Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Male to female transsexual talk (MTF) => Topic started by: Ltl89 on January 03, 2014, 03:42:29 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Ltl89 on January 03, 2014, 03:42:29 PM
[This is an LTL rant, so don't expect anything productive]

One of the things that motivated me to move forward was that I would be able to live the life of my dreams.  That one day all of my fantasies that I had hoped for would become reality.  Of course, I wasn't so dumb and naive enough to consider that "everything" I've dreamt about would come true, but I did hope I'd get closer to my ideal life.  Besides, these fantasies were never really big to begin with.  I just wanted to look like any other normal girl and get to live a normal life just like most women do.  That's really all I want.  No big fireworks, just something simple.  A normal life as a girl.  That's all. 

Where am I?  Well after a few months on Estradiol (June) and Spironactalone (July), I don't know.  I look much more fem, but it's not where I'd hope to be at this point.  Sure, I know there will be some trans women that will say I'm better off than they were at this point and that I have the luck of youth on my side, but I want to see it too.  Yeah, I'm sure it could be worse and that the reality isn't as bleak as I make it.  Still that doesn't mean it couldn't be better.  The fact is I'm getting sick of this in between crap.  When is it going to end and when I'm I going to see a girl in the mirror at all times and not some of the time?  Why must I look like some boy-girl with boobs? My whole life I've felt that I'm a girl, yet I've never got to look or live like one.   It's debilitating and it's unfair.  Why can't I just pass and be pretty like genetic girls?  Why must it take so much time and effort to get where I want to be?  I'm no longer at the point where I'm afraid for the future and my passing potential  and yes, every month I see more and more progress (especially since my last dose increase); however, I'm sick of waiting to reach that point where I can achieve total male fail and can feel relieved about passing at all or most times. I just want to be there now and stop waiting for it to happen.

As far as acceptance from the people of my life, it's all so complicated.  I really don't feel like I have a support system at all.  To be honest, feel very much alone in my entire transition, and this is the time when I need support and acceptance the most.  I'm about to go part time (end of January) with no one on my side or anyone for me to reach out to in need.  How can I expect things to go well with strangers and the public when acceptance and support is so tentative or apathetic with those who are in my life.   It's just very hard.  To be honest, I'm terrified to go part time without any sort of support system and such little acceptance in my life.  It's really really frightening.  I'm not used to being on my own.  It's a very hard concept for me to grasp especially with this.  And I don't even know if I'll be ready at the end of January.  I really don't know.

I know everyone is going to say time and patience.  I get it.  Time and patience are required in order to pass.  And time and patience are required for family and others to come around and truly accept and embrace me as female. My life probably will sort out in time if I just had some patience.  However, I'm sick of the wait for everything.  I can't do it any longer.   I want things to start improving now.   I've waited long enough at this point.  I'm not giving up and will move forward regardless, but I just want the reality I face to start matching up to my dreams.  At least in some way and soon.  I've been dealing with this all lnog enough.   I just want to be able to have a normal life as a girl without the unnecessary drama and challenges that transitioning brings up.  The wait is making me miserable.  I need some kind of change or positive development soon, or I may just break down. Honestly, I'll never give up on my dream , but I have no idea on how to make it a reality. 
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Jessica Merriman on January 03, 2014, 03:48:09 PM
Well said baby! Just remember, WE will never give up on you at all and love you a lot. Sounds like you need....................................... :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_hug:
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: vlmitchell on January 03, 2014, 03:49:46 PM
I've said before and I'll say again that the only way to move forward is to do so. Another way to say this would be "fake it 'till you make it".

Bullet list to get somewhere:
- Ignore hormone progress. They'll do what they'll do but in *no* way are they the most important part of transitioning.
- Dress like you want. You'll get it wrong at first but you'll at least be moving ahead.
- If you know that you're going to do this, just come out, maybe? To everyone, maybe? At least you'll be moving ahead.
- Do things that you've always wanted to do unless it's *actually* impossible right now.
- Make a financial plan for SRS (if you're going there) or electro (if you're going there) and starting making movement on it (even at $1 a day, if it's like that).
- Get out of the house. No. Really.
- Start living the life that you want no matter where you're at.

You may notice a lot of repetition of theme in that list. There's a reason for that, my dear.
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: FalseHybridPrincess on January 03, 2014, 04:11:43 PM
Quote from: learningtolive on January 03, 2014, 03:42:29 PM
[This is an LTL rant, so don't expect anything productive]

One of the things that motivated me to move forward was that I would be able to live the life of my dreams.  That one day all of my fantasies that I had hoped for would become reality.  Of course, I wasn't so dumb and naive enough to consider that "everything" I've dreamt about would come true, but I did hope I'd get closer to my ideal life.  Besides, these fantasies were never really big to begin with.  I just wanted to look like any other normal girl and get to live a normal life just like most women do.  That's really all I want.  No big fireworks, just something simple.  A normal life as a girl.  That's all. 

Thats exactly how Id think about it too... :(
Sometimes its painful , I wont lie , looking at yourself in the mirror and crying its pretty much the worst thing...
I know we really cant do anything about it rather than be patience and believe in the future,,,

Im starting to do the things in victorias list...sure I wish hormones are going to work fast but I dont see a point in dressing as a guy...
I dunno its really confusing at that point...

I know I shouldnt but I have all my hopes in hormones...
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: stephaniec on January 03, 2014, 04:22:25 PM
hormones will work, some people on this site took 2 years to look the way they do
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: sam79 on January 03, 2014, 04:23:20 PM
I could have made that post 4.5 months ago LTL, except that hormones weren't working for me at that point ( with T well into male range ). So you know, it could be worse.

Yes, that was an insanely hard time. I did anything and everything I could to make progress, and I was seeing a councilor weekly.

Thank god that is over. And you know what, with one foot in front of the other, it was over sooner than I thought it would be.'

Chin up. You already know you'll make it regardless :).

Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: sam79 on January 03, 2014, 04:25:22 PM
Quote from: FalsePrincess on January 03, 2014, 04:11:43 PM
I know I shouldnt but I have all my hopes in hormones...

So did I. :( Glad they ended up working.

On another note, I absolutely <3 your avatar pic.
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Ltl89 on January 03, 2014, 04:34:47 PM
Quote from: Victoria Mitchell on January 03, 2014, 03:49:46 PM
I've said before and I'll say again that the only way to move forward is to do so. Another way to say this would be "fake it 'till you make it".

Bullet list to get somewhere:
- Ignore hormone progress. They'll do what they'll do but in *no* way are they the most important part of transitioning.
- Dress like you want. You'll get it wrong at first but you'll at least be moving ahead.
- If you know that you're going to do this, just come out, maybe? To everyone, maybe? At least you'll be moving ahead.
- Do things that you've always wanted to do unless it's *actually* impossible right now.
- Make a financial plan for SRS (if you're going there) or electro (if you're going there) and starting making movement on it (even at $1 a day, if it's like that).
- Get out of the house. No. Really.
- Start living the life that you want no matter where you're at.

You may notice a lot of repetition of theme in that list. There's a reason for that, my dear.

