Community Conversation => Transitioning => Coming out of the closet => Topic started by: Gray Seraph on June 22, 2007, 07:58:34 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Came out to my psychiatrist, finally...
Post by: Gray Seraph on June 22, 2007, 07:58:34 PM
Tonight I finally came out to my psychiatrist, and it felt great :).

I made it out to be much worse than it really was, but once I got going it was easier. I almost cried when I told her, and she knew I was close to it. She really didn't seem all that surprised at what I told her actually, it kind of made sense given what I'd told her in the past. She may be able to help me more than I thought, because she seems to have some knowledge about these things. I just wish the session could've been longer than 1 hour, because I still couldn't fit everything in. It would be nice if this solves my anxiety as well, since it's just a byproduct of my repression of my true self. Anyways I guess it's official now, that I'm TS.

So to anyone that's still afraid of telling their doctor, it's really not bad at all. Now I understand why everyone kept saying what they did, so thanks everyone for helping me get this far :).

It's like a huge burdens been lifted from my shoulders, for the first time in awhile I actually feel happy. Next time I see her I'm going to discuss how to come out to my mother.
I'm pretty close to my mother, so I don't think she'd disown me, but I should still carefully plan the best way to deal with her, along with my psychiatrist's help.

Should I do hormones first? I probably have a better chance of paying for them(time and money) then electrolysis or laser hair removal. I know a lot of people would suggest the opposite. My money situation may resolve itself in a few months as I'm almost finished with an online course in graphic design, so things may start to get better.

Again thanks for the encouragement everyone, this really is a nice community. I'll probably stay here for awhile yet, because it's really been a great help so far.
