Community Conversation => Transitioning => Hair removal => Topic started by: Mx Pippa on November 24, 2013, 03:40:34 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Laser Hair Removal the next step, the Fair Ones. Plus Me Elos Review
Post by: Mx Pippa on November 24, 2013, 03:40:34 PM
Some of you may have completed your laser treatment for the time being, only to be plagued by white hairs that your treatment may have missed. Especially if like me you fall into the mature age band.  There again you may be of younger years and have blonde or fair hair  About 4 years ago I had the full works on my very dark facial hair, around ten treatment sessions with the laser. A few top up sessions then followed 18 months or so ago.

Black hair now is very rear on my face, but the white ones still grow on in the safety of their laser resistant white roots. Well they were safe until 6 months ago when a secret weapon came into my arsenal in the form of Pigmentine from Quartz Cosmetics. Used morning a night, it breaks down the white hairs stealth protection from praying lasers by gradually colouring the roots black.

Now after 5 treatments things are looking up, and it's not just the lack of hair, but a definitely noticeable softening of the facial skin.
Me Elos – Amazon review
I've tried so many different machines over the past few years, and this is certainly the one for me. I purchased it about 2 years ago, and it rarely needs to come out now so far as legs, arms and under arms are concerned. It struggles with some areas e.g. pubic hair, which seem much coarser.

My face gets done at a salon, but I do use my Me - Elos on my face in between professional treatments, so can't really say just how effective it is on my face, although it does feel like it's zapped a hair or three. (one get to know when a root has been fried).

One of the draw backs with this machine is the price of the heads. Standard ME heads (5000 flashes) are a pain, I found the standard head dose about 3 full leg treatments, I would think you would need at least 12 full treatments over at least a year, due to the cycles or whatever, that hair grows in. This applies to whatever the machine you chose to use. Professional machines cost 30 times the price of these home units and that's probably being on the conservative side, and you need 8 to 10 treatments with them, so please don't think you're going to be hair free and super smooth after 20 minutes with your new exciting machine. You are really going to have to work at it.  If the funds permit, and you're going for the ME-Elos,  splash out on the long life Quarts head 100,000 flashes. I've always used mine with the Epilator attachment, and find it works well.

I have just noticed that there is now a facial attachment. So I may have to take a look at that, I only get white hair on my face now, so the salon has me on Pigmentine to make them visible to their machine, I have used the Me, with Pigmentine, and once again I did get that zapped feeling.
For Info on Pigmentine: ( (

Pippa Jones