Yeah, I've come out to the most important people (family).  So the groudwork has been started there.
I've been saving up for SRS, but finishing laser and getting rhinoplasty are my first priorities.
Get out of the house.... depends what you mean?  In any case, I should be getting out more, but I don't have much confidence in my appearance and I'm afraid. 
Dressing and presenting female is what I'd like to do, but I'm so afraid of not passing.  I don't even want one person to guess.  It's silly, but that's how important passing is to me. Once I feel I can, then I'll be more comfortable doing things I want to do and taking risks and changing my life.  But the thing is there is no way to have that confidence until you put yourself out there.  So, it just sucks. 

Quote from: FalsePrincess on January 03, 2014, 04:11:43 PM
Thats exactly how Id think about it too... :(
Sometimes its painful , I wont lie , looking at yourself in the mirror and crying its pretty much the worst thing...
I know we really cant do anything about it rather than be patience and believe in the future,,,

Im starting to do the things in victorias list...sure I wish hormones are going to work fast but I dont see a point in dressing as a guy...
I dunno its really confusing at that point...

I know I shouldnt but I have all my hopes in hormones...

Hormones help a lot for some of us.  You're in the young age bracket, so you should be okay.  I'm a few years older (24), so it's not quite as great in my case.  Though, it has done a lot for me.  It's just taking so much time and now I'm in that ambiguous stage. 

Quote from: SammyRose on January 03, 2014, 04:23:20 PM
I could have made that post 4.5 months ago LTL, except that hormones weren't working for me at that point ( with T well into male range ). So you know, it could be worse.

Yes, that was an insanely hard time. I did anything and everything I could to make progress, and I was seeing a councilor weekly.

Thank god that is over. And you know what, with one foot in front of the other, it was over sooner than I thought it would be.'

Chin up. You already know you'll make it regardless :).


I suppose I will make it one day.  The thing is it's taking so long and I've got no idea when it will really happen.  I'm planning full time at least around June or so;  therefore, I want to be in good shape at that point.  Before that, I have to really start getting part time in, but I'm terrified.  I just can't be clocked.  I can't be judged.  It terrifies me.  I just want to pass at all times without one instance of failure.  That's probably insane but it's how I feel.  To be honest, I'm not near that, even though I wish I were.
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: FalseHybridPrincess on January 03, 2014, 04:42:15 PM
Quote from: SammyRose on January 03, 2014, 04:25:22 PM

On another note, I absolutely <3 your avatar pic.

Did you know that she is a little trans girl too  ;)
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: sam79 on January 03, 2014, 04:59:35 PM
Quote from: learningtolive on January 03, 2014, 04:34:47 PM
I suppose I will make it one day.  The thing is it's taking so long and I've got no idea when it will really happen.  I'm planning full time at least around June or so;  therefore, I want to be in good shape at that point.  Before that, I have to really start getting part time in, but I'm terrified.  I just can't be clocked.  I can't be judged.  It terrifies me.  I just want to pass at all times without one instance of failure.  That's probably insane but it's how I feel.  To be honest, I'm not near that, even though I wish I were.

Might sound strange, but I was the same... And then all of a sudden it was easier to endure any ridicule while be myself without passing than it was to present as male with all of the pain and discomfort.

Here's a suggestion for you, something which did me the absolute world of good.... Consider volunteering somewhere ( like a 2nd shop or something ) where you're directly interacting with people, and do it as you, in entirety. Regardless of passing or anything else. I can't tell you how stressed I was before this, and how brilliant and relaxed I felt after.

Yes, I got some stares, and even a giggle or two. But the biggest thing I learned was that being comfortable with myself like that, in that situation, gave confidence. And with confidence, people seemed to stop caring, and nobody bothered me :).

The reality is, you won't pass to begin with. Regardless of how you look, body language and nerves will give you away to keen observers. And it's OK. That period doesn't have to last long, especially if you're visually convincing. But just knowing, and accepting this fact will help a lot I think. :)

Sorry if that comes across as harsh. It's important to keep feet firmly on the ground in this tough time.
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: stephaniec on January 03, 2014, 05:17:26 PM
I guess I'm a bit different . Long before transitioning and relying on physical change, I just went out. I was terrified  at first. ,but  it turned out to be a lot of fun . I had a close call in a department store in the dress section. I asked a female clerk about some thing And she looked in my face and had a look of puzzlement on, but I survived  for another day out shopping.
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: JoanneB on January 03, 2014, 05:32:55 PM
Try not to let fear rule your life. ( BTW-I talk the talk and barely crawl the walk )

The only way you can see that woman in the mirror is to see that woman by being that woman. Even part time. Even by partly part time. Male-fail, HRT, FFS or any other intervention has little to do with it. Attitude and confidence has everything to do with it. I can safely say with confidence that if saw me in male mode you would recognize me as Joanne. Yet in male mode I see her in the mirror now.

For me, the joy, happiness, and inner peace I feel being out the real world as the real me, far outweighs any fear of maybe being read. I've met many women that are not successful by your standards. There is one absolutely beautiful, absolutely smart, sucessful woman in my TG group who would even meet that high bar. As my group moderator once reminded me, it takes a special sort of guy to be in a relationship with her. (she is post-op) You may be able to hide your past but you can't run away from it. It will always be part of you.

Perhaps if you allow yourself to feel that same joy as I. To allow yourself even occasionally to feel genuine, to feel real, to feel complete, you to might feel that pain of not being real far outweighs the fears of reality
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: stephaniec on January 03, 2014, 05:47:33 PM
Quote from: JoanneB on January 03, 2014, 05:32:55 PM
Try not to let fear rule your life. ( BTW-I talk the talk and barely crawl the walk )

The only way you can see that woman in the mirror is to see that woman by being that woman. Even part time. Even by partly part time. Male-fail, HRT, FFS or any other intervention has little to do with it. Attitude and confidence has everything to do with it. I can safely say with confidence that if saw me in male mode you would recognize me as Joanne. Yet in male mode I see her in the mirror now.

For me, the joy, happiness, and inner peace I feel being out the real world as the real me, far outweighs any fear of maybe being read. I've met many women that are not successful by your standards. There is one absolutely beautiful, absolutely smart, sucessful woman in my TG group who would even meet that high bar. As my group moderator once reminded me, it takes a special sort of guy to be in a relationship with her. (she is post-op) You may be able to hide your past but you can't run away from it. It will always be part of you.

Perhaps if you allow yourself to feel that same joy as I. To allow yourself even occasionally to feel genuine, to feel real, to feel complete, you to might feel that pain of not being real far outweighs the fears of reality
That's what drove me out side . I needed to be real
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Ltl89 on January 03, 2014, 07:02:34 PM
Honestly, the whole issue is I don't know if I can make it anymore.  I'm feeling pretty depressed about life and my limitations that I wonder if I'll be able to suceed.  I just don't know if I'm strong enough to make my dreams come true and to turn everything around.  If I have to live as a guy for the rest of my life, I'd rather not go on.  But on the same token, I'm just not strong enough to be where I want.  As you can see, I feel really down and depressed.  I'm not giving up or anything because that would equal suicide (quite literally) but I just have no idea how to overcome everything.  My life is a mess and I truely want to turn it around.  I'm transitioning because I have to and need to.  It may sound crazy to most people, but in my heart I'm a girl.  he thing is not looking or being accepted as one is torture.  I've been in the starting phase of my transition for a while that now I'm really having a breakdown about not having more progress.  I just need to be seen, thought of and accepted as a girl.  I need it.  It's killing me.  I just want to be a girl and live a normal life just like other girls my age. Its not fair that I have to supress my feelings and my entire being for the sake of others.  I didn't ask for this.  I'm sick of this curse and it's killing me that it's taking so long to beat this.  The pain that I'm feeling being trapped is excrutiating.  It's the worst thing imaginable.  I just want it to be over and to live a normal life. eh, I don't kow what to say.  I'm just fed up waiting to get my life on track.  I'm fed up pretending to be something I'm not all the time.  Its getting overwhelming.  Forgive me, but I'm just feeling really depressed about everything.  It's just so hard.   I'm sorry for this being so disorganized but I'm in tears at the moment.  It's just so difficult and conflicting.  I need an easy transition but how long can I wait for it?
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: sam79 on January 03, 2014, 07:25:55 PM
Oh LTL. I wish I were nearby... I'd head over with some tissues and give you a huge hug!

