General Discussions => Health => Weight loss => Topic started by: MindyD on December 06, 2013, 09:02:39 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Laser lipo
Post by: MindyD on December 06, 2013, 09:02:39 PM
So here's the deal.
I've been dieting and exercising for the last year I dropped from 215lbs at 5'10" to 169lbs.
This last month has seen me bounce up to 178 and back down to 169. No matter how much I run I can't seem to drop.

Now I have some jelly on my upper thigh and around my waist (belly and love handles).

I found on groupon laser lipo treatments 6 for $350 (amazingly the same amount as my Holliday bonus).

Has anyone tried it?
I'm dying to get rid of this man physique, and if diet and exercise doesn't want to work maybe this will.