General Discussions => Education => Topic started by: EvilBunny on December 20, 2013, 04:44:24 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Anyone here studying Maths and/or Science/IT in UK
Post by: EvilBunny on December 20, 2013, 04:44:24 AM
I start Open University in February 2014 and am wondering if anyone here is studying Math/Science and or IT in the UK that may want the occasional chit-chat about problems or just to support each other?

I am not a friend of education and have always found it hard to study.  My experience has always been 'in the field' (IT Geek). 

Perhaps someone studying IT needs help - In that case I offer my assistance (I am a knowledgeable geek and know a whole bunch of 'stuff') - I'd love to help where I can.