You'll get there. Just one foot in front of the other. I know it's hard. But anything worthwhile is.

I  wish there was more I could say to give you the reassurance that you need. :(

On a related note, are you on any anti-depressants? They've really helped me deal with that really difficult time.
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Emo on January 03, 2014, 07:45:41 PM
i can empathize with this.
my advice?
try nongender specific clothes, like jeans, sweatshirts, or slightly larger tshirts. also with your hair and a little makeup is ok. when guys start checking you out or preferably hitting on you, youll know if youre passable.
just look for that "look" guys give. that look of attraction.
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: izzy on January 03, 2014, 07:51:13 PM
I am in the same boat as you. My support system is nonexistent and so my dream of being transitioning is just delayed and it takes a lot of self determination to get it done. Having little progress in everyday life is just a huge blow in confidence in transitioning.
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Anna++ on January 03, 2014, 08:27:52 PM
Don't use your appearance in the mirror as a good indicator of your progress.  As you change, your brain adjusts and you end up feeling like you haven't changed at all (example:  I still sometimes see a guy when I look at myself in the mirror).

*hugs*  every day you are one step closer to living the life you want, and I am excited for you planning on part time at the end of the month! :)
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Randi on January 03, 2014, 10:49:24 PM
Quote from: stephaniec on January 03, 2014, 04:22:25 PM
hormones will work, some people on this site took 2 years to look the way they do

Or ten years, or more!
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Aina on January 04, 2014, 12:50:40 AM
I'll say this again - at least I am pretty sure I said it.

LTL your doing so well, much better then me. You have so much strength and courage - your on the bullet train to complete your dreams, just keep looking forward.

I am still struggling to come out and honestly still feel I am in the denial stage. I was never really good at making up my mind..I too feel trapped,mainly by my own insecurities and feelings. It wasn't till recently I got a decent job - and almost done with college. Yet I feel as if life is just spinning by, I really want it to smack me on my ass so maybe I can stop being scared, just accept who I am and move forward...I am pretty good at ranting too sorry.

So not sure if I am really allowed to give advice but I believe you can do it. You just gotta keep swimming!

Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Janae on January 04, 2014, 01:18:12 AM

All I can say is pace yourself, inhale and exhale.

All you can do is what you can do for where you are at the moment. Have faith that things will work out and that this isn't something that'll be over in a blink. Nothing worth having is ever easy to obtain.

*Let the HRT do it's thing and don't stress about any changes that haven't come yet. Just enjoy the journey. Some changes may never come but that doesn't take away from who you are.

*Stop worrying about passing. Some girls never pass so if you pass a bit that's better than nothing. The important thing is that you continue to live your life and keep moving forward the best way you can.

*If you don't already feel like a girl you never will. All the surge in the world can't/won't get you that feeling.
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Heather on January 04, 2014, 01:32:45 AM
Ltl I know it's difficult I've been there but if you want to be recognized as a woman your going to have to put yourself out there more. This waiting around for hormones to make you a total woman without some risk is not going to work. What are you doing when your presenting as a male do you still carry yourself like a male ?(walk,stance,attitude) If so stop it now!
Being a woman is more than just what clothes you wear or how you look it's how you talk, walk, and the attitude you show the world. The best advice I can give that I should have listened to earlier is to stop caring about how other people see you. Just be your true self and if somebody doesn't like it. It's they're problem not yours.
Oh and try to find a local support group having friends in RL who know what your going through is important and it might give you the support system you seek.
I know how tough it is being stuck in the middle but it doesn't have to be that bad if you approach it with a positive attitude. Believe it or not you will get through this before you know it just try to keep you eyes on your dreams and they will become reality. :)
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Donna Elvira on January 04, 2014, 03:44:44 AM
Since we joined up here about the same time I have seen many of your posts and you have probably also seen quite a few of mine. You were just starting your transition and had not come out to your mother a subject of much anxiety for you duing your first few months on the forum. Since then, you have come out to your mother and even if things did not work out as you hoped, neither have you been rejected, thrown out etc. You have also started your HRT and on based on your own account, it is coming along very well.

For a period of 9 months, that's actually quite a good story and if you follow the advice you are getting here about constantly adding a little more to the mix, by the time you hit your first anniversary on Susan's in April, you should at least be part time.

From my posts and my photos you probably have a a good feel for where I am in my transition process, excrutiatingly close to finally turning the page but still not quite there. For now, at work I still have to pretend I'm a guy.

How do I cope with that? I dress androgynous feminine ie. exclusively women's clothes but not "in your face feminine", a woman's watch, I have long hair worn in a ponytail at work , no facial hair, I wear very light make-up, and I continue working on my voice.... The result of all of this is that I am perceived as a very feminine guy at work (but still a guy because nobody here spontaneously thinks of someone being TG, transitioning etc..) and am basically perceived as a woman by pretty well everyone who doesn't actually know me. This means I am regularly called "Madame" in restaurants, hôtels, on planes front of colleagues and since they are very discreet and don't ask questions, unless I say something (I have with a few people), they just have to live with it.

OK, this is in reality getting more and more difficult to live with but living with it is a lot better than any alternative I can come up with eg. losing my job and finding myself destitute. I also know that when (not if) my Civil Identity Change finally comes through sometime in March or April, I will be able to put an end to all of this....after a transition which started in 2008! 

The big point I am trying to make here is that while this is a frustrating situation, I have not put my life on hold while waiting for everything to be perfect. On the contrary, I continue my life day after day, mostly focused on my work as it happens, but also constantly reinforcing my female identity in every little way possible.

I think we are all telling you that you have most to gain by following a similar approach bearing in mind that so far you have come a very long way in quite a short time. In your case, wanting to go faster would probably mean making choices that you don't seem to be ready to make and that is perfectly legitimate. You just have to accept that these are your choices and that they bring conséquences that you also have to live with.

You''re already well on the road and you'll do fine if you just learn to relax and move with the flow. You just want to be sure that the general direction of the flow is towards where you want to go.
Wishing you all the best.

Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Ltl89 on January 04, 2014, 08:23:36 AM
Thanks everyone.  I'm just going through a tough time and to be honest have had strong suicidal feelings as of late.  I won't do anything and I'll keep fighting but it's really hard to keep taking all of this dysphoria while dealing with lifes drama.  So as much as I feel like going to sleep and never waking up again, I'll be sure to keep waking up.

