Community Conversation => Transitioning => Real-Life Experience => Topic started by: Teela Renee on May 10, 2013, 09:17:44 AM Return to Full Version

Title: 2 weeks full time.
Post by: Teela Renee on May 10, 2013, 09:17:44 AM
I just sorta wanted to share my story so here goes.

I started HRT at the age of 25. in june of 2012. transitioned in the upper pen of michigan, and it was terriable. I met a girl named crissy who is 32, also MTF 8 years my senior.   She invitied me into her home in indiana. Took me under her wing, and helped me learn to be Teela both in body and mind. She is like my big sister I never had, Her family is wonderful. Her 14 year old daughter calls me Teela. even called me sis.  Her boyfriend who lives with us is also really cool.   I actually feel like im part of a family for the first time in 25 years.  I went full time april 21st.  Not legally mind you. Still working on the cost of my name change. But I see it as full time. My friends, part of my biological family, all call me Teela, and think of me as Teela.  Going full time has been emotionally overwhelming at times, but the greatest feeling in the world. I walked into red robin to eat with a friend, and got called ma'am for the first time, I had to walk back outside cause I burst into tears. Hearing that ment so much. still unemployed but looking, keeping my head up. living off my live savings. Currently im in Florida, with the woman who took me into her home. She had SRS and is finally the woman she always knew herself to be. She just got released from the clinic this morning.  Being full time getting to share this moment, with her. its been so amazing and I cant wait to keep this journey going. Tomarow is my 26th birthday. And I have never had birthday wishes. this year I have one. as part of my legal name change, I hope my friend/sister/mentor. Will let me offically join her family. As a tribute to all she has done for me I wanna shed my old last name and become a sucacin.  If you'll excuse me she is waking up and I need to tend to her
Title: Re: 2 weeks full time.
Post by: Albina on May 10, 2013, 09:32:58 AM

That is a wonderful story and a nice beginning! I am glad for you. Keep going and good luck.  :)
Title: Re: 2 weeks full time.
Post by: Teela Renee on May 10, 2013, 09:40:30 AM
Quote from: Albina on May 10, 2013, 09:32:58 AM

That is a wonderful story and a nice beginning! I am glad for you. Keep going and good luck.  :)

Thank you.
Title: Re: 2 weeks full time.
Post by: Tristan on May 10, 2013, 10:15:37 AM
im glad things are going so well for you. sounds like your on the right track  ;D
Title: Re: 2 weeks full time.
Post by: Teela Renee on May 10, 2013, 10:26:00 AM
thank you. I have been gone from here for awhile and I had been fallowing you for abit before. How have you been.
Title: Re: 2 weeks full time.
Post by: Anna_81 on May 14, 2013, 02:57:55 AM
Thank you for sharing that wonderful story with us Teela, and congratulations on going full time!!
I am really happy for you, and you look absoloutley gorgeous in your profile pic.
You should be very proud of your self, well done :)
Title: Re: 2 weeks full time.
Post by: Bookworm on May 14, 2013, 03:35:21 AM
That is wonderful to hear about. I hope that all goes well. If i might add you are very pretty :). It looks like you have had some great luck. Keep it up and keep us posted.