General Discussions => Spirituality => Christianity => Topic started by: Vicky on May 21, 2014, 12:44:52 AM Return to Full Version

Title: "G-d Made You The Way He Wanted You -- ??? A Bible Conundrum!!
Post by: Vicky on May 21, 2014, 12:44:52 AM
I was out with a few people the other day having lunch after an "interfaith activity" in our community which my church had hosted.  Our community has had one TG child in one school, and another at a high school two cities over, and the subject of Trans* students had come up briefly.  I had not come out Trans* because I was interested in how the subject was going to develop.   One person in the group knew I was TG but caught my eye about keeping her mouth shut. Which she did for a while. 

The almost obligatory statement about G-d not making junk, and G-d had made people as G-d wanted them came up from one person in regard to "genital surgery".  The person was not really hostile, but was pompous about that being especially true for "genitals" and changing them from how G-d had the person born.

My friend gave me an evil grin at that point and remarked on what Genesis 17: 9-14 @ said about the subject of how the Bible mandated some genital plastic surgery for the Children Of Abraham, granted only on the males, but it insisted that it was for ALL males.  It took a moment for one of the other people at the table to read the passage to the group.  The subject of Trans* surgeries was quickly dropped. 

I never did come out to the group as Trans*.  I am adding the passage to my Trans* 101 presentation too.

(@The passage involves circumcision of males.) 
Title: Re: "G-d Made You The Way He Wanted You -- ??? A Bible Conundrum!!
Post by: f_Anna_tastic on May 21, 2014, 03:46:47 AM
The Bible also says Jonah lived in the belly of a whale for 3 days. 

Considering it would be impossible for someone to get down a whales throat and then he'd have to breathe methane for 3 days let alone worry about the bacteria and such digesting him.

Does it matter if some tiny passage of leviticus or Genesis or something else might possibly construe that being transgender is a sin or against God?
Title: Re: "G-d Made You The Way He Wanted You -- ??? A Bible Conundrum!!
Post by: HoneyStrums on May 21, 2014, 04:16:22 AM
It is the spirit god made perfect. the body is imperfection. I Know nothing of the bible though. And if i did I would see it as what it is. Written by humanity that caperble of being right and wrong. When ever i struggle with life it is to god I turn, because I connot trust humanity even as I cannot trust myself. I make choices based on what I beleive to be right.

The CHOICE is what we choose, that being what we beleive.
It is far better to do a wrong beleiving it to be right. (innocence)
Then to do a right beleiving it is wrong. (guilt)

What matters is why, not what.
I know that you might disagree with me but, If you beleive differently I wouldnt exspect you too, neither would I want you too. I hope all will do what they beleive is right even if they disagree.
Title: Re: "G-d Made You The Way He Wanted You -- ??? A Bible Conundrum!!
Post by: ErinWDK on May 21, 2014, 08:07:05 AM
Quote from: Vicky on May 21, 2014, 12:44:52 AMIt took a moment for one of the other people at the table to read the passage to the group.  The subject of Trans* surgeries was quickly dropped. 

I never did come out to the group as Trans*.  I am adding the passage to my Trans* 101 presentation too.

(@The passage involves circumcision of males.)

Good on you Vicky.  This is an interesting passage to bring up to those who want to put all trans* down.  I will have to add it to my "101" resources as well!

Title: Re: "G-d Made You The Way He Wanted You -- ??? A Bible Conundrum!!
Post by: Satinjoy on May 21, 2014, 09:56:32 AM
Good for you indeed, that must have been wild with you stealth and passing so well, and defending us.

So sad we seem to be on the defensive too much.  They never seem to see into the heart, of God, of us, or even of themselves.

