General Discussions => Spirituality => Other => Topic started by: Fae on July 09, 2007, 11:45:50 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: Fae on July 09, 2007, 11:45:50 AM
Does anyone here have faith in a specific Goddess, or believe that the divine spirit is female?

Do you find yourself more spiritual instead of religious?  Is there a difference?

I define my religion as Goddess Spirituality, as in I do believe that the divine spirit is female.  I gather my strength from her and from others around me, and the world as a whole.  I believe that everything and everyone has a spirit, and I definately think that there is a great spirit (some have called this spirit "Gaia" in reference to the world as a whole) looking over me.  It's a strong possibility that this great spirit is Mother Nature, because I feel very calm and relaxed when surrounded by nature (say, in the forest or walking thru a garden).  I think my spirituality differs from Wicca because I don't believe ceremonies or doing something special during specific times of the year are necessary.

Anyone care to share their thoughts?
Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: cindybc on September 03, 2007, 07:04:58 PM
Hi Fae, If you are still around I just want to say that I have enjoyed reading your article. I am empathic and have many sensitivities to different energies, natural and otherwise, like sensing storms, earthquakes, and other man-made catastrophes.

I believe in the Sacred Feminine. According the Qabalah, the Sacred Feminine is equal to the Source. Source, according to the, Qabalah was named Aleph and Aleph created Yod, a mirror image and copy of itself.

Since they could not be together Source gave Sacred Feminine the gift of bringing forth life to the universes. Yes, "Gaia," in reference to the world as a whole or Great Spirit is all part of the universal nature of all within creation.

No two people worship or believe alike, possibly in similar aspects of faith but none exactly alike. There are probably as many different ways of seeing or understanding certain concepts of faith and belief as there are human minds thinking and feeling them.

Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: NickSister on September 03, 2007, 10:15:44 PM
Quote from: cindybc on September 03, 2007, 07:04:58 PM
I believe in the Sacred Feminine. According the Qabalah, the Sacred Feminine is equal to the Source. Source, according to the, Qabalah was named Aleph and Aleph created Yod, a mirror image and copy of itself.

This does not make any sense - what is yod? What is the Source and why was it named Aleph? What is the Qabalah?

Can we expect the divine to be gendered?

So many questions..... ???

Wicca is based on animism. You might want to check animism out as it is a more fundamental base for lots of spiritual paths.
Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: David W. Shelton on September 03, 2007, 11:07:38 PM
Actually, Wicca is essentially pantheism, not animism. It is a worship of nature as deity, rather than so much worshipping individual deities that are in nature.

Interesting thread!

The Quabalah is basically Jewish mysticism.
Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: cindybc on September 04, 2007, 07:47:23 AM
Hi again, Yes the elements in nature are all parts of Source and Source is all that is in creation.

The North American Natives also believe in the forces of nature as being of the spirit, or many spirit levels within The Great Spirit. All working in harmony with the elements of nature.

The Qabalah is a mystic Hebrew text used by Jewish society before the advent of the Christian book, the Bible. Actually the origin of this text predates before ancient recorded history. All I was trying to illustrate basically is that there are two forces at work, and both are equal in their divinity. The sacred Feminine and the sacred Masculine. The age of Aquarius is the return of the Sacred Feminine that will balance of all the forces of Universe to be as One.


Posted on: September 04, 2007, 12:59:50 AM
Hi, You may check out my message board links in the blue strip to the left of the message window in my website in Yahoo Groups Empathics an Intuitives. I have a wide variety of spiritual informational links there that I have collected through the years, including The Sacred Feminine.

I am not certain but I take it that one shouldn't be posting links to other sites here.

Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: David W. Shelton on September 04, 2007, 04:14:42 PM
QuoteHi, You may check out my message board links in the blue strip to the left of the message window in my website in Yahoo Groups Empathics an Intuitives. I have a wide variety of spiritual informational links there that I have collected through the years, including The Sacred Feminine.

I am not certain but I take it that one shouldn't be posting links to other sites here.


Informational links are welcome. It's only if the links are commercial that we scrutinize. If you'd like to run them by me, just PM the links to me and I'll check 'em out and gladly post them once I review them.

Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: cindybc on September 04, 2007, 05:15:20 PM
Hi David, thanks I can certainly do that, Probably simpler that way then sending people board hopping to get to the information. I'll drop off the links to you a little later today.


