Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Non-Op => Topic started by: Unice on March 22, 2014, 03:05:10 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Castration
Post by: Unice on March 22, 2014, 03:05:10 AM
I'm new, hi. At 50 and having no partner and it's hard for me to imagine a scenario where I would end up with a partner, my discomfort about maleness is more my concern than trying to resemble a person who got vaginaed at birth.

I want to be gentle on the outside. I am very openly affectionate with people, but it's like a monster wanting to hug you.  People become uncomfortable. When a man is affectionate, it is assumed that it is about sex, for good reason.

If testosterone is a significant part of things I don't like about myself, I wonder if castration could be a viable alternative to SRS and HT.  I read that it would lower your libido after some time, but that you can become erect and orgasm. That makes it sound like a good idea, to me.

If it means that you would be lacking in both estrogen and testosteron, is that something that causes problems? Sorry if I am asking a very basic question (the question being, if castration is a viable alternative to SRS and/or HT).
Title: Re: Castration
Post by: swatch on March 22, 2014, 06:57:54 PM
I do really understand your concerns. At some time, I thought about the castration side of things. And I think that testosterone drives an obsessive/agressive (yet not necessarily violent) behaviour. The problem is, that lack of plasma/blood testosterone and plasma/blood estrogen will lead, long term, to complications like osteoporosis, and other symptoms like accelerated aging. In every case, cells being deprivated from one of both hormones in proper balance for some time is dangerous. Whether you are male or female, it is not that important which hormone tickles the cells' receptors, as long as there is a balance and proper amount.
Title: Re: Castration
Post by: Miss_Bungle1991 on March 22, 2014, 07:07:52 PM
I had a bi-lateral orchiectomy a few years ago. You will need T or E no matter why you have it done. (The reason that I mentioned both was that the hospital I went to, around 90% of the clients that came in for this procedure were genetic males with testicular cancer. The rest were trans patients).
Title: Re: Castration
Post by: Unice on April 02, 2014, 10:25:02 PM
I have been trying to read before asking questions. But, I still managed to miss information right there in front of my face. So, if anyone else wants to know, this is some of what what Ms. Squirrel was talking about:
Title: Re: Castration
Post by: Catherine Sarah on April 02, 2014, 10:44:58 PM
Hi Unice,
In rely to your question, no. Castration is not a viable alternative to SRS/HT.

Gender Correction Surgery/HT covers a much broader spectrum of issues than what you've described your issue to be.

You may achieve greater clarity from discussing your issues with a gender therapist. As I'm sure there's more to your needs than what you referred to in your opening thread.
