Community Conversation => Transitioning => Voice Therapy and Surgery => Topic started by: Anastasia E on September 13, 2013, 08:52:57 PM Return to Full Version

Title: 'Karaoke' as voice training?
Post by: Anastasia E on September 13, 2013, 08:52:57 PM
Hi all! Inspired by this beautiful lady, who has the most amazing singing voice (both as male and female!), I was wondering if anyone else has ever considered using 'Karaoke' (IE. singing) as voice training? (
(Starts at 0:30).

I realize it won't give you the natural sounding speech patterns, but IMO that is mostly a matter of practice and actually using it anyway. The most important part for those of us just starting (and who have never done any funny voices, acting, etc) has got to be achieving the ability to speak at a much different pitch than we are used to, for extended amounts of time. From what I can gather, it's mostly a matter of repeatedly pushing your voice and training your throat muscles (?) every day. I find it really hard to sit around and talk to myself all day, so I got the idea to sing instead! Currently using this site: (, and having fun with it.. even though my voice breaks a lot and I have trouble getting.. resonance right (I think that's what it's called).. I also get hoarse and have to take a break every few songs, and no idea what the neighbors think either Lol!

Anyway, am I totally off in this? Is it impossible for most MtF to hit those high notes required in many songs, or is it a good aim to have? Is it actually helpful, or is it better to sit down and try to mimic the voice of your favorite actress or w/e is usually suggested instead?

Please let me know your thoughts ^_^
Title: Re: 'Karaoke' as voice training?
Post by: Aina on September 13, 2013, 09:31:53 PM
I've never been very good singer in my male voice, so my female singing is also not so good, but that is more along the lines of sounding flat and tone deaf hehe. I think there is a level of born talent for those who can sing well.

But that does not mean you can't get a voice that is passable. Like anything it takes practice even the best singers in the world need to practice!

A year ago I was super embarrassed with my female voice, it sounded so bad and so fake. Now a days I am getting there, but I am no were near were I want to be but it has vastly improved, only because I practice every single day.

I do my practicing mainly in the shower, and on my daily commute, then later at night I try to do some recordings to see how it sounds.

and FYI - I love that video she has such a beautiful voice both female and male. Very touching story - I wonder if she made it all the way...
Title: Re: 'Karaoke' as voice training?
Post by: Anastasia E on September 17, 2013, 07:41:00 PM
I've also never been any kind of singer in my male voice, but hey if I can learn to be a decent singer with my female voice I won't complain. At all. ^^

That being said, I just wanted to post an update.. been playing around with different songs on this site, singing for 5-10 minutes at a time a few times a day (any more and my throat complains and I become completely unable to reach high notes.. I dont want to strain my voice too much) - and I can already feel some progress, it's definitely easier to do the high notes every day, and it takes longer before it becomes uncomfortable.. I still can't reach the -highest- yet, but I am hoping it's a matter of time!

Now, granted, it doesn't sound good (the recordings) even when I hit the notes (no idea how it records score though), but that's mainly because a lot of songs are way above any kind of pitch I would feel comfortable talking with, so it sounds very shrilly.. do anyone have advice to offer regarding this? Is it just a matter of time and practice?
Title: Re: 'Karaoke' as voice training?
Post by: Aina on September 17, 2013, 09:41:29 PM
Quote from: Miss Bungle on September 17, 2013, 08:48:42 PM
Yes it is. You just have to keep at it. Yeah, you will sound shrill and will more than likely make yourself cringe. But if you keep practicing, eventually it will work itself out.

Yep little over a year and I still have trouble - making my voice sound louder. The lase few days I think I've improved, but practice practice practice!

Also if you post over "does" my voice pass people can give you suggestions if they can hear your progression.