I am so proud of you, if it isn't egoistic to say that, but I am.  Good for you.
Title: Re: "G-d Made You The Way He Wanted You -- ??? A Bible Conundrum!!
Post by: Jess42 on May 21, 2014, 03:43:02 PM
I do believe God made us perfect. In God's own image (our Spirits)? How can we not be perfect that which God created in the Creator's own image. It's just that God gave us Freewill and we did "eat from Tree of Knowledge" against the Will of God. I don't know the chapter or verse but I quote, "They are one of us now. They know the difference between good and evil." This got us kicked out of the garden (blissful paradise) and put us on a fastrack of learning. After the eviction we went lower and lower in resonance to the same resonance as the physical universe as we see it. to the point that we are Spitritual entities in a physical or material body. Take a first grader and put them in the twelfth grade and lower and lower they will go until they get back to the first grade and then have to learn and  ascend to the twelfth grade in order to graduate.And then comes college so more learning?

"They are one of us now. They know the difference between good and evil." Who is "Us"? The Elohim? Angels? I have never gotten a straight answer from anyone that stands in front of a pulpit and preaches right or wrong. Personally I believe it is the Elohim. Seven advanced Spirits that Created all of our Spirits. Which makes them cocreators of the One God which would make us indirect creations of the One God. And in turn we have the potential to be cocreators. Christ on the other hand and other Teachers that come from time to time to nudge or kickstart our our Spiritual evolution after the world becomes too corrupt are direct creations of the One God. I know it does sound crazy, maybe a little insane even but it is a great mystery and I ain't never claimed to be totally sane. ;) This is one of the reasons that Christians don't accept me even though I accept the teachings of Christ and believe in One Ultimate God. I just think that God is so far above our comprehension at this point in time that no one can really understand nothing more than bits or peices of the puzzle.

Me personally, I don't see God as male or female but both, existing in perfect harmony. The same characteristics we have but in time we grow more comfortable in one or the other and in order to learn we have to experience the gender we are less comfortable with from time to time. But that is reincarnation. That is another reason why I am not accepted by mainstream Chritstians.

To me it isn't a conundrum. It is just a mystery that we have yet to solve with our limited knowledge from a physical brain with a mind in a physical body inhabited by a Spirit that senses bits and pieces of the big picture but can't put it together yet.

Ok the crazy woman's done. :) Please don't be too harsh on me. I just think that being transgendered and or who we are is way more complicated than the common perceptions.
Title: Re: "G-d Made You The Way He Wanted You -- ??? A Bible Conundrum!!
Post by: HoneyStrums on May 21, 2014, 03:54:29 PM
Quote from: Jess42 on May 21, 2014, 03:43:02 PM
To me it isn't a conundrum. It is just a mystery that we have yet to solve with our limited knowledge from a physical brain with a mind in a physical body inhabited by a Spirit that senses bits and pieces of the big picture but can't put it together yet.

Which Is why no matter how high in any church anywear if you disagree with someone, you must go with what you believe. Because just as you they too may be wrong.
Title: Re: "G-d Made You The Way He Wanted You -- ??? A Bible Conundrum!!
Post by: Jess42 on May 21, 2014, 04:04:48 PM
Quote from: ButterflyVickster on May 21, 2014, 03:54:29 PM
Which Is why no matter how high in any church anywear if you disagree with someone, you must go with what you believe. Because just as you they too may be wrong.

I guess that is why I am such a Spirtual mutt or Spirtual Hienz 57? ??? I, in no way, claim to be right about anything but rather it is just my perceptions of Spirtuality which I feel and we all have and is unique to our life experiences, struggles and strife that we go through on a day to day basis. That is also why I never discount other's perceptions unless they use it as a means of manipulating others or justify their own prejudices or as a means for riches and so on.
Title: Re: "G-d Made You The Way He Wanted You -- ??? A Bible Conundrum!!
Post by: Sarah Louise on May 21, 2014, 04:09:56 PM
I trust in the Lord first, last and always.

I might not always understand but I have to trust.
Title: Re: "G-d Made You The Way He Wanted You -- ??? A Bible Conundrum!!
Post by: Jess42 on May 21, 2014, 04:50:00 PM
Quote from: Sarah Louise on May 21, 2014, 04:09:56 PM
I trust in the Lord first, last and always.

I might not always understand but I have to trust.

Amen. My only problem is that I have to try to understand even though I trust.