Community Conversation => Transgender talk => Non-Transitioning and Detransitioning => Topic started by: secondo on April 23, 2014, 07:12:41 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Voice is still hoarse?
Post by: secondo on April 23, 2014, 07:12:41 PM
I'm stopping T after 3 months. My voice has deepened noticeably, but it obviously hasn't settled. I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about this?? I'm very uncomfortable with my voice atm because I can't sing, scream, or cheer well, and it sounds like I have a cold all the time. Will it settle on its own? Do I need to go back on T for it to sound 'normal again'?
Title: Re: Voice is still hoarse?
Post by: makipu on May 20, 2014, 05:31:55 PM
Hi, I am having a similar problem. Mine also hasn't settled but the worst part is sometimes when I talk, the words literally don't come out >:( I mean there is no voice. I understand the cracking part but I wasn't aware of this effect so I don't like it. I have no idea how much more I have to be on T.