Community Conversation => Transgender talk => Non-Transitioning and Detransitioning => Topic started by: newadventure on February 10, 2014, 04:51:09 AM Return to Full Version

Title: I just don't know where to start....
Post by: newadventure on February 10, 2014, 04:51:09 AM
First off, let me start with this. All of what I am about to say has been on my mind for a very long time. I am a married born female and for most of my life this has been enough. I have a child and still feel very feminine. With all the searching I have done on the internet I cant seem to find anyone that wants what I do, though I hope to find something here!

My goal is to keep all of my female traits (as much as possible) and parts but somehow transform my clitoris into a penis. I have read up on metoidioplasty and believe this would be the closest thing to what I want. I want a functional penis that can become erect but still retain my vagina for intercourse with my husband. I would ideally love to be able to penetrate my husband as well.

I have been very fortunate in the fact that my husband has been open and encouraging the whole time I have researched my options. We just cant seem to find anyone with the same goals that has gone though with these changes.

This is the first time I have joined a forum and in my frustration I am not sure if this is where I should start or not. Please if anyone has any information on testosterone therapy, surgeries, or has gone though something close to what I would like, I am desperate for answers!!!! I have searched tons of placed and can only find info on women wanting to fully transition, but I am still very attached to my girly side. I just want a penis to go with it. Am I really the only one????
Title: Re: I just don't know where to start....
Post by: DriftingCrow on February 10, 2014, 07:42:59 AM
Hi New Adventure:

Welcome to Susan's Place, I hope you find what you're looking for here. You might have better luck looking in the Female to Male Transsexual board (,27.0.html), especially the child boards that address FTM bottom surgery and testosterone therapy. The Androgyne Talk (,57.0.html) section may also be of interest. I think you'll find others around who have the same desire/need as you do.

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Title: Re: I just don't know where to start....
Post by: Nero on February 10, 2014, 09:25:09 AM
Quote from: newadventure on February 10, 2014, 04:51:09 AM
First off, let me start with this. All of what I am about to say has been on my mind for a very long time. I am a married born female and for most of my life this has been enough. I have a child and still feel very feminine. With all the searching I have done on the internet I cant seem to find anyone that wants what I do, though I hope to find something here!

My goal is to keep all of my female traits (as much as possible) and parts but somehow transform my clitoris into a penis. I have read up on metoidioplasty and believe this would be the closest thing to what I want. I want a functional penis that can become erect but still retain my vagina for intercourse with my husband. I would ideally love to be able to penetrate my husband as well.

I have been very fortunate in the fact that my husband has been open and encouraging the whole time I have researched my options. We just cant seem to find anyone with the same goals that has gone though with these changes.

This is the first time I have joined a forum and in my frustration I am not sure if this is where I should start or not. Please if anyone has any information on testosterone therapy, surgeries, or has gone though something close to what I would like, I am desperate for answers!!!! I have searched tons of placed and can only find info on women wanting to fully transition, but I am still very attached to my girly side. I just want a penis to go with it. Am I really the only one????

No, you're not the only one out there. Other women have been interested in clitoral enlargement and enhanced libido from testosterone. I've heard of women not interested in transition using T cream on the genitals to enlarge the clitoris. Depends on whether you'd be okay with the side effects - deeper voice, hair sprouting in places, possible hair loss, etc. I'm not sure whether using the cream only on the genitals produces as pronounced masculinization effects on the rest of the body as injected T. But I imagine you would get some.
Many of these side effects are not reversible - once your voice changes it doesn't go back, and you'd need electrolysis to remove unwanted beard and other body hair growth. It's all variable what you will get. Genetics determines how deep your voice will be and how much beard and body hair you get. So you can't really go by someone else's results.

Testosterone will grow the clitoris, but very few will be able to achieve penetration (there are stories out there of some rare cases, but I wouldn't hold my breath). It's basically going to be a very tiny penis. And even if yours ends up on the larger end, it may not be in the proper position anatomically for penetration. But yes, a much larger clitoris than what you have now is possible. And can later be 'enhanced' through a meta (won't make it bigger, but will 'release' it improving visibility and length perception). Your other option would be phallo, but I'm unsure whether keeping the vagina is an option with that. Both the above surgeries may be hard to get for someone who isn't transitioning to male. There's a lot of red tape as it is.

If you haven't already, look into other women using testosterone cream for enlargement. I have seen pages of women doing this, but unfortunately can't recall where. I'll see if I can remember the search terms. How do you feel about possible unwanted masculinization effects?

Anyway, welcome newadventure and I hope you find what you're looking for. Maybe some of the other guys will have more info.