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Title: no gay marriage for oregon
Post by: beth on November 04, 2005, 06:41:15 PM
SALEM, Ore. - A judge on Friday upheld a gay marriage ban adopted by Oregon voters last year, rejecting claims that the amendment made too many changes at once and interfered with local government.
In his ruling, Marion County Circuit Judge Joseph Guimond backed supporters of the law who said the measure only clarified marriage law in a single, simple sentence.


this sux

Title: Re: no gay marriage for oregon
Post by: Thundra on November 09, 2005, 08:10:54 AM
Oooooooh, I just love this *&^%!!!

Did everyone here know, that the marriages performed in Oregon during that crazy period two years ago and declared invalid are recognized as legal in countries that do not have a ban on Gay marriage?  How ironic is that?

Case in point, two women I know here, got hitched.  Way cool!
Moved to Belgium. Belgium does not outlaw same-sex marriage.
So, the couple cannot be married under Begium law, because their law recognizes the marriage certificate declared invalid in the state that recorded it for them, under a reciprocal agreement they have with our country.

Over there, they are conferred with the legal rights and responsibilities of marriage under Belgium law.

It's so crazy!!!!
Title: Re: no gay marriage for oregon
Post by: ILoveTSWomen on November 20, 2005, 05:04:29 PM
Maybe this isn't the correct place to ask, but since it was a post on state marriage laws I will anyway....

Which states recognize or allow marriage between either, a male and MTF, or female and FTM person?

I know the Supreme Court recently declinde to hear a Kansas case where Kansas said a marriage was not valid because the person had SRS...

Title: Re: no gay marriage for oregon
Post by: Leigh on November 20, 2005, 06:55:24 PM
You can get married in any state.

If it is contested upon death or divorce on a woman marrying a man or vice versa it will lose.

If it is a case of a woman marrying another woman, it will not happen unless the bio birth is told. 


Title: Re: no gay marriage for oregon
Post by: ILoveTSWomen on November 20, 2005, 07:03:43 PM
Thanks Leigh...

I wasn't sure of the legalities...

Title: Re: no gay marriage for oregon
Post by: beth on November 21, 2005, 10:59:53 PM
     Unfortunately even most liberal straight people do not want the word "Marriage" associated with a gay union. Combine that with the redneck element and the religious right and you have no marriage when it comes to a statewide vote.


Title: Re: no gay marriage for oregon
Post by: Leigh on November 21, 2005, 11:04:52 PM
Which part?

The population of Oregon is centered around the Portland metro area, the I 5 corridor and the coast.  The rest of the state is conservative to burn em witch hunters.

Unfortunately even in the liberal areas there is just enough neo-cons to sway votes statewide.  In local referendums or city/county voting the liberal vote hold sway.  The problem with any voter turnout is apathy, ignorance or bigitory.  The key to turning any vote around is educating those who are undecided.  I actually had a person say "I don't know any gay people"

 This is copied from a speech by Dallas Denny.

    We are the Transgendered.  We are your sons and daughters, your fathers and mothers, your cousins, your aunts and uncles, your grandparents, your grandchildren.  We are your stepfathers and stepsons, your stepmothers, your stepdaughters.  We are your adopted children and your adoptive parents, and we are the parents who have given you up for adoption.

We are your neighbors and friends.  We were your dorm-mate in college, your fraternity brother, your sorority sister.  We were in the Cub Scouts with you, in Brownies, in the Air Force, the Marines.  We are your bosses, your employees.  We work next to you on the assembly line.  We drive your cabs, your buses, your taxis.  We fly your planes, we sail your ships, we drive your locomotives.  We deliver your paper, stock the shelves in your groceries, ring up your purchases.

 We style your hair.  We press your suits.  We design your suits.  We cook your food in restaurants and we bring it to your table. We build your cars in Detroit.  We have stood on the moon.  We were at Shiloh and Gettysburg.  In the Great War we fought in the trenches and flew against the Red Baron, and now we live in our old age in Veterans Hospitals.  We were at Iwo Jima, and were in Korea and Viet Nam and Kuwait.

  We remember riding with Genghis Khan.  We saw Jesus Christ.
We fill your schools.  We are your principles, your teachers, your students, your librarians, the ones who sweep the halls.  We write your textbooks. We are your politicians, your farmers, your physicians, your priests, your nuns, your generals.  And we are the privates in your armies, your prostitutes.  We languish in your prisons.  And we are the guards and wardens of your prisons, too.  We are the little boy with red hair who mows your yard every summer.  We are the cop who gave you a ticket last night.  We are the little old lady in the next pew at church.

  We stand on your left side, and on your right, before you, and behind you.  We came before you, and we will come after you.  We are black, we are white.  We are young, we are old.  We are fat, we are thin.  We are poor, we are rich.  We are healthy, we are ill.  We are straight, we are gay.  We are male, we are female.  
  We are the Transgendered.  We have always been with you.  We will always be with you.

If she knew how many friends and family were, her opinions might be different and the possibility of her influencing others could grow.  Her children might grow up respecting that diversity is not to be looked down upon but be celebrated.

Only you can judge what is best for you as an individual, but your actions or lack thereof affect all.

If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.


Title: Re: no gay marriage for oregon
Post by: Thundra on November 22, 2005, 04:19:49 AM
With the Bushies and their Neo-Con allies firmly in charge of the Supremes for the next 10 to 20 years, I hold out little hope for an overnight change in the marriage wars -- nationwide.

I do hope that as Oregon's pop. grows, that this state has a better than good chance of overcoming the entrenched redneck vote.  People moving here tend to young, educated, queer, and Cali-natives seeking to escape their sinking state.  Those are all demographics that support a liberalization of Or-ree-gun law.

Plus, we have one of best organizations in the country pushing initiatives forward.  It really is only a matter of time until we win and they lose.

One thing that we are missing in this situation is good-cop/bad-cop politics.  In every advancement of civil rights, there has to be a bad-cop element to force the more conservative powers that be to negotiate with the good-cop front.  I really believe that Malcolm X made MLK more palatable for instance.

These people only understand fear, so if they are presented with a more radical agenda, the more moderate part of their constituancy will attempt to negotiate with the more "normal" looking part of our liberation front.

Hell, if it hadn't been for the push for marriage equalty, I strongly doubt that we would have had some of those hate crime bills passed by the conservative majority.

In negotiation, you always ask for MORE to get what you really want.
Title: Re: no gay marriage for oregon
Post by: beth on November 22, 2005, 11:10:52 AM
             Excellent observations Thundra.  I am a little more optimistic regarding the Supreme Courrt judges who are conservative.  They are also strict constitutionalists and that usually overrides their ideology. Some rights unnamed in the constitution will have problems, like abortion or environmental issues but inclusion of all into anti-discrimination laws and even inclusion in marriage is clear in the constitution.   Equal rights to all is a direct theme in the constitution and Bill of Rights, I am in the minority here but I expect them to uphold those rights.

Title: Re: no gay marriage for oregon
Post by: Sheila on November 23, 2005, 11:03:51 AM
Leigh, I really like that poem from Denny Dallas. Where did you get it? I copied it to save. Thank you
Title: Re: no gay marriage for oregon
Post by: Leigh on November 24, 2005, 01:55:13 AM

Hey I'm old.  I don't remember what yesterday was much less something I have had for years.

BTW.  I'm sorry I couldn't make it down for the meeting.  It was a choice of working more hours for xtra $$$ or going.  Greed won out.
