General Discussions => Health => Topic started by: Alexmakenoise on February 18, 2014, 06:12:58 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Chronic Nausea and Weight Loss
Post by: Alexmakenoise on February 18, 2014, 06:12:58 PM
I've been dealing with this for a while now.  It's really hard to get it diagnosed.  The doctors keep giving me the run-around.  My gp doesn't want to see me, just refers me to a specialist with a long waiting list.  Then I find out my insurance isn't covering much so I have to cancel the appointment, sort things out with them, and wait again.  Meanwhile, the effects of not eating enough are taking their toll.  Just had to vent.
Title: Re: Chronic Nausea and Weight Loss
Post by: Valerie on February 18, 2014, 07:24:23 PM
I'm sorry you're dealing with this.   

Call your insurance provider & find out which urgent care centers in your area are in-network and what the copay is.  That'll at least get you in sooner to see *someone*...  They can do some tests there and refer you to ER if they think it warrants concern. Also, if you need to see a specialist, see if the doctor's office can call and make that appointment for you--they can up the ante a bit, as many MD offices have a little wiggle room given the 'right' circumstances.

They'll want to know things like 1) when did it start?  2) Did anything precipitate your onset of symptoms?  3) what makes the symptoms better/worse?  4) What have you tried to alleviate the symptoms?  5) Bring a list of all prescription & OTC medications you take (even if only occasionally) and include vitamins & other supplements.  6) be honest with the MD if you are using or have used substances. 

I'm sorry I don't have a better knowledge base.  Good luck and feel better....
Title: Re: Chronic Nausea and Weight Loss
Post by: Valerie on February 18, 2014, 07:27:21 PM
Oh, and keep your weight documented as best you can...
Title: Re: Chronic Nausea and Weight Loss
Post by: Alexmakenoise on February 18, 2014, 08:17:08 PM
Thanks for the advice.  I'll see what I can do.  I have an appointment with a specialist in a month, but I've been missing work and I look like I'm on drugs.  It's really annoying.  I hope I can find a doctor who'll take this seriously.
Title: Re: Chronic Nausea and Weight Loss
Post by: Hikari on February 18, 2014, 09:06:26 PM
It is a shot in the dark, but a friend expierenced similar symptoms and turns out she had started not to tolerate wheat gluten. So like everything she ate made her sick (apparently gluten is in like all food everywhere except for one tiny gluten free isle at Wegman's). I would ask the doctor about food related causes if he/she cannot seem to find an obvious cause. It took my friend some time to get a proper diagnosis, and she is fine now (except spending tons of money on food and not being able to eat at most restaurants).

Due to that, I would pay special attention to what you are eating as you wait for your doctors appointment, it might well be you are allergic or intolerant to something that used to work fine for you.
Title: Re: Chronic Nausea and Weight Loss
Post by: Michelle123 on February 22, 2014, 10:47:41 PM
Classic symptoms of liver trouble.  I would have your liver enzymes tested.  Look at all the medications you are taking as they are suspect.  Each a supper clean diet, no alcohol at all.  I would try going gluten and dairy free for a while and see if that doesn't help.   And go 100% organic.
Title: Re: Chronic Nausea and Weight Loss
Post by: Adam (birkin) on February 23, 2014, 02:30:28 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this. I dealt with this issue back in '09. I did the run around thing...I never got diagnosed, fortunately, it got better on its own. Never did figure out what had happened. But it lasted like 6 months, I was so sick all the time and lost a ton of weight. Sleep too because I was up at night trying not to vomit.

Sorry I can't be of help but I wanted to extend my sympathies. And perhaps hope as well - sometimes if they've done tests for the obvious and more worrisome it might be something that could clear up on its own. If you haven't been eating (I didn't eat anything for almost a month, and for the 5 after that choked down tiny, tiny meals) that can also cause you some problems because your stomach atrophies slightly when you fast. It can take a while to work your way up to eating - so even if the problem is getting better you might still feel sick.

Keep pressing insurance and doctors though, don't give up!
Title: Re: Chronic Nausea and Weight Loss
Post by: Felix on February 23, 2014, 03:51:49 AM
I dealt with chronic nausea and weight loss for most of my life before going on testosterone. People thought I was anorexic or on drugs or something, but usually I just didn't want to eat. I was often light-headed, and I was so thin that when I got pregnant and later breastfed I had to work really hard to get enough calories and decent nutrition. Other than the fact that I wasn't ever hungry unless I was very happy and felt safe, I have no clue why I was like that. Now, on testosterone, I'm actually still the same way - not able to eat when I'm nervous or sad - but food hits me so hard that finding enough calories is no longer an issue. And I'm generally more happy and stable than I've ever been, and that makes it easier to seek and enjoy food.

I'm sorry I don't have any advice for you, but I wish you the best of luck. I will say I did not have any liver problems or food allergies upon testing.
Title: Re: Chronic Nausea and Weight Loss
Post by: Michelle123 on February 23, 2014, 11:34:15 AM
Nausea is caused when the liver can't take the toxins and waste out of the bloodstream fast enough.  It may or may not show up on tests, but that is the issue.  It may not necessarily be that the liver is compromised, just that it is overloaded.
Title: Re: Chronic Nausea and Weight Loss
Post by: Miss_Bungle1991 on February 24, 2014, 06:31:29 PM
Quote from: Michelle123 on February 22, 2014, 10:47:41 PM
Classic symptoms of liver trouble. 

Hmmm, really?

I know one person that has this problem where they vomit a lot on a fairly regular basis. None of us can figure out why this is happening and they can't either. Every time they go to the doctor, they say they can't find anything wrong with them. BUT, they drink beer all of the time, usually a 12 pack a day and it's pretty much everyday. But, I've also known people that drink way more than they do and they don't have this chronic vomiting issue.

Your post just made me think about that is all.
Title: Re: Chronic Nausea and Weight Loss
Post by: Alexmakenoise on May 31, 2014, 06:09:44 PM
Update:  I'm feeling a lot better now!

I went to a gastroenterologist to get it checked out.  They did some blood work and referred me for an endoscopy.  Around the same time, I also started getting weekly acupuncture treatments to combat all the stress I was dealing with.  That made a big difference.  I also cut a lot of the sources of stress out of my life and started doing more things that make me happy.  That seemed to do the trick.  My appetite is back to normal now and I'm feeling healthier.

So I guess stress was the main cause, although I'm also trying to be healthier overall.
Title: Re: Chronic Nausea and Weight Loss
Post by: BatLadyMia on July 09, 2014, 05:52:07 AM
I experience your same symptoms on the daily due to my eating disorder and I can understand the difficulty. Glad you're doing better :)
Title: Re: Chronic Nausea and Weight Loss
Post by: spx_1112 on July 10, 2014, 06:10:27 PM
I experience some nausea at certain points each month.
Title: Re: Chronic Nausea and Weight Loss
Post by: Felix on July 22, 2014, 01:31:47 AM
I think it might be impossible to overestimate the burdens that stresses can bring. It's good that you're feeling better. :)