I don't carry myself as anything other than me.  Most just see me as a silly gay guy.  I can't help how people take me.  In terms of my body language and things like that, I really don't think I'm masculne.  Because I'm in hiding and living in boy mode, I feel very afraid to be myself and act feminine, but at the same time I feel like I come across that way even when I'm afraid to let loose.  It's hard to explain.  I'll simply say that people just take me as a fem gay guy and some are on to my transition based on my looks and behavior.  REcenty though, I've been more open with my presentation. And I'm confident everythign will work out in time and my hormones will help more, but it's just so debilitating waiting.  I just want to get there faster.  The other day, I shared a recent "selfie" with some friends to see where my progress is and get some tips.  One of my friends never responded and another one offered to help with some things like brows and makeup.  However, I can tell I'm just annoying everyone in my life with this stuff based on how people reply, so I've given up on coming to others for help.  And my family is so dead set against everything that I can't come to them for anything.  My whole life they've controlled me emotionally and coming to them for help or emotional support would be like a cow seeking comfort from a butcher.  They'll simply kick me when I'm down, just like they did again this morning when I tried.  And my therapist can only help so much.  The other day, because I was complaining about my brows andthings, she suggested I go get a makeoverto feel better.  The place she suggested was for drag quuens.  I'm sorry, nothing against the drag community, but thats not me.  I'm really not interested in lookinglike Rupaul.  So, I feel like there is no one I can go to for help or assistance with this stuff and emotionally I'm totally alone.  Its just hard.  REally hard.  And my mother had to say something nasty about my itutation again when I didn't need it as I spent all of last night crying.  I don't know anymore.  I'm not going to giv up or hurt myself, but it's just annoying.  I feel like I'm never going to get where I want to be and that I'll be stuck at this horrible point forever.  I'm not strong enough for this, but I'm not going to give up on my dreams because there is nothing for me otherswise.  I just have to cope with te depression and drama and find a way through it.
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Heather on January 04, 2014, 09:05:40 AM
Ltl you are strong enough to make it through this your just having a rough time. As far as support goes it sounds like you need a better group of friends if they can't even be bothered to respond to your request for help. As for the brows just go to a hair salon and get them waxed or threaded it's no big deal really.
As for your family if they still have you in their life by this point they'll stick around. Sure they may not be super supportive but they'll come around if you show them this transition is a positive change for you.
But I do think you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone you would be amazed what you can get away with even while dressed as a guy. Trust me the sooner you put yourself out there the better off you will be because you can't hide on days when you feel you look like a male when your full time and you just have to tough it out.
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: ashrock on January 04, 2014, 09:07:49 AM
Wish I could offer more encouragement, but you said it really really well, 'I'm not strong enough for this, but I'm not going to give up on my dreams because there is nothing for me otherswise.'.  You have come far, dont forget that.  None of us are strong enough for this (at least I certainly am not), but you have become much stronger than you where, and will be stronger still in the future.
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Ltl89 on January 04, 2014, 10:35:04 AM
Quote from: Heather on January 04, 2014, 09:05:40 AM
Ltl you are strong enough to make it through this your just having a rough time. As far as support goes it sounds like you need a better group of friends if they can't even be bothered to respond to your request for help. As for the brows just go to a hair salon and get them waxed or threaded it's no big deal really.
As for your family if they still have you in their life by this point they'll stick around. Sure they may not be super supportive but they'll come around if you show them this transition is a positive change for you.
But I do think you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone you would be amazed what you can get away with even while dressed as a guy. Trust me the sooner you put yourself out there the better off you will be because you can't hide on days when you feel you look like a male when your full time and you just have to tough it out.

The thing is no one really likes me as a person or wants me around.  That goes for family and friends too.  And it's easy to blame other people, but I'm the common denominator here.  It's me that's the problem, not other people.  At the end of the day, I'm just annoying and not likeable.   

I'd go to a saloon but I'm still to embarrassed.  I don't know.  At some point, I'd like to change up my hair a bit and get bangs (either side swept or feathered bangs).  I'll probably do my brows as well when I get the courageto do that.  I'd do the brows now, but I keep messing up and there's no one I can ask for help because everyone just blows me off or is unapproachable.  And I know I'll have to tough it out at some point, but I don't want to do things prematurely.  I'm just an emotional mess over everything and need to sort things out.   Life is a mess at the moment.  I just don't know what to do.

Quote from: ashrock on January 04, 2014, 09:07:49 AM
Wish I could offer more encouragement, but you said it really really well, 'I'm not strong enough for this, but I'm not going to give up on my dreams because there is nothing for me otherswise.'.  You have come far, dont forget that.  None of us are strong enough for this (at least I certainly am not), but you have become much stronger than you where, and will be stronger still in the future.

Thanks.  I hope you're right about the future, but I don't know.
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: stephaniec on January 04, 2014, 10:49:48 AM
Quote from: learningtolive on January 04, 2014, 10:35:04 AM
The thing is no one really likes me as a person or wants me around.  That goes for family and friends too.  And it's easy to blame other people, but I'm the common denominator here.  It's me that's the problem, not other people.  At the end of the day, I'm just annoying and not likeable.   

I'd go to a saloon but I'm still to embarrassed.  I don't know.  At some point, I'd like to change up my hair a bit and get bangs (either side swept or feathered bangs).  I'll probably do my brows as well when I get the courageto do that.  I'd do the brows now, but I keep messing up and there's no one I can ask for help because everyone just blows me off or is unapproachable.  And I know I'll have to tough it out at some point, but I don't want to do things prematurely.  I'm just an emotional mess over everything and need to sort things out.   Life is a mess at the moment.  I just don't know what to do.

Thanks.  I hope you're right about the future, but I don't know.
I don't know ,but I seem to have a completely different reaction to E then you are. Once I started to take E , I noticed I got bolder. Before starting E I use to be afraid of painting my nails in public Now I put make up on ,do my nails and openly have my bulging chest displayed.  my logic to get me to be able to do this is that right now all I have in my veins is E so its normal for me to be open about my appearance .
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: FalseHybridPrincess on January 04, 2014, 11:05:50 AM
Quote from: stephaniec on January 04, 2014, 10:49:48 AM
I don't know ,but I seem to have a completely different reaction to E then you are. Once I started to take E , I noticed I got bolder. Before starting E I use to be afraid of painting my nails in public Now I put make up on ,do my nails and openly have my bulging chest displayed.  my logic to get me to be able to do this is that right now all I have in my veins is E so its normal for me to be open about my appearance .

ah I kinda feel like this too
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Ltl89 on January 04, 2014, 11:09:46 AM
Quote from: stephaniec on January 04, 2014, 10:49:48 AM
I don't know ,but I seem to have a completely different reaction to E then you are. Once I started to take E , I noticed I got bolder. Before starting E I use to be afraid of painting my nails in public Now I put make up on ,do my nails and openly have my bulging chest displayed.  my logic to get me to be able to do this is that right now all I have in my veins is E so its normal for me to be open about my appearance .

