General Discussions => Education => Topic started by: Kendall on July 26, 2013, 01:17:05 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Going back to school
Post by: Kendall on July 26, 2013, 01:17:05 PM
With the divorce, move, and change in circumstances I think I will take some more classes, consider changing majors, learn some new skills, or trade. At age 41 is possibly halfway towards being able to retire, if all things go well.

Gender identity and expression wise, I feel pretty confident about being who I am.

My first education was in accounting, which I hated afterwards. I ended up only working retail. Retail has taken a toll on my back from lifting heavy boxes of stuff.

I am considering trying computers, IT, and or psychology, social work type of education. It might not lead anywhere, but worth a try at this point in life.

The two major gender type issues in my life at this point might relate to any possible career or future romantic relationship.
