Activism and Politics => Discrimination => Topic started by: angiejuly on May 06, 2013, 06:42:09 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Why do you refuse to help, I offer myself and am alone
Post by: angiejuly on May 06, 2013, 06:42:09 PM
I have worked months for us and all things. I try very hard to get attention to the Denny's CEO for bigotry from that corporation on every level and corporate is the worst of the bigots and treatment to me/us. It has become highly noticeable people are aclimated to living in blam and rage but refuse to do a thing positive. Everthing is givemn away to the Fake LGBT outreaches that only breed segrigation and hate. They do not work for Equality. They sefrigate equality into a very small thing.  I have written every single outreach that has come up on Google litterally. Not one will message me back at all. Not one! Not a single one at all. These programs arre spacifically placed to hold oppression and keep us from activism.

I am here, I am active , motivated for Equality on every level. Children, everything! As an out trans woman this is a huge example of inner strength to stand against so much hate. I am an offering to us all for this. I only wanted the CEO to know what happened and figured for credability he would bring awarenes to the training. My letters are burried.

I have written thousands in the months now and none write back for some strang reason.

There is no equality movement. I have looked, there is nothing! at all, I have tried very hard to find one and start my own. They only work for Gay marraige, WTF is that going to do?????????????????????????

I am a visionary of balance. I am not believed or heard at all. If you read this and choose to not write Denny's corporate about your support of me and your feelings of bigotry the you desurve to have it happen to you.  My efforts of working for what I do want and not focusing on what I do not want has stopped much hate but it still comes.

Will you please help me help us? Please? Will you please ask others to send a letter. I really feel many good things can grow from just this. I am trying very hard. I have trauma  and this is not easy for me. i just cannot find anything willinmg to be real but me so I am working hard.

Just know I am doing this because I love you. My love has been proven to be "not" accepted by leaving me burried by this corporate bigotry.

I wish all who read and choose to do nothing to experience hate until they are driven to do as me. 

You choose your future by what you choose to do in the now.

Please help ,  Love Anela ( Mail your support of Anela and her Equality movement  and thoughts here (

Title: Re: Why do you refuse to help, I offer myself and am alone
Post by: calico on May 08, 2013, 02:55:28 AM
I am curious as to what exactly has happened, I tried to look for a more direct mail address for the CEO as well via that link but I was unable to locate an address.
I asume you have been discriminated against and if that is the case have you also contacted the dept of labor there should be a number on a wall somewhere inside of denny's and if you dont work there perhaps a better business bureau?

Also what may work better is a petition - that can ultimately be sent with names on it, just an idea
Title: Re: Why do you refuse to help, I offer myself and am alone
Post by: angiejuly on May 15, 2013, 02:26:46 AM
Hey thanks for the advise.. Look What I did.  I was outed as a trans woman as a costomer when the server came up.  Then it started getting bad after I complained. Now they think they can burry my complaints when I opnly wanted it brought to his attention.  Love you!! (
Title: Re: Why do you refuse to help, I offer myself and am alone
Post by: calico on May 15, 2013, 05:34:04 AM
Quote from: angiejuly on May 15, 2013, 02:26:46 AM
Hey thanks for the advise.. Look What I did.  I was outed as a trans woman as a costomer when the server came up.  Then it started getting bad after I complained. Now they think they can burry my complaints when I opnly wanted it brought to his attention.  Love you!! (

There ya go!, I signed ;)
Title: Re: Why do you refuse to help, I offer myself and am alone
Post by: angiejuly on May 15, 2013, 01:10:52 PM
I love you for loving you enough to help you be a better you!  :) We are not bottom class citizens but it can seem that way soemtimes.