Community Conversation => Non-binary talk => Topic started by: Adreni on June 24, 2013, 03:48:18 PM Return to Full Version

Title: MTA hormones (Want to know everything I can about side effects)
Post by: Adreni on June 24, 2013, 03:48:18 PM
I was talking to an MTF friend of mine the other day, asking questions about her HRT and it was really inspiring, so I started thinking about doing it myself (well, I was already thinking about it... thus the questions) and... well, the idea makes me pretty giddy, I'll say... so there's not much stopping me mentally.

The one reservation I have is reproductive/sexual... how much is too much? At what point would I stop functioning properly? Eventually I do want to have kids and I'm not exactly keen on sacrificing my sex life. I hear it depends on the person, I seem to hear it takes full replacement therapy, I hear this and that... so where does the truth lie?

I know it depends on the person... but I want to know EVERYTHING I can before actually going through with it...

And on a side note, I'm really thrilled to be here. I was getting really discouraged, thinking that trans-androgynes were this esoteric rarity and I'd find it almost impossible to get advice for my specific form of trans... to the devs, thank you for creating this... and to the residents, thank you for filling it with people who can identify with me.
Title: Re: MTA hormones (Want to know everything I can about side effects)
Post by: Brightest After Dawn on June 26, 2013, 12:52:58 AM
Yeah, the sterility thing is really holding me up too. (Not that it's the only concern, but it's a major one.) I do really want to have kids someday.

Oddly losing sexual function is less of an issue for me. But then I find it hard (no pun intended) to get aroused physically to begin with.

It is nice to have this board, isn't it? :) Just having the non-binary label, and the acceptance from people on other parts of the gender spectrum, trans or otherwise, has been very liberating for me.
Title: Re: MTA hormones (Want to know everything I can about side effects)
Post by: Jamie D on June 26, 2013, 02:17:50 AM
Adreni - sorry I did not get to this sooner.  On the Androgyne Talk forum there are several topics and posts by Ativan, Riven, myself, and others, about the emotional and physical effects of low-dose HRT on members with non-binary identities.

In your case it would include estrogen and/or some form of T-blocker.
Title: Re: MTA hormones (Want to know everything I can about side effects)
Post by: Adreni on June 26, 2013, 09:30:35 AM
Quote from: Brightest After Dawn on June 26, 2013, 12:52:58 AM
Yeah, the sterility thing is really holding me up too. (Not that it's the only concern, but it's a major one.) I do really want to have kids someday.

Oddly losing sexual function is less of an issue for me. But then I find it hard (no pun intended) to get aroused physically to begin with.

It is nice to have this board, isn't it? :) Just having the non-binary label, and the acceptance from people on other parts of the gender spectrum, trans or otherwise, has been very liberating for me.

It has been for me too. I haven't run into much abuse, but I've hit a little discrimination from both cisgenders and transgenders alike and it's unsettling and doubt-bringing.

Quote from: Jamie D on June 26, 2013, 02:17:50 AM
Adreni - sorry I did not get to this sooner.  On the Androgyne Talk forum there are several topics and posts by Ativan, Riven, myself, and others, about the emotional and physical effects of low-dose HRT on members with non-binary identities.

In your case it would include estrogen and/or some form of T-blocker.

Thanks. I've run into some information on spironolactone but even that information is discomforting... I want to have kids, I want to have a sex life - especially considering I have a very loving mate - and I'm getting really worried that I won't be able to have that AND transition...
Title: Re: MTA hormones (Want to know everything I can about side effects)
Post by: Joanna Dark on June 27, 2013, 02:18:24 PM
I think you would be taking a big chance by going on HRT. A low dose of spiro won't do anything and a medium or regular dose along with estrogen may very well make you sterile. But even if it didn't it would certainly sap your sex life and ability to maintain and achieve an erection. I'm not on a particularly high dose of HRT and erections have become a rarity and the consistency of semen is non-existent.  In fact, I don't do semen anymore. This is after four months. You could do it, but you should know there is a chance even at low doses it may have effects you don't want. It's a YMMV thing. I know in other threads people say you can present male for months and not experience any noticeable change on HRT for six months to a year yet at four months almost everyone I know has noticed and asked if i was getting a sex change or becoming a woman or something. So it may not be the norm but what I am saying is the effects are unpredictable and even low doses can cause major feminization.

