Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Male to female transsexual talk (MTF) => Topic started by: rhonda13000 on June 30, 2007, 02:14:46 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Post-op BA - Today - I Will Wind Up a "DD" Eventually Via Growth.
Post by: rhonda13000 on June 30, 2007, 02:14:46 PM

I am in a dispassionate to negative mood as I scribe this; the tone is net emotionally neutral.

The growth continues unabated and of phenomenal magnitude; I had examined the breasts for general condition and in particular, the area of concern noted by my surgeon and I was struck the expansion of the areoli and the notable increase in mass of the glandular tissue.

Growth pain [actually, discomfort] overall has never diminished and it has been present bilaterally.

And I just shook my head thinking,

"I'm going to wind up being "DD"; it is apparent now that this is inevitable."

My surgeon scared me when he said that infection was to be avoided pretty much at all costs, otherwise he may well have to remove the implants.

"Oh no, I couldn't deal with that", I thought.

But no, I could, for if the worst occurred I would be absolutely determined to generate the money needed for new implants.

--The sub-glandular placement of the implants for me at least, was clearly now the superior selection for placement.

The appearance is very satisfactory - and they look natural.