Activism and Politics => Discrimination => Topic started by: Mohini on April 20, 2013, 02:17:24 AM Return to Full Version

Title: "Baklá" Gay man...
Post by: Mohini on April 20, 2013, 02:17:24 AM
I am not sure if there are other Filipinos in this forum, but at two separate occurrences, I have walked by a group of Filipino men (one elder group, and one group of teenagers). As I would hear in the distance, I would hear the word 'baklá', which means a gay effeminate male in the Tagalog language.

I generally get read as female to most people, if not 90% when I am outside. However. twice I have heard this word while passing by. It could be that I happened to walk by and they were talking about someone else. OR they could be talking about me!  :icon_cry2:

If there are any Filipinos (or Filipinas) on this forum, do you know if it is common that Filipino men talk about gay men all the time? Or would be towards me that they were referring to?  :-\ My voice is about 70% of where I would like it to be, so it's not too bad. But still!

Here's a pic of me that I took JUST now... in my pyjamas. Please excuse the mess behind me, lol!


IF it's not towards me directly, I still am not happy that people who share my heritage can be so fudgin' homophobic. I really hate this weird Filipino idea of machismo.  >:(