General Discussions => Beauty => Topic started by: Apples Mk.II on March 08, 2013, 09:42:35 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Travelling with wigs without damaging them_
Post by: Apples Mk.II on March 08, 2013, 09:42:35 AM
It´s been a long time since the last I post outside the blog... Well, I need help. I can get all the tips on makeup, clothing, etc from the girls at work, bur obviously nobody knows about wigs.

For the time being, after the therapy I have to remove a few things in order to go back to "boy mode". Most of my sessions take place in the morning before coming to work, and I need to go directly from the hospital to the office. I still don´t have the approval for doing pre-HRT RLE at work.

After the appointment ends I need to remove breastforms, part of the makeup... ANd obviously the wig. Everything will have to go to a backpack or a sports bag. It will have to spend 8 hours there before I can get back home and put it back in its stand. And this time it is not exactly a cheap wig.

So, how can I pack it? It is a medium lenght capless one (shoulder level). My idea was to put it on a towel, fold the towel around the wig covering, and fold the "parcel" in half later. I don´t think a plastic bag is obviously going to be a good idea...

Title: Re: Travelling with wigs without damaging them_
Post by: Lyric on March 08, 2013, 06:43:20 PM
I don't think a plastic bag is a good idea, either. That would keep moisture in. I haven't really done a lot of traveling with wigs, but I've stored a few. Make a ball from a small towel or some similarly sized cloth. Pin or tape it together and put it inside the wig to help retain the wig cap's basic shape. The ball doesn't have to be as big as your head. Then wrap something like a large scarf over the outside of the wig. You might tie that or put the whole thing into a pillow case to keep it together. If it's a long wig you might want to pin it up first. As soon as you get home, put the wig on a form and comb it into shape and store it that way. If you leave it wound up too long the hair won't hang downward right and it will look goofy.

~ Lyric ~
Title: Re: Travelling with wigs without damaging them_
Post by: Apples Mk.II on March 13, 2013, 05:24:31 PM
Thanks. I also talked with a friend that used to do a lot of cosplay, and she recommended to "invert" it and do a braid with it.

In the end, I cand thing of a more mixed solution for it. Doing the towel ball idea you propose, puting it on a stick and plazing it on a shoebox style box. This way I could carry it in vertical inside the backpack without tangling or deforming it a lot...