Well, I am more comfortable with expressing myself for the most part, but dressing style has yet to change.  I don't want to stand out like (no offense to anyone in this group) some crossdressers or drag queens do.  I want to make sure that I pass at all times.  However, even though I'm in boy mode still, I don't really have a very masculine presentation.  It's hard to explain.  Everything that I'm doing besides clothing kind of outs aspects of me, especially my chest.  That's why people usually either assume I'm a fem gay guy or detect that Im covering my transition because there are big signs.  Maybe I should just embrace whaat everyone seems to know, but I want to be thought off as one of the girls and want to ensure that not be seen as a crossdresser (again nothing wrong with that) by strangers.  Going forward fully too soon may jeopardize that and I'm nervous about starting this month.  I want everything perfect.  But at the same time, I'm dying while in hiding.  i know I complain too much.
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: stephaniec on January 04, 2014, 11:15:25 AM
Quote from: learningtolive on January 04, 2014, 11:09:46 AM
Well, I am more comfortable with expressing myself for the most part, but dressing style has yet to change.  I don't want to stand out like (no offense to anyone in this group) some crossdressers or drag queens do.  I want to make sure that I pass at all times.  However, even though I'm in boy mode still, I don't really have a very masculine presentation.  It's hard to explain.  Everything that I'm doing besides clothing kind of outs aspects of me, especially my chest.  That's why people usually either assume I'm a fem gay guy or detect that Im covering my transition because there are big signs.  Maybe I should just embrace whaat everyone seems to know, but I want to be thought off as one of the girls and want to ensure that not be seen as a crossdresser (again nothing wrong with that) by strangers.  Going forward fully too soon may jeopardize that and I'm nervous about starting this month.  I want everything perfect.  But at the same time, I'm dying while in hiding.  i know I complain too much.
this might not help, but most people you encounter on the street or in life you"ll probably never see again.   It's not important go at your own pase
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: FalseHybridPrincess on January 04, 2014, 11:23:50 AM
you ll never know if you pass till you actually try going out as a girl right?

Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: JoanneB on January 04, 2014, 11:31:35 AM
I found that the absolute best therapy I get is from my support group and especially from a couple of special souls there. I was overwhelmed being in a room full of others like me, with almost the same life stories as me. They were all very instrumental in my life turning around for the better. I began shedding the shame I nurtured over decades about being trans. In the heart of the NYC area like you are, it may take a little looking for a group geared towards TS's. Callen-Lord I 'm sure can help.

Sadly, non-T friends may not be as supportive as you may think. Especially as reality starts setting in. That you are serious. You really are carrying through on your plans. The loudly proclaimed "Yeah, Go for IT" may silently change to you are crazy.

I have been trying to figure out my answer as to what path to take for a good 3 years now. I still don't know for sure even after achieving the same life long dream as you, to be seen as and accepted as a woman. Unlike you, I do not have a goal to transition, just to feel whole. I know where my true joy lies. I fear the possible cost to achieve that joy, loosing other joys in my life. If that goal means fully transitioning, I also know I'll be ready to handle the challenges. Both the real and especially the imagined ones.

Before taking any of the baby steps to achieve that dream I would anguish for weeks, even months, before. Before even thinking I "might" I'd anguish for weeks, if not months before. The same "What's the point?" anguish you might be feeling. Depressed. Questioning. Crying. Scared.

It was only when the pain of not taking that step surpassed my fear I dared to try it, to see if it might be right for me. The joy and harmony I felt being more of the real me kept me going. Enabled me to conquer whatever remaining fear. Enabled me to shed a bit more of what little shame remains. Enabled me to loose much of the guilt about my actions. To loose some more of my perceived failure and disappointment as a man.
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Carley Anne D on January 04, 2014, 11:39:32 AM
Quote from: learningtolive on January 03, 2014, 07:02:34 PM
Honestly, the whole issue is I don't know if I can make it anymore.  I'm feeling pretty depressed about life and my limitations that I wonder if I'll be able to suceed.  I just don't know if I'm strong enough to make my dreams come true and to turn everything around.  If I have to live as a guy for the rest of my life, I'd rather not go on.  But on the same token, I'm just not strong enough to be where I want.  As you can see, I feel really down and depressed.  I'm not giving up or anything because that would equal suicide (quite literally) but I just have no idea how to overcome everything.  My life is a mess and I truely want to turn it around.  I'm transitioning because I have to and need to.  It may sound crazy to most people, but in my heart I'm a girl.  he thing is not looking or being accepted as one is torture.  I've been in the starting phase of my transition for a while that now I'm really having a breakdown about not having more progress.  I just need to be seen, thought of and accepted as a girl.  I need it.  It's killing me.  I just want to be a girl and live a normal life just like other girls my age. Its not fair that I have to supress my feelings and my entire being for the sake of others.  I didn't ask for this.  I'm sick of this curse and it's killing me that it's taking so long to beat this.  The pain that I'm feeling being trapped is excrutiating.  It's the worst thing imaginable.  I just want it to be over and to live a normal life. eh, I don't kow what to say.  I'm just fed up waiting to get my life on track.  I'm fed up pretending to be something I'm not all the time.  Its getting overwhelming.  Forgive me, but I'm just feeling really depressed about everything.  It's just so hard.   I'm sorry for this being so disorganized but I'm in tears at the moment.  It's just so difficult and conflicting.  I need an easy transition but how long can I wait for it?
I haven't posted in a while because I haven't had anything grab my attention like that... I'm in the same place, and you just have to find a purpose, even if it seems stupid, like "hey if I make it to the end of the week i'm going to spend some time with a close friend..." or hobbies, stuff like that... It's all about putting one foot in front of the other, and even if it seems bleak that's no reason to just give up and not try at all... I hope you feel better soon, *hugs*
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Ltl89 on January 04, 2014, 11:45:55 AM
Quote from: stephaniec on January 04, 2014, 11:15:25 AM
this might not help, but most people you encounter on the street or in life you"ll probably never see again.   It's not important go at your own pase

You're right.  Still I care deeply how everyone and anyone percieves me. Strangers included.  I don't know why.  I'm very self conscious.

Quote from: FalsePrincess on January 04, 2014, 11:23:50 AM
you ll never know if you pass till you actually try going out as a girl right?

Yeah, I know.  But at the same time, I want to feel as comfortable as possible.  Where I stand now, I don't feel comfortable.  While I do have faith I'll get there, I'm more or less in that awkward between stage.  I don't know.

Quote from: JoanneB on January 04, 2014, 11:31:35 AM
I found that the absolute best therapy I get is from my support group and especially from a couple of special souls there. I was overwhelmed being in a room full of others like me, with almost the same life stories as me. They were all very instrumental in my life turning around for the better. I began shedding the shame I nurtured over decades about being trans. In the heart of the NYC area like you are, it may take a little looking for a group geared towards TS's. Callen-Lord I 'm sure can help.

Sadly, non-T friends may not be as supportive as you may think. Especially as reality starts setting in. That you are serious. You really are carrying through on your plans. The loudly proclaimed "Yeah, Go for IT" may silently change to you are crazy.

I have been trying to figure out my answer as to what path to take for a good 3 years now. I still don't know for sure even after achieving the same life long dream as you, to be seen as and accepted as a woman. Unlike you, I do not have a goal to transition, just to feel whole. I know where my true joy lies. I fear the possible cost to achieve that joy, loosing other joys in my life. If that goal means fully transitioning, I also know I'll be ready to handle the challenges. Both the real and especially the imagined ones.

