General Discussions => Education => Topic started by: xander on May 17, 2013, 04:03:48 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Being LGBTIQ at University
Post by: xander on May 17, 2013, 04:03:48 AM
For those of who attend, what kind of queer support groups are there at your institute? Is there a queer room/lounge? What services do they have?
Title: Re: Being LGBTIQ at University
Post by: Nyri on June 09, 2013, 11:14:37 PM
I just got my email saying I've been accepted to a school (Portland State University), and while I haven't been there yet, I've been digging through their Queer Resource Center's website, and it seems  like they offer quite a bit.  They seem to take any sort of discrimination very seriously and have all of the resources to deal with it... all of the forms to file reports are both on their website and in their office.  They also have a form they can help you fill out to make sure that the professors will use your preferred name and pronoun if you haven't changed it legally yet.  I believe I read somewhere that they have a lounge type thing along with a gender neutral bathroom, but I'm not finding the part of the website where I saw that again, so maybe I'm imagining things.  They apparently have a library within the QRC.  They either offer counseling or make sure you get it... You can meet with a staff member of the QRC somewhere else if you need resources but are afraid to go in.  They also offer academic advising and a lavender graduation.  They also have meetings, workshops, events, and stuff like that.  I'm pretty excited.

I used to attend Colorado State University, and I've passed their GLBT Resource Center several times and been in it once... but it didn't do me much good since I was still under the impression that god would hate me if I changed anything about the way he made me or if I wanted to be with a girl (thankfully that is over).  Their office wasn't huge, but there was a small place to hang out and it seemed like they had quite a bit of resources.  I think they're moving their office to a larger space, though so they'll have more room.  They did have an umbrella support group for coming out... but that's all I really know.
Title: Re: Being LGBTIQ at University
Post by: Jean24 on March 17, 2014, 12:52:16 AM
I go to ASU and it doesn't seem like there is much here. I know there are several support groups and a frat and a sorority for LGBT groups.
Title: Re: Being LGBTIQ at University
Post by: Yukari-sensei on March 17, 2014, 02:56:41 AM
At my university (University of Texas - Pan American) we have an LGBT Alliance, but the meetings are always when I have my other organization meetings... The university itself for lack of on campus organizations is very good about being supportive of transgender students... or at least that has been my experience so far.

Still hope to go to a meeting this semester. :)