Community Conversation => Transgender talk => Topic started by: Tavia on September 27, 2013, 08:23:24 PM Return to Full Version

Title: My Plans for Transition
Post by: Tavia on September 27, 2013, 08:23:24 PM
Let me start by introducing myself.  I'm Richie (undecided female name), and I'm a younger trans girl.  I haven't started HRT or even dressing like a female yet, due to fear of having my ass handed to me in school.  I've come out to my mom, and she's perfectly accepting.  I'm too scared to come out to my dad as of now.
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone on here started their transition from MtF in high school.  If you have, how were you treated?

And another question:  What are the FULL *emphasizes full* effects of HRT in developing teens and how do they differ from effects in adults? 

Thank you so much! :)

Age Modification
Title: Re: My Plans for Transition
Post by: Ms. OBrien CVT on September 27, 2013, 08:27:04 PM
Hi Richie, :icon_wave:

Welcome to our little family. Over 7732 members. That would be one heck of a family reunion.

Feel free to post your successes/failures, Hopes/dreams.  Ask questions and seek answers. Give and receive advice.

But remember we are family here, your family now. And it is always nice to have another sister. (

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Janet  )O(
Title: Re: My Plans for Transition
Post by: Jamie D on September 27, 2013, 09:04:08 PM
Welcome Tavia!

For those who identify as MtF, and have not yet completed puberty (typical in your early 20s), it may be beneficial to start puberty blockers, as an interim measure.

The rule of thumb is that the earlier you start, the better your results will be.  Not always true.  And I have seen some very beautiful MtF gals here who started much later. 
Title: Re: My Plans for Transition
Post by: MaybeJake on September 27, 2013, 10:06:54 PM
Hi, Richie! Welcome!

I'm a noob here, too, and pretty much where you are in real life, regarding your transition (only I'm, like, at least fifteen years older) but I haven't started dressing like a guy, binding, or HRT yet because I don't have the money, and won't till I get a job. I've got the name that I want to be called picked out, but that's pretty much it.

I know how it feels to be standing on the cusp, ready to just go for it, but not quite have the tools.

And I haven't told my mother, either. My friends, yes. My mother, no. It's a tough conversation to begin. But when your time comes to tell your father, you'll be up to the challenge.

I wish you luck and success in whatever you do. Especially in telling your father. And don't worry: in the grander scheme of things, high school will be a blip on your radar. It's a mere training ground for the wider world. You've survived it, so far, so you'll be more than strong enough to handle transitioning.

Title: Re: My Plans for Transition
Post by: CourtneyAngelina on September 27, 2013, 10:51:27 PM
Welcome Richie! I'm new here too, just made my introduction yesterday. I'm in high school as well ( senior year ) with the same fears you have about being harmed. That's one of the reasons I've put off transition until after high school ends. I've been waiting for what seems like forever ( came to the realization that I was trans in 7th grade ) but I'll be starting HRT and everything within the next year hopefully. Just have to graduate, line up my college plans so I have a ticket out of my parents home, and then I'll be on my way :)

I'm glad your mom was accepting! That's a huge plus! Both my parents are highly unsupportive ( they don't know I'm trans, but they're very anti-LGBT so I know they won't be okay with it ) so that makes things difficult, but not impossible. You said you're afraid to come out to your dad, is it because you have a general idea that he would react negatively, or you just don't want to let him down? ( the father-"son" guilt trip can stink, idk if you can relate to that or not ).

Once again, welcome, and I wish you the best of luck on your journey :)