Then again you might be fine and get exactly the changes you want, which I assume is minor feminization.
Title: Re: MTA hormones (Want to know everything I can about side effects)
Post by: Adreni on June 27, 2013, 04:11:39 PM
Not so much "minor" as exactly halfway... though, I wouldn't be against major on an aesthetic basis as long as I could counterbalance back over with stylization.

I've been coming to terms with it, though... I'm more sensual than I am directly sexual, so I think with the mentality I have I might be able to maintain a decent sex life, especially since my mate favors foreplay. Besides, my sexuality is rooted very deeply in non-sexual hungers, and I think that'll play a significant role in maintaining my sexuality.
Title: Re: MTA hormones (Want to know everything I can about side effects)
Post by: Kaelin on June 28, 2013, 12:07:25 PM
I've tried reading the other threads, but I'm having trouble teasing out a detail that may be relevant to this topic: Do we know how much of "male fertility" (particularly long term) is affected by the presence of E, and how much is changed by a lack of T?  My understanding is that an anti-androgen treatment by itself would (not surprisingly) kill off T, with little effect on E, and estrogen treatment by itself would reduce T (although not as much as when combined with an anti-androgen) and E would (not surprisingly) increase (but not as much as if combined with an anti-androgen).  If sterility is tied more to having high E, then this would point towards a hormone-based feminization to achieve certain effects** as inherently risky, although reducing masculinity (where T hasn't already rendered it irreversible) remains an option.  On the other hand, if sterility is tied more to low T, then (aside from side effect concerns) one *might* be able to maintain a sufficient level of T while elevating E by putting together a doctor-prescribed (and monitored) cocktail of testosterone and estrogen treatment (obviously with more emphasis on the estrogen).  Of course there can be side effects with being loaded with that much in hormones (if the body even permits it rather than gobbling up extra hormones until the body is down to a "normal" level), and it is even more vital than with typical HRT to have a doctor keeping an eye on things.  And again, this all assumes that low T rather than high E is the problem.

It may be the case that E (being high) and T (being low) are each highly influential concerning "male" sterility.  Or that we don't know, because professionals haven't studied their relative effect on fertility sufficiently, owing in good part to society's (and often medicine's) insistence on the gender binary, and also due to a small number of patients willing to put their fertility on the line.  Yet it is valuable to people whose identity does not neatly fit into that gender binary (and want their body to match better) and who still want to protect their sexuality options, and sometimes they benefit from some calculations concerning risk and relative risk that are more precise than "anything could happen."

** If someone just wants cleavage, then implants would be sufficient.  The premise here is that people are interested in other effects.
Title: Re: MTA hormones (Want to know everything I can about side effects)
Post by: Eva Marie on June 28, 2013, 12:56:09 PM
Here is what has happened to me on a low dose of HRT. I identified as an androgyne early on and now i've narrowed it down to bigender with a heavy leaning toward MTF. I am 50 years old FWIW

I started taking low doses of estrogen in early 2009, cycling on for a few months and then back off again. During this time i don't remember having problems getting erections. I did not take an anti-androgen back then.

About two years ago (still on the on-off HRT plan) I had several panicky episodes where I heard a loud repetitive voice in my head telling me that "you're a girl" and I had racing thoughts and the need to present en femme was overwhelming. It also seemed like a good idea to get a divorce. A few days after having these feelings boy mode would return and i'd be thinking "whoa! what just happened?".

After that I started taking my low dose every day without a break. The episodes stopped.

All that to say that i've been on low dose HRT for roughly 4.5 years, counting the early on-off days.

Today erections rarely happen on their own and there is *0* output at the end of.... ummmm... well, you know. At any rate the tool is unusable for it's normal purpose, which is fine because i'm not interested in sex anymore anyway. I have A cups now and my butt and thighs and belly are where fat goes. Body hair is far less. My face has rounded out a bit and i see changes around my eyes but no one has ever said anything to me, even on days where you can just make out the shape of my boobs under my shirt. I'm taking an AA now too, and the thin patch of hair on the back of my head has been slowly coming back.

One strange thing that i've noticed is that i see people checking me out when i'm wearing a baseball cap in public - it hides my hair and i guess that people see something with the hair hidden.

The changes allow me to easily switch between boy presentation and girl presentation. The HRT calmed the dysphoria and made my life 100% better than before. My gender swings are quite mild now.

YMMV, but for me I was still able to "function" for quite a while when I first started HRT. But eventually it *will* make changes that you might not like, or that you like a whole bunch!
