General Discussions => Entertainment => Books => Topic started by: lilacwoman on January 21, 2014, 02:37:07 PM Return to Full Version

Title: 50 Shades of...crap!
Post by: lilacwoman on January 21, 2014, 02:37:07 PM
So in the local charity/thrift shop I got a copy of 50 Shades Freed for 50p/75cents.
OMG! It was hard work.  Too much boring bondage sex spreading over 8-10 pages a time with bits of life in between.
After first sex scene I just skipped them to concentrate on the bit far fetched background story.
I didn't even know ELJames had written sequels to original 50 Shades and I won't be going looking for a copy of that as I rather get the impresion from all the flashbacks in Freed that the original had more sex as the two characters got together.

Yesterday at ladies bowls club meeting I said I'd bought it and it was boring and they all said they had not read it so I said I would take it next week but they all said NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

So who has read any of the three Fifty Shades and what was impression?
Title: Re: 50 Shades of...crap!
Post by: melanie maritz on May 04, 2014, 02:09:21 PM
I haven't read it (yet:D) I don't think I'd mind all the sexual bondage stuff, as long as it's well written because some writers can make an interesting topic sound dull by the way they write and others can make a boring topic sound like the most interesting thing you've ever hears of, just by their writing style.
Title: Re: 50 Shades of...crap!
Post by: justpat on May 04, 2014, 07:23:00 PM
    I think your topic title sez it all ! I was not impressed at all
Title: Re: 50 Shades of...crap!
Post by: ReaverMarcus on May 04, 2014, 07:35:35 PM
I haven't read it myself. I heard a lot about it. It's a glorified fanfiction, to be put on the shelves among the Twilight series.

Title: Re: 50 Shades of...crap!
Post by: @Diana on May 04, 2014, 08:10:21 PM
havent read it yet but few of my friends talked about it :P


but this is a good book imo (if u love cooking just like mwe! lol) , maybe bit better  ;D
Title: Re: 50 Shades of...crap!
Post by: Pitch on May 23, 2014, 01:17:49 AM
I read a chapter and skimmed some of the sex scenes, and I wasn't impressed. I get that erotica is all about indulging in a fantasy, but it's not my type of fantasy and it was too over-the-top to draw me in.

I did read some of it to the s/o on Skype for >-bleeped-<s and giggles. We both started cracking up at the "Red Room of Pain".
Title: Re: 50 Shades of...crap!
Post by: kelly_aus on May 23, 2014, 02:34:46 AM
I've read the first one.. And I had to force myself to finish it. It was the worst written piece of tripe I've ever had the misfortune to read..
Title: Re: 50 Shades of...crap!
Post by: James :) on June 04, 2014, 09:19:17 PM
I was going to buy the first one at the bookstore in my local shopping centre, but judging by what everyone else has said about it, I've changed my mind.
Title: Re: 50 Shades of...crap!
Post by: Fox in Socks on July 03, 2014, 10:27:32 PM
I'm afraid to read it.
Not going to.
Title: Re: 50 Shades of...crap!
Post by: Umiko on July 03, 2014, 10:46:20 PM
when i read that book, i cant even tell you what it did to me. i rather be sex depraved after reading that crap lol
Title: Re: 50 Shades of...crap!
Post by: HexenPixi on November 24, 2014, 01:10:15 PM
Ewwie, I could never read that book. Non-consensual torture in order to "change a man for the better," not my cup of tea. I take it for what it is (a work of fiction), but I'm not happy about the content either. 
Title: Re: 50 Shades of...crap!
Post by: MikaylaGC on December 06, 2014, 12:41:49 AM
Oh well I liked them, maybe I am retarded or naïve and enjoy reading fanfiction 'tripe' I don't know really. I read the whole series. I also have an opinion on the BDSM content of the book judging by the comments so far, I certainly wont be expressing them in this There are better erotica novels out there though.