Posted on: September 04, 2007, 04:38:41 PM
Hi David, I tried to send the links through your email and your profile and the Moderator thingie but couldn't get into any of them to send. Can you tell me how or where I can send the links to?

I would love to bring any information on the spiritual part of life to anyone that is interested.

Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: NickSister on September 04, 2007, 11:07:00 PM
Quote from: David W. Shelton on September 03, 2007, 11:07:38 PM
Actually, Wicca is essentially pantheism, not animism. It is a worship of nature as deity, rather than so much worshipping individual deities that are in nature.

Interesting thread!

The Quabalah is basically Jewish mysticism.

I always thought it was more like animism with the whole diety aspect simply being the godification (personification) of the energy that makes up different parts of nature. Perhaps I just encountered a different interpretation on wicca? Or maybe it was just my interpretation when I was a witch. Oh well, learn something new every day.
Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: cindybc on October 25, 2007, 05:10:23 AM
Hi NickSister

You are on the right track. The problem with defining mysticism and the gods and goddesses there about as many definitions out there as there are individual minds conceiving them. But if one reads carefully through these teachings you will find where they just don't appear to connect with anything but upon closer inspection there are many parts of it that have similarities in meaning.

I know this can get kind of confusing if one is a novice in trying to interpret the spiritual aspect of our physical beings, But our souls reside on all of the many metaphysical levels or dimensions where we are all connected as one to in the spirit. Just take what you believe or understand to be true to yourself and discard what doesn't. But as for myself I do not discard anything, I store these bits and pieces of information away for later reference and at times you can be quite surprised what enlightenment you could pick up from the most unlikely person. This new bit of information could be invaluable in piecing together yet another piece to the puzzle together and adding to a greater part of the picture.

The Metaphysical and spiritual can not be comprehended in one sitting if you are so inclined it will take years of research and reading and asking questions from those that are more highly learned and evolved in the field of the metaphysical and spiritual aspect of our being.

Have you checked out the links David put up for us? They are of a reliable source and quite educational.

With Love


Posted on: September 06, 2007, 08:46:09 PM
If you wish to be who you truly are then you may have to look at the world about you from a different angle.  Also, take a good look within yourself to see the woman you truly are.  Touch her, feel her, know her, then be her.

There are as many colors within the range of human emotions, feelings, and perceptions as there are in the spectrum of humanly visible light so the number of possible outcomes is without counting.  This is why it is important to look at the world with reference to who you truly are to yourself and find the true you, the one without guile or error, your inner self.  You might need to feel all of the colors that you can possibly feel to learn what you need to know, and like many other things in this imperfect world, certain combinations can hurt a lot when embraced.  You will learn to quickly let go of what does not serve you well.

Once you have made up your mind and have determined who you are, you will have found the inner self.  Then you can go forth in pride without fear or uncertainty. If you have looked at yourself as mentioned above there will be no room for uncertainty in your spiritual walk.

Always come from the purest part of the heart of your true self. Walking the spiritual path is not the easiest to walk, but it has many wonderful benefits, not the least among which are a good self-image, self esteem, the knowledge of being an equal (in a few cases, above) with the rest of the world, and happy with whom you sleep and awake when you are alone.

Same would go for those who walk the opposite path for their same result.

May the Infinite bless you all on your journey in this world of uncertainties. 


Posted on: September 07, 2007, 12:35:14 AM
Elder's Meditation of the Day October 25

"What does it matter how long I pray, so long as my prayers are answered?" (

Too often we worry about the words we use in prayer. We focus on the words. What really counts is the spirit and intent behind our words. It is the spirit and intent that the Creator responds to. He reads and listens to our heart. Prayer isn't only when we fold our hands and pray. Prayer is when we talk to the Creator even when we are walking down a path or sitting on a hill or walking in the mountains. The Elders say, walk in prayer. We should be willing to talk with the Great One.

Great Spirit, today I will pray to You all day. Listen to my heart.

Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: BriannaKatherine on January 02, 2008, 03:26:14 PM
honestly i identify greatly with this entire topic, when i first journeyed religion/spirituality kept trying to fit into ones that wouldnt fit but eventually got to the point where i am now which is i beleive in the divine spirit, that goddess is. That there are different archtype aspects of the goddess. honestly i am not certain what name i ascribe to the one i am connected with..right now i beleive its Danu. i have an interesting observation. that many of the goddess's who have Trans Priestesses or Priests are combination of  sacred sexuality/love and war. there are exceptions but majority seem to have that patern.
Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: cindybc on January 02, 2008, 08:34:53 PM
Hi Brianna
Trans people are also 2 spirited. Walking in both spirit worlds of female and male. To the North American Natives this was a sign of great medicine and often these individuals were given the position of Shaman. The Goddess or Divine feminine watched over this individual equally by the divine masculine  If one wishes to speak of genders, the genders were as yin and yang, one balancing and complimenting the other.

Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: BriannaKatherine on January 03, 2008, 09:15:28 AM
a question i have is why it is that certain people are connected entirely to one and not the other, myself and  a close friend of mine who is lesbian are exclusively connected with the divine feminine aspect, and not at all with the male aspect. the archtype that both me and her are bound to are similar both are goddesses of both love and battle. just an odd observation that i have been wondering about some time.
Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: cindybc on January 03, 2008, 03:23:45 PM
Hi, Brianna,
Good question, but one that is answerable.

Like your lesbian friend would be more on the same vibrational field towards the energy of another female. Vice versa with a man. It's in the way we are wired.

Even though I was supposed to be a boy I felt more comfortable with the girls. Just like any of the others that are gender variant they really don't feel or attracted to the female or male energy nor will they necessarily chose either. Maybe they are attracted to one or the other but they feel more comfortable as neither.

A person is vibrating at this level because they feel more comfortable this way. Some start out as trans folks but do not complete their journey. This can happen especially to one who has undergone some very traumatic experiences. It is also sometimes necessary to awaken the inner self to know who you truly are. Like all the different levels of rainbow colors ,Which do you vibrate the most with? Which one will you choose?

Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: BriannaKatherine on January 04, 2008, 12:16:56 AM
as odd or as .. stereotypical it may sound. the color i vibrate most with is indigo. not so much as me choosing it as much as just what is.  i am connected strongly to my 3rd eye and have experienced some clairvoyance though much much more in way of clairsentience. the thing that bothes me still that i have not been able to figure out, though not certain how much OT this is, i have never been able to 'see' Her or feel 'Her' just trusting in my instincts more than anything else. have helped other people see theiur guardians and teachers but have never seen my own. and that entire issue has cause me more grief spiritually than almost any other one.
Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: cindybc on January 04, 2008, 01:20:39 AM
My Guardian appeared to me as a ghost when I was 9 years old and for a time she went away for nearly 30 years until just last summer when my soul mate and I were into an automobile accident. A rear ender while we were waiting for the lights to change. The van was totaled but we walked out with only a few bruises.

When we got back home was when I started noticing this shadow flitting around at the peripheral of my vision. My room mate has seen her as well. We were living in Ontario then, and we have since moved to BC and the shadow came with us, I named her Casandra. This had been the name I had given this entity when I first met her when I was a kid. I have found no reason to name her a different name.

I also have clairvoyance, clairsentiant claireaudient and feel other peoples moods and feeling and even thoughts at times, I can see auras except mine so I can not be certain what my aura is. But I do love the rainbow ones they are so beautiful, North American Natives called those who had rainbow auras the rainbow people.

As for the clarevoyance I am not certain I care that much for that one. I thankfully have mostly some realy wonderful awsomly beautiful visions but I have also had some teribly frightning and painful ones as well. 

Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: darkcrab on January 16, 2008, 05:49:50 PM
Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: cindybc on January 16, 2008, 09:31:16 PM
I have some personal theories about Babylon I have formed in the past few years if anyone is interested and have a sufficiently inquisitive enough mind to hear those theories.

Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: darkcrab on January 17, 2008, 02:08:00 AM
I dont have a problem with you posting things you have learned cindy.
Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: NicholeW. on January 17, 2008, 06:49:05 AM
And this

Let's hear your thoughts, Cindy, please.
Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: cindybc on January 17, 2008, 04:33:38 PM
Hi darkcrab
Well hon so do a lot of other people who think I'm a fake, well so be it. How can one prove that which is spiritual and unseen to those that are not sufficiently awake. Even though most of what I wanted to present is a theory that I have built on intuition and instinct and learning from teachings of the metaphysical and the multiple realities. I would be wasting my time, there already to many fakes out there and I have no desire to to add my name among them. I have already done that to many times already.

Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: NicholeW. on January 17, 2008, 05:38:58 PM
Cindy, if that is a reference to my asking, you could not be further wrong. I really was interested in reading your thoughts about the Babalon ideas. I had never heard of this before and if you knew something it would have certainly been nice to have read it.

Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: cindybc on January 17, 2008, 06:42:16 PM
Hi Nichole
I'm sorry hon, but no it had nothing to do with you. I just misread something, maybe I should wear my glasses more often. Sorry for the defensiveness, things in the spiritual world right now are pretty tense and many of the gifted ones appear to have retreated back into obscurity, much of it because of exploitation and the mockery that some make of our gifts and knowings. But everything is well the practices and teachings are just going to be practised more behind closed doors. We have been set back by nearly a hundred years. I will tell my theory I have on Babylone a little later tonight where there will be no disturbances about the house.

Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: darkcrab on January 17, 2008, 09:42:24 PM
OK, cool, no need to share if you fell uncomfortable about it. Thanks anyways though.  >:D
Title: Re: Goddess Spirituality / Spirituality
Post by: cindybc on February 01, 2008, 07:56:05 AM
Hi all I intended to come back to do some writing about Babylon, I could not find the previous writing I had on it so I will have to do it from scratch. Please take a look at this wonderful little video.


A website to help us feel a little closer to heaven... a gentle reminder that we are not alone.  The words of the poem have inspired millions like you who share a similar mission.  Thank you for visiting.


Posted on: January 23, 2008, 03:01:46 PM
Hi Nichole W and Darkcrab. I am sorry for being so late in responding. I have found part of my accounting of Babylon and I have inserted the Babylon part to it

I have had many visions from all the way back since childhood, many of them were of beautiful, like enchanted forest and the fairy children. The singing watter falls. But I have also had some really bad ones, some were actually like I was there, witnessing and feeling the terror pain and helplessness in a war environment. I feel for those who have to go to fight in those horrid places. There nothing one can do except pray for them, as the tears are streaming down my cheeks. it's certainly not a nice place to be.

As for the end of the world, it would be more accurate to call it the end of this system. I pray that I am still here when it takes place because after this failure of our present system there will be a need for those who are left (light workers) to rebuilding and restoring what has been laid to waste by wars. There will be those who will be the gatherers of the lost ones.

There will also be those who will be the restorers of our planet, restoring it back to it's original pristine beauty and magnificence. There man will advance and evolve and will become as one with one another. Revelations [The Thousand year reign.] A good part of this post I accurately experienced from visions, but a lot of it I created from imagination in order to fill in the blank spaces in the accounting's of the thousand year reign in the Bible.

The accounting of Babylon was just prior to the thousand Year reign. Now keeping in mind the part of the Bible that mentions the seven bowls and seven angels. Each of those bowls will bring much devastation some bacterial and some that could have come in the form of  devastating natural disaster, and some, no doubt, could be interpreted as weapons of mass destruction. But still two thirds of humanity and any other living creatures on the face of the planet will survive, but much of the planet will be like a waste land, except for one still existing outpost which was Babylon The Great.

All people will go to this outpost for trade and barter and to obtain staples that one needs to sustain life. She had control of entire planet and all of Earths leaders were at her beckon, All of the peoples of the earth are dependent on this last outpost, he only remaining left on our devastated planet to make trade and barter with. She will reigned supreme until she makes the error threatening to  make war with the heaven. The beasts of many eyes, could they have been star ships? A star ship just sitting there in the dark vacuum of space with all its port holes emitting light would appear quite like what the authors who wrote the Biblical fables would see these starships as beasts with many eyes.

Anyway this was the last conflict of human kind will ever threaten war with the extraterrestrials which have been in the environs of our solar system for possibly maybe all the way back in time since this planet was still a ball of steaming mud. Is it possible that Babylon was a very large space station? At the end the demise of Babylon the great it is said that many of the merchant ships that were out at varying distances everywhere out at sea could see her coming down in flames. Babylon was also described as a harlot who wanted not only the domination of the world, she also wanted to conker the heavens. Near the end she is described as coming out from at sea astride on of the beast with the many eyes. I just have a feeling that the ET's with light ships that can bee seen traveling in and out of our atmosphere from the space station, I don't believe  they mean us any harm. The human race only real threat is those that control the present system. Those that are a potential danger are right here on the earth, they are referred to in the Bible as fallen angels     

Rather like constructing a story with only the scantest of factual information given to us, liken-to the assorted pieces of some artifacts or fossils gathered by an archaeologist. As for the Bible it is wanting for more information on it's accounting's.

