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Title: Jared Leto's New Clip Previews His Shocking Transgender Transformation
Post by: Amelia Pond on October 12, 2013, 10:49:45 AM
Jared Leto's New Clip Previews His Shocking Transgender Transformation (

It seems like every year during the fall movie season, as actors begin to collect accolades that eventually turn into nominations, there are one or two physical transformations that capture everyone's attention. This year, two of those performances are in the same film.

Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto are already earning serious praise and Oscar buzz for their roles in "Dallas Buyers Club," the true-life story of two HIV patients who fight for their lives by bringing in unapproved drugs from across the border into the U.S. While both men make startling transformations for the film, Leto, in particular, is being called out for how unrecognizable he is, as you can see in a recently released clip.
Title: Jared Leto was 'seduced' by role of Rayon in 'Buyers Club'
Post by: Bardoux on November 02, 2013, 09:52:38 AM
Jared Leto was 'seduced' by role of Rayon in 'Buyers Club'
Editor, October 31st

Woodroof (played by Matthew McConaughey) works closely in the buyers club with Rayon (Jared Leto) — a transgender woman living with HIV and struggling with a drug habit — and the two become unlikely friends.

Leto tells Fresh Air's Terry Gross that he was "seduced" by the richness of his character and a phenomenal script. It was an opportunity, he says, "to be a part of something that was really special."

When you stay in character your performance time is unlimited. It's all day long on the set. And it can educate you and give you an opportunity to build the character, for me in a much better way. I also think that the role was so far removed from who people may expect I am in my daily life that it was really beneficial to stay as close to the part as possible. I couldn't imagine every time the director yelled "action" to have to recall all of the physicality, all of the stuff going on inside, the voice as well, and the dialect and the walk, the body center, the circumstances on a moment's notice. (
Title: Jared Leto on movies, music and playing a transgender woman
Post by: Bardoux on November 02, 2013, 09:58:03 AM
Jared Leto on movies, music and playing a transgender woman
Piya Sinha-Roy, October 30th

Q: You went through an extreme physical transformation to convey the symptoms of a HIV-positive character. How challenging was that?

A: It's one of the most challenging roles I've ever taken on, physical and emotional. But when I read this, I thought it was a really steep climb and I wanted to walk down this path.

I started at the beginning as far as research goes, listening, meeting with transgender people, learning about the culture. Then (there were) a series of other challenges, from the voice, the dialect, the register, the body center, the movement, the emotional conditions and circumstances. And then there were the heels, the waxing of the body, the removal of the eyebrows, the losing of 30-40 pounds (13-18 kilos, so there was a lot there, but it was an incredible and fascinating experience. (


Bloody heck Jared Leto is gorgeous...