General Discussions => Entertainment => Gaming => Topic started by: LocustToybox on August 15, 2013, 03:18:00 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Transgender Sims
Post by: LocustToybox on August 15, 2013, 03:18:00 AM
So, recently I have been entertaining myself by making transgender sims on the Sims 3. I have only been making women so far, as making transmen is kind of difficult do to the lack of androgynous clothes in the game and lack of mods catering to FtM sims. Have any of you guys tried to make transgender sims? If so, please share them in this thread. :3

Here are my girls that I made:

I used a couple mods to give them a more feminine body shape and give them skirts. I also downloaded the vampire wings and more realistic eyes.
Critique is appreciated.