Well anyway I just don't think that the creator is going to let us destroy the world per-say, at least not until we have completed our mission and we are ready to go back to the grandfather stars. Other wise this whole deal was for nothing, as fare as the humane race goes. And if it was, why then was the universe built with such precision. Just as the people that populate this green planet, and not to mention all of the denizens of the forest and the forest itself that they live in. Everything goes in
cycles. very precise cycles. I believe it takes an intelligence to make such precision in the infinite cosmos.

For the most part this accounting a theory.


Posted on: February 01, 2008, 07:54:45 AM
Hi Nichole W and Darkcrab. I am sorry for being so late in responding. I have found part of my accounting of Babylon and I have inserted the Babylon part to it

I have had many visions from all the way back since childhood, many of them were of beautiful, like enchanted forest and the fairy children. The singing watter falls. But I have also had some really bad ones, some were actually like I was there, witnessing and feeling the terror pain and helplessness in a war environment. I feel for those who have to go to fight in those horrid places. There nothing one can do except pray for them, as the tears are streaming down my cheeks. it's certainly not a nice place to be.

As for the end of the world, it would be more accurate to call it the end of this system. I pray that I am still here when it takes place because after this failure of our present system there will be a need for those who are left (light workers) to rebuilding and restoring what has been laid to waste by wars. There will be those who will be the gatherers of the lost ones.

There will also be those who will be the restorers of our planet, restoring it back to it's original pristine beauty and magnificence. There man will advance and evolve and will become as one with one another. Revelations [The Thousand year reign.] A good part of this post I accurately experienced from visions, but a lot of it I created from imagination in order to fill in the blank spaces in the accounting's of the thousand year reign in the Bible.

The accounting of Babylon was just prior to the thousand Year reign. Now keeping in mind the part of the Bible that mentions the seven bowls and seven angels. Each of those bowls will bring much devastation some bacterial and some that could have come in the form of  devastating natural disaster, and some, no doubt, could be interpreted as weapons of mass destruction. But still two thirds of humanity and any other living creatures on the face of the planet will survive, but much of the planet will be like a waste land, except for one still existing outpost which was Babylon The Great.

All people will go to this outpost for trade and barter and to obtain staples that one needs to sustain life. She had control of entire planet and all of Earths leaders were at her beckon, All of the peoples of the earth are dependent on this last outpost, he only remaining left on our devastated planet to make trade and barter with. She will reigned supreme until she makes the error threatening to  make war with the heaven. The beasts of many eyes, could they have been star ships? A star ship just sitting there in the dark vacuum of space with all its port holes emitting light would appear quite like what the authors who wrote the Biblical fables would see these starships as beasts with many eyes.

Anyway this was the last conflict of human kind will ever threaten war with the extraterrestrials which have been in the environs of our solar system for possibly maybe all the way back in time since this planet was still a ball of steaming mud. Is it possible that Babylon was a very large space station? At the end the demise of Babylon the great it is said that many of the merchant ships that were out at varying distances everywhere out at sea could see her coming down in flames. Babylon was also described as a harlot who wanted not only the domination of the world, she also wanted to conker the heavens. Near the end she is described as coming out from at sea astride on of the beast with the many eyes. I just have a feeling that the ET's with light ships that can bee seen traveling in and out of our atmosphere from the space station, I don't believe  they mean us any harm. The human race only real threat is those that control the present system. Those that are a potential danger are right here on the earth, they are referred to in the Bible as fallen angels     

Rather like constructing a story with only the scantest of factual information given to us, liken-to the assorted pieces of some artifacts or fossils gathered by an archaeologist. As for the Bible it is wanting for more information on it's accounting's.

Well anyway I just don't think that the creator is going to let us destroy the world per-say, at least not until we have completed our mission and we are ready to go back to the grandfather stars. Other wise this whole deal was for nothing, as fare as the humane race goes. And if it was, why then was the universe built with such precision. Just as the people that populate this green planet, and not to mention all of the denizens of the forest and the forest itself that they live in. Everything goes in
cycles. very precise cycles. I believe it takes an intelligence to make such precision in the infinite cosmos.

For the most part this accounting a theory.
