General Discussions => Health => Nutrition => Topic started by: Kade1985 on January 18, 2014, 11:51:04 PM Return to Full Version

Title: A Good Diet?
Post by: Kade1985 on January 18, 2014, 11:51:04 PM
Does anyone have any suggestions for like healthy snack foods and or meals? I would like to start losing some weight. I'm like 5'1 and nearly 190 pounds. I honestly don't look it, but I am quite chubby. Physically I'm female so I should probably go with the correct diet for right now. So if anyone can like.. share some dieting experience with me I'd be very grateful!

Title: Re: A Good Diet?
Post by: Danielle Sherry on January 20, 2014, 04:27:44 PM

Reposted from Cooking...

My two cents...

1. I avoid sugar, grain (any and all grains), GMO foods or anything wrapped in a package.

2. Raw egg yolks from farm chickens (three eggs at different times of the day) and fresh steak daily for protein and B-12.

3. I drink filtered water and fresh organic coffee only (a little milk in the coffee, never sugar).

4. I eat fresh, in season fruit all day as snacks.

5. Kimchi with my steak. Easily obtained in South Korea and great for your health!   ;)


7. Make your own fluoride-free toothpaste from baking powder, hydrogen peroxide and iodine (3 drops).

8. Make your own soap.

9. I drink a little salt water made from mineral salt daily.

10. Never poison yourself with ice cream, salty snacks, sugary snacks or anything else sold in a main stream super market.

11. Sleep naked so your body can breathe and clean itself.

12. Colonics is a great idea.

13. Vitamin D3 during winter. Sun yourself during the summer in the twelve o'clock sun for 20 minutes.

14. Look at the sun as it rises.

15. Be thankful for what you have even if it's almost nothing (many people have less).

Your cravings are a function of snacking on poisonous foods. Don't do that. I will get everyone into a Skype conference call and break all this down if I have to.

Sugar feeds cancer, turpentine kills it.

Read "Wheatbelly". My most important read of 2013.

Google "Diamond G Turpentine".

Google Dr. Jennifer Daniels for instructions on turpentine usage (she had to move out the US to actually start curing patients).

Stay sexy,
