Community Conversation => Support groups => Topic started by: AlexHunter on April 21, 2014, 05:54:39 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Not Sure About Seeking Out Local Support Group
Post by: AlexHunter on April 21, 2014, 05:54:39 PM
There is a long-standing support group in my area, and I have been advised by more than one person that I should seek them out and attend their meetings and social functions. I have two main reservations about this:

1) I'm certain that I am in a much different place than most of the people I would find there. I don't really know what outcome I am heading towards. I would love the ability to be out in a safe group presenting as a woman, but I'm worried about how I will look and fit in.
2) I reached out to the group via their web page and spoke with a woman about their meetings. She sounded...bored(?)...on the phone. It was not a good vibe. This process is such a struggle -- is attending group support going to lift my spirits, or will I just be sad for everyone else's struggles as well as my own.

I've never really done any kind of group like this, so I don't really know what to expect.

I would appreciate any experiences that others might be able to share.