I usually do. I'm not sure if this will help you or not.

1. Cleanser oil at night
2. Cleansing foam for day and night
3. Massage cream
4. Lotion (toner)
5. Serum
6. Lotion
7. Eye Cream
8. makeup base
9. Makeup
10. Sun screen
11. Foundation
12. Loose powder
10. Go back to step 1 xD.

I generally use a sleeping mask or treatment at least once or twice a week. I also forgot about exfoliate, which I do once a week. Drink lots of water is a must and I guess you can use a parasol if you want to :).
Title: Re: Skincare
Post by: SiobhanB on February 26, 2013, 01:30:19 PM

The three key steps to looking after your skin are cleanse, exfoliate and mosturise.  Start with a good quality face cleanser, move on to an exfoliator like a clarifying lotion, and then use a moisturiser.  For the day use a moisturiser with Vitamin A (also known as Retinol) in it, make sure it has sun protection in it, ideally SPF30 or more.

For the evening use a night cream, and the all important eye cream to keep the area around your eyes moisturised.

Unfortunately all the dermatologists and beauticians I've spoken to agree that you need to pay for the more expensive brands if you're looking to improve your skin.  Brands like Clinique, Clarins, Environ are the kind of thing you're after.

Hope this helps,

Title: Re: Skincare
Post by: AnarchoChloe on February 26, 2013, 01:37:23 PM
Thanks for the advice, Siobahn. That's exactly the sort of basic information I've been trying to find out. I can't start HRT for a little while, so taking care of my skin is how I can keep myself on track in the meantime. Having to make up for decades of ignorance is a bit tough, though.
Title: Re: Skincare
Post by: Shannon1979 on February 28, 2013, 04:30:42 AM
I had the same problem having bad skin due to neglect. And acne. SiobhanB is dead on. Good facial cleanser one with microbeads is good And you dont have to go rediculously expensive i find the clean and clear range from johnson and johnson is pretty good. and there basic daily moisturizer has anti acne ingredients. I also use nivia body firming lotion this has worked wonders on the skin under my chin. :angel:
Title: Re: Skincare
Post by: Jennygirl on February 28, 2013, 05:38:20 AM
Coconut Oil saved me! Skin is now radiant and best shaves I've ever had.

ok my routine:


• Shave mid shower
   - generous amount of coconut oil 1st
   - shave with really small strokes opposing grain, rinsing razor every 2 or 3 strokes
   - shave upper lip last, usually apply a bit more coconut oil before hitting this area
• Exfoliate after shave in shower
   - just using remaining coconut oil on the skin and a $2 exfoliator from rite aid
   - more exfoliation around upper lip & chin, light on the cheeks
   - this helps to keep dead skin from appearing after shower when applying moisturizer/makeup
• Shampoo/conditioner last so coconut oil doesn't make my hair greasy if it touches my face

then after shower...

• Blue Algae moisturizer
• Primer with salicylic acid
• Orange lipstick dabs over shadow areas & blend ONLy on those areas, wipe off any surrounding orangeness
• Cover cream foundation, let absorb for 10 min (eye makeup & pick outfit),
• Dab foundation with finger to even out over pores
• Mineral powder over foundation to set
• BB cream anywhere else that needs it and to use as SPF / skin treatment for laser


• Warm compress to remove first layer of makeup
• Wash face w/ acne facewash
• Blue Algae moisturizer, also over eye area (eye makeup comes off more)
• Generous amount of coconut oil over top of reg moisturizer including over eye area, including any dry areas like arms/legs
• Let coconut oil sit for 5 min, then gently rub into skin
• Go to bed, face a little shiny from the CO

in the morning I have radiant skin. no more dryness, wrinkles have disappeared around eyes, skin looks younger, much softer, pores smaller, acne goooone and no razor bumps whatsoever. I suppose hormones could be playing a part, but I am just 2 weeks in on it and have noticed a huge difference.

Coconut oil! Trust me. It's really amazing stuff. For me it seems to now be preventing acne and I feel like my face is not overproducing oil anymore. I used to have really really oily skin. Funny, right? Here's why it works... it dissolves really deep into the skin unlike other oils, replenishes you and has antibacterial, antifungal, and antibiotic properties. Have to admit I was a little unnerved putting an "oil" I would typically eat on my face, but it has done wonders for my complexion and even healed a few styes I had from eye makeup in days.

It's worth noting that a lot of the more expensive moisturizers use coconut oil. But it's much cheaper when you buy the stuff off the food shelf and works just the same ;) Just make sure you get the extra virgin unrefined stuff! I put it all over my body. All my chest acne has cleared up too, and the CO is the only thing I've been using there...

Also I have heard from my holistic and totally drop dead gorgeous GG roommate that honey works really well as a cleanser, but I haven't tried it yet. She swears by honey and coconut oil.
Title: Re: Skincare
Post by: AnarchoChloe on February 28, 2013, 09:26:36 AM
Coconut oil is a great idea, thanks Jenny. I don't know why it didn't occur to me. We already mix it with my dog's food to make his coat shiny, using it on myself just makes sense.