Before taking any of the baby steps to achieve that dream I would anguish for weeks, even months, before. Before even thinking I "might" I'd anguish for weeks, if not months before. The same "What's the point?" anguish you might be feeling. Depressed. Questioning. Crying. Scared.

It was only when the pain of not taking that step surpassed my fear I dared to try it, to see if it might be right for me. The joy and harmony I felt being more of the real me kept me going. Enabled me to conquer whatever remaining fear. Enabled me to shed a bit more of what little shame remains. Enabled me to loose much of the guilt about my actions. To loose some more of my perceived failure and disappointment as a man.

You're right that I should go to a support group.  I've been holding it off and the one near me hasn't held a meeting because of all the holidays.  I'll make it a point to go to the next one.  I got to stop being so chicken about everything.  It's just hard.

Quote from: Carley Anne D on January 04, 2014, 11:39:32 AM
I haven't posted in a while because I haven't had anything grab my attention like that... I'm in the same place, and you just have to find a purpose, even if it seems stupid, like "hey if I make it to the end of the week i'm going to spend some time with a close friend..." or hobbies, stuff like that... It's all about putting one foot in front of the other, and even if it seems bleak that's no reason to just give up and not try at all... I hope you feel better soon, *hugs*

I know what you mean.  I'm just having a hard time finding things to look forward to that are within my reach or soon to come.  Most of what I await for is in my dreams and further than what I hope for.  At some point, I got to start living.  It's great to learn to live but i also have to live if you will.  This comment was helpful.  MAybe I just need to find some positive things to get my mind of all this stuff until I'm ready.  Something that will make me happy and excited for the future. 
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: FalseHybridPrincess on January 04, 2014, 11:47:58 AM
Im in the awkward stage too,,,but with a lot of make up and some nice clothes I get the job done...kinda, I guess

Anyway I know how you feel , its ok to wait
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: amZo on January 04, 2014, 11:58:17 AM
LTL, I have very similar thoughts on a nearly daily basis.

I won't give you the be patient routine, but two months HRT is very little time. I'm at 30 months and still seeing changes, you almost certainly have a lot of change ahead of you. I agree 100% with your expectations and feelings over the years.

I do believe everyone has to come out the other end of this ok, regardless of what that looks like.  :)
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Ltl89 on January 04, 2014, 12:40:32 PM
Quote from: Nikko on January 04, 2014, 11:58:17 AM
LTL, I have very similar thoughts on a nearly daily basis.

I won't give you the be patient routine, but two months HRT is very little time. I'm at 30 months and still seeing changes, you almost certainly have a lot of change ahead of you. I agree 100% with your expectations and feelings over the years.

I do believe everyone has to come out the other end of this ok, regardless of what that looks like.  :)

Well, it's been more than 2 months.  I started Estradiol in June and Spiro in July.  So, I'm a few months into this.  However, I haven't really had a decent response to hrt until October when my dose was readjusted.  That's when I've been seeing the big changes, but they are still in their infancy. 

I'm considering picking up a second therapist.  I love the one I go to, but I think I need someone that doesn't specialize in gender stuff to help me with my lack of confidence and social anxiety.  The fact is my relationship with my family has really done a number on me and I see myself as inferior in every situation and relationship because of certain things that have gone on since childhood.  I need to get over that and grow as a person.  In any event, it's starting to become damaging to my health and overall happiness.  Perhaps I need to do more work.  Then again, I haven't been doing the exposure therapy that my therapists begs me to do.   I don't know, but I feel a little better at the moment.  It's just been a terrible month (December) and I've gone through a lot of mixed emotions and stress.  And it's been hard facing all of it alone.  I just need to breath in a bit.
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Allyda on January 04, 2014, 08:29:54 PM
LTL, Family can be rough. I know I held off my transition for years in the hopes holding off would repair the damage coming out to them did. But in the end trying to please them (in vain mind you) I only hurt myself and sacrificed many many years (over 20) that I could have lived happily instead of miserable. It wasn't until 5 years ago I got so mad at them for them saying "as long as you still think your a girl things with us won't change" in a letter mind you, I just finally said to myself that I no longer cared what they or anyone else thinks. I saved my money, bought my own home and began living as who I am. That meant even pre hrt (I just started) I dressed as a woman, and did things as a woman, walked, talked (as best I can, lol!) as a woman, and basically became determined after all those wasted years to be happy as a woman for it is who I am.

I won't lie to you I just got over a rather large bout of depression myself. But not for the reasons you might think. I was depressed at all of the lost years -my youth, my 20's, 30's, and 40-45's are now all gone -lost like so many of my tears in falling rain. I was miserable all of those years and for what?.... Because I cared how my family thought of me, that they couldn't accept the realme? I  lost all of the best years of my life living a lie for someone else. No more baby no more! My mom and I still communicate with letters only. She knows I'm transitioning and that complete transition SRS and all is my goal but it's like I told her many times and I've heard said on here many times -genitals don't make the woman. It's what you feel in your heart, mind, and soul that does. So 5 years ago I stopped caring what my family or other people thing and began living as the woman I am and you know what? even pre hrt my feet shrunk!, my shoulders narrowed even more, and when I go out even without any makeup at all it's thank you Ms/Maam, Oh Ms, you forgot one bag, etc., etc., etc. Now that I'm on hormones (hrt) I feel invigorated even though it has been only for a short time. I have more energy and stammina and I love getting up each day, stretching my arms out and feeling femminine and strong as only a woman can. Girls y'all know what I mean.

LTL I SOOoooo much whish I could go back in time and get those years back -do it all over again. I can tell you this. I certainly wouldn't be waiting around or be worried what anyone thought. I'd be out living as the woman I am enjoying my youth, 20's, 30's, & 40-45's. Now I'm not saying that your parents are unimportant. What I am trying to express to you in my round about way is you must put yourself and your happiness above all else. Life is too short not to. I'm confident that if you show your parents and others in your stance and attetude how much happier you are living who you are, a woman that in a few years your parents especially your mother will welcome her new daughter. But you gotta show them in your attetude and how you carry yourself your happy being a woman. Moping around feeling miserable all the time especially around them will only make them think your confused, not happy, and that there's something wrong with you. Please though, I'd hate to see you or anyone else for that matter waste the best years of your life, when you can really be happy and enjoy those years to come, for the sake of someone else. If you truly are a woman be her, and be happy.

As for me I just turned 50 and will do the best I can in the years I got left. As someone else said, I'm hoping to be the hot older lady!

I hope I've helped ya some girl! ;)
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: stephaniec on January 04, 2014, 08:42:00 PM
I wasted a lot of years myself, but I made it and feel good
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Allyda on January 04, 2014, 08:59:42 PM
Quote from: stephaniec on January 04, 2014, 08:42:00 PM
I wasted a lot of years myself, but I made it and feel good
So will I, I'm too determined to live happy as me not to! ;)
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Tristan on January 04, 2014, 09:02:07 PM
I agree with everyone else. You have to put your past in your behind. No wait it's your past behind you. Then move on
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Ltl89 on January 05, 2014, 01:50:55 AM
Quote from: Allyda on January 04, 2014, 08:29:54 PM
LTL, Family can be rough. I know I held off my transition for years in the hopes holding off would repair the damage coming out to them did. But in the end trying to please them (in vain mind you) I only hurt myself and sacrificed many many years (over 20) that I could have lived happily instead of miserable. It wasn't until 5 years ago I got so mad at them for them saying "as long as you still think your a girl things with us won't change" in a letter mind you, I just finally said to myself that I no longer cared what they or anyone else thinks. I saved my money, bought my own home and began living as who I am. That meant even pre hrt (I just started) I dressed as a woman, and did things as a woman, walked, talked (as best I can, lol!) as a woman, and basically became determined after all those wasted years to be happy as a woman for it is who I am.

I won't lie to you I just got over a rather large bout of depression myself. But not for the reasons you might think. I was depressed at all of the lost years -my youth, my 20's, 30's, and 40-45's are now all gone -lost like so many of my tears in falling rain. I was miserable all of those years and for what?.... Because I cared how my family thought of me, that they couldn't accept the realme? I  lost all of the best years of my life living a lie for someone else. No more baby no more! My mom and I still communicate with letters only. She knows I'm transitioning and that complete transition SRS and all is my goal but it's like I told her many times and I've heard said on here many times -genitals don't make the woman. It's what you feel in your heart, mind, and soul that does. So 5 years ago I stopped caring what my family or other people thing and began living as the woman I am and you know what? even pre hrt my feet shrunk!, my shoulders narrowed even more, and when I go out even without any makeup at all it's thank you Ms/Maam, Oh Ms, you forgot one bag, etc., etc., etc. Now that I'm on hormones (hrt) I feel invigorated even though it has been only for a short time. I have more energy and stammina and I love getting up each day, stretching my arms out and feeling femminine and strong as only a woman can. Girls y'all know what I mean.

LTL I SOOoooo much whish I could go back in time and get those years back -do it all over again. I can tell you this. I certainly wouldn't be waiting around or be worried what anyone thought. I'd be out living as the woman I am enjoying my youth, 20's, 30's, & 40-45's. Now I'm not saying that your parents are unimportant. What I am trying to express to you in my round about way is you must put yourself and your happiness above all else. Life is too short not to. I'm confident that if you show your parents and others in your stance and attetude how much happier you are living who you are, a woman that in a few years your parents especially your mother will welcome her new daughter. But you gotta show them in your attetude and how you carry yourself your happy being a woman. Moping around feeling miserable all the time especially around them will only make them think your confused, not happy, and that there's something wrong with you. Please though, I'd hate to see you or anyone else for that matter waste the best years of your life, when you can really be happy and enjoy those years to come, for the sake of someone else. If you truly are a woman be her, and be happy.

As for me I just turned 50 and will do the best I can in the years I got left. As someone else said, I'm hoping to be the hot older lady!

I hope I've helped ya some girl! ;)

Thank you very much for this post.  I love my family in a big way, but some things really get to me.  Even before I came out I had issues with certain things.  I'm just so used to requiring approval for every little thing because I needed approval.  If not, all hell broke lose (let's say it wasn't uncommon for a lot of fighting in my home).  It's hard for me to talk about some things, but I was definitely controlled and not used to having individual freedom.  The idea of not caring what someone thinks or says is foreign to me because I was always expected to have clearance or approval for just about everything.   That's always been my role in the family and it's transferred into how I perceive all my relationships and society as a whole.  Also, it's the reason why I felt so much shame in who I am because I never got the okay from society to be who I was or feel what I feel.  As a result, I'm terrified to act out how I feel or express myself in the way I desire.  Sure, I'm certainly not your average "guy" in any way, as most people assume I'm a fem gay guy, but I'm also very scared to be me and put up huge walls so people can't detect easily see who I am.  It's because I need constant approval and validation to make sure that I'm not doing something bad and get the okay to be me. Once I feel I've overstepped my bounds or don't get validation, I get really upset and anxious.  I'm a real messed up cookie.  But I can work on this.  I can stop caring about what others think and not require constant approval.   It's just really hard for me to do this.  Really hard.  I suspect this is why passing is so important to me.  If I pass as female and people see nothing different about me, I automatically feel I get the validation I seek and the okay to express myself as a woman.  I need to do a lot more work.

Thank you for your comment.  It helped me see some things I didn't want to look into.  Well, it can't hurt to pick up a second therapist.  I think cognitive therapy is something I should look into.  I have to retrain my perception and start dealing with these heavier issues that go way beyond my gender.  My gender really isn't the issue when I think of it.  It's how I see myself as a human and the place I put myself socially.  That's the core of my whole problem.  Well, transition is all about self growth and improvement, so it's never too late to fix things that need fixing. 

P.S.  I really do love my family and they are amazing people, so don't take anything I say as a reason to judge them.  There is much more wonderful things I could say about them than bad.  It's just my childhood and upbringing has shaped me for this world in ways that weren't always for the best.
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Allyda on January 05, 2014, 11:22:32 AM
Quote from: learningtolive on January 05, 2014, 01:50:55 AM
Thank you very much for this post.  I love my family in a big way, but some things really get to me.  Even before I came out I had issues with certain things.  I'm just so used to requiring approval for every little thing because I needed approval.  If not, all hell broke lose (let's say it wasn't uncommon for a lot of fighting in my home).  It's hard for me to talk about some things, but I was definitely controlled and not used to having individual freedom.  The idea of not caring what someone thinks or says is foreign to me because I was always expected to have clearance or approval for just about everything.   That's always been my role in the family and it's transferred into how I perceive all my relationships and society as a whole.  Also, it's the reason why I felt so much shame in who I am because I never got the okay from society to be who I was or feel what I feel.  As a result, I'm terrified to act out how I feel or express myself in the way I desire.  Sure, I'm certainly not your average "guy" in any way, as most people assume I'm a fem gay guy, but I'm also very scared to be me and put up huge walls so people can't detect easily see who I am.  It's because I need constant approval and validation to make sure that I'm not doing something bad and get the okay to be me. Once I feel I've overstepped my bounds or don't get validation, I get really upset and anxious.  I'm a real messed up cookie.  But I can work on this.  I can stop caring about what others think and not require constant approval.   It's just really hard for me to do this.  Really hard.  I suspect this is why passing is so important to me.  If I pass as female and people see nothing different about me, I automatically feel I get the validation I seek and the okay to express myself as a woman.  I need to do a lot more work.

Thank you for your comment.  It helped me see some things I didn't want to look into.  Well, it can't hurt to pick up a second therapist.  I think cognitive therapy is something I should look into.  I have to retrain my perception and start dealing with these heavier issues that go way beyond my gender.  My gender really isn't the issue when I think of it.  It's how I see myself as a human and the place I put myself socially.  That's the core of my whole problem.  Well, transition is all about self growth and improvement, so it's never too late to fix things that need fixing. 

P.S.  I really do love my family and they are amazing people, so don't take anything I say as a reason to judge them.  There is much more wonderful things I could say about them than bad.  It's just my childhood and upbringing has shaped me for this world in ways that weren't always for the best.
Oh don't worry girl I judge no one. Not my thing ya-know? And, as an adoptee in a family with a biological son I was always the black sheep so I can sympathsize with you there. I did however imancipate myself legally at 15 as I was working and on my own mostly anyway. My Mom understood why cause it was for the most part my adoptive father whom gave me the most trouble. He was of Sicilian Italian decent, and for some reason being loud "he-men" are important to them, lol! (I stringently emphasize the "loud"-his whole side of the family were!). He would constantly try to get me to cut my hair & eat more and gain weight saying "you look like a girl with your hair and your so skinny" comments. He'd do this in public thinking it embarassed me when actually I took his obnoxious comments as a compliment. I was always small boned and all legs and arms (long legs, long arms for my height) and being Native American born on a reservation My hair wasn't going anywhere. My grandpa on his side called me "spider legs" all the time. However, I got along with Sicillian grandma and grandpa well & miss them dearly. I got along with my grandma and Aunt & Uncle (he was French) on my adopted Mom's side as well. Long story short they were right about one thing -I always looked more like a girl than a guy ut what they didn't know is how much I liked being that way in appearance until I came out.

I did get my Karma gift in the end though. See, their biological son is a real turd and long story short, he took the old man for all he had. In his final years my adopted father lived on a farm I owned up north in my remodeled farmhouse. Truth is, after having a major stroke in 98 he wasn't such a bad guy. It's a shame it took a traumatizing health problem like that though to change his attetude towards others who are different. I had a new home I had built on my farm too which is where I was living at the time with a girlfriend. He passed away in June of 2000 & I sold the place in 2002 & put the money away -well, most of it anyway, lol! For I knew I'd need another home someday. I wanted to travel a bit and ended up in New York city for a while in Mid Manhattan, then Washington DC for a few years, then I decided to come back to Florida where my adopted mother was from and was living now in effort to re-connect. She had re-married following a messy divorce from my adopted father when he began cheating on her with a 20 year old (another story). Anyway, I've only been partially successful as we only communicate with letters. However, she does send me boxes of things for my home once or twice per month and when she sent presents this year everything was in female sizes (most of it too big but she sent me a nice cammy that fits well.). I think she too is finally realizing her son's a turd, and I'm her only hope of an honest child even though she must accept me as her daughter so I feel she'll eventually come around. But if she doesn't and letters and boxes is all we'll have I'll accept that too. The bottom line is I've put off my happiness for way too long and I won't anymore, and she knows this. Also, I think her new husband has been helping her accept me as I am a lot. How about that? Help from someone I've never met in person. He has seen photos of me though and so has she so they know what I look like. They know I'm happier now that I've ever been, and it is that alone that I think will be what brings my Mom around. She's all I have left family wise. My biological Mom Died when I was 6 & 1/2 out on the rez & I never knew my real father so, My adopted Mom I'm hoping will come around. But I won't stress over it if she doesn't for reasons already explained.

Well, I hope my little walk down memory lane brightens your day up a little TLC. ;) Always remember this: Karma's the queen "B", and she's on our side. ;)
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Ltl89 on January 05, 2014, 11:44:49 AM
Quote from: Allyda on January 05, 2014, 11:22:32 AM
Oh don't worry girl I judge no one. Not my thing ya-know? And, as an adoptee in a family with a biological son I was always the black sheep so I can sympathsize with you there. I did however imancipate myself legally at 15 as I was working and on my own mostly anyway. My Mom understood why cause it was for the most part my adoptive father whom gave me the most trouble. He was of Sicilian Italian decent, and for some reason being loud "he-men" are important to them, lol! (I stringently emphasize the "loud"-his whole side of the family were!). He would constantly try to get me to cut my hair & eat more and gain weight saying "you look like a girl with your hair and your so skinny" comments. He'd do this in public thinking it embarassed me when actually I took his obnoxious comments as a compliment. I was always small boned and all legs and arms (long legs, long arms for my height) and being Native American born on a reservation My hair wasn't going anywhere. My grandpa on his side called me "spider legs" all the time. However, I got along with Sicillian grandma and grandpa well & miss them dearly. I got along with my grandma and Aunt & Uncle (he was French) on my adopted Mom's side as well. Long story short they were right about one thing -I always looked more like a girl than a guy ut what they didn't know is how much I liked being that way in appearance until I came out.

I did get my Karma gift in the end though. See, their biological son is a real turd and long story short, he took the old man for all he had. In his final years my adopted father lived on a farm I owned up north in my remodeled farmhouse. Truth is, after having a major stroke in 98 he wasn't such a bad guy. It's a shame it took a traumatizing health problem like that though to change his attetude towards others who are different. I had a new home I had built on my farm too which is where I was living at the time with a girlfriend. He passed away in June of 2000 & I sold the place in 2002 & put the money away -well, most of it anyway, lol! For I knew I'd need another home someday. I wanted to travel a bit and ended up in New York city for a while in Mid Manhattan, then Washington DC for a few years, then I decided to come back to Florida where my adopted mother was from and was living now in effort to re-connect. She had re-married following a messy divorce from my adopted father when he began cheating on her with a 20 year old (another story). Anyway, I've only been partially successful as we only communicate with letters. However, she does send me boxes of things for my home once or twice per month and when she sent presents this year everything was in female sizes (most of it too big but she sent me a nice cammy that fits well.). I think she too is finally realizing her son's a turd, and I'm her only hope of an honest child even though she must accept me as her daughter so I feel she'll eventually come around. But if she doesn't and letters and boxes is all we'll have I'll accept that too. The bottom line is I've put off my happiness for way too long and I won't anymore, and she knows this. Also, I think her new husband has been helping her accept me as I am a lot. How about that? Help from someone I've never met in person. He has seen photos of me though and so has she so they know what I look like. They know I'm happier now that I've ever been, and it is that alone that I think will be what brings my Mom around. She's all I have left family wise. My biological Mom Died when I was 6 & 1/2 out on the rez & I never knew my real father so, My adopted Mom I'm hoping will come around. But I won't stress over it if she doesn't for reasons already explained.

Well, I hope my little walk down memory lane brightens your day up a little TLC. ;) Always remember this: Karma's the queen "B", and she's on our side. ;)

I'm glad you are moving on with your life in a successful manner.   I really envy those who don't care what others think or feel.  It's always been my curse to require consistent approval and validation.  To not have it is so foreign to me and that's why I'm so afraid to move forward at all.  Hope I get there one day.

And I know about Sicillian families.  That's the primary genetic background of my family (though I'm very much a mutt).  The men are very masculine and the women are very opinionated and passionate, lol.  I'm glad you are moving on despite your past and I hope you will reconnect with your mother.  As everyone here probably knows, I truly value mother daughter relationships. 
Title: Re: Dreams vs Reality
Post by: Allyda on January 05, 2014, 02:22:31 PM
Quote from: learningtolive on January 05, 2014, 11:44:49 AM
I'm glad you are moving on with your life in a successful manner.   I really envy those who don't care what others think or feel.  It's always been my curse to require consistent approval and validation.  To not have it is so foreign to me and that's why I'm so afraid to move forward at all.  Hope I get there one day.

And I know about Sicillian families.  That's the primary genetic background of my family (though I'm very much a mutt).  The men are very masculine and the women are very opinionated and passionate, lol.  I'm glad you are moving on despite your past and I hope you will reconnect with your mother.  As everyone here probably knows, I truly value mother daughter relationships.
Thanks for the compliments. It's not hard TLC to just let go of those hangups. Once you do (and I think you will) you'll see that what's important is your happiness especially at your age. I'm not trying to make dealing with family issues sound easy cause their far from it. But they are something all of us go through. You'll find your confidence one day soon and you'll see what I mean. Once you do is when things will change for you only for the better. ;)