Community Conversation => Transitioning => Passing => Topic started by: melanie maritz on May 23, 2014, 10:55:15 AM Return to Full Version

Title: A week on estrogen and No boobies!!
Post by: melanie maritz on May 23, 2014, 10:55:15 AM
Just kiddind :D me knows it takes time. But I want to ask for some help , please. I'm going clubbing with friends tonight and it's even harder to pass wiithout my wig and I don't want to wear a wig because it is making my hair fall out and even made sensitive sore spots on my head that got a little bald.

Okay, so I would reallly like to make my non-existent boobs look like boobs for the night, but unfortunately there will be no fairy godmother granting me boobs.

I saw this video on youtube where a guy transformed himself to looking 100% like a girl with makeup, padding and what looked like socks for the boobs, amd a wig.

his boobs looked like real boobs but he doesn't really show very well how he does it or explain how he does it.

Can anyone please tell me the secret if they know? I've tried pushing lots of socks in there. It's not working. Tried pinning the bra tigter than it can go with safety pins, didn't work.

Am I allowed to post a link to the video here so you guys can watch it and say how you think he did it?

Thank you :D
Title: Re: A week on estrogen and No boobies!!
Post by: suzifrommd on May 23, 2014, 11:25:23 AM
I took a bra and stuffed two cloths into it, one on each side. Worked fine for several months until I got some breast forms.
Title: Re: A week on estrogen and No boobies!!
Post by: suzifrommd on May 23, 2014, 11:26:55 AM
Oh, I should add that it was a padded bra. Don't think it would work for an ordinary one.
Title: Re: A week on estrogen and No boobies!!
Post by: Umiko on May 23, 2014, 11:28:30 AM
doesnt boob development start in the first month?  ??? according to my genes, i would get them sooner but it really depends on the person
Title: Re: A week on estrogen and No boobies!!
Post by: melanie maritz on May 23, 2014, 12:08:11 PM
Thank you, I don't have a padded bra so I can't do it, no cleaveage for me lol. But it's fine, I'm used to not passing
Title: Re: A week on estrogen and No boobies!!
Post by: LordKAT on May 23, 2014, 02:20:09 PM
I had understood that stockings filled with rice or the like work. Just not too big or they get really heavy. By stockings, I mean the toe end of nylons or the like.
Title: Re: A week on estrogen and No boobies!!
Post by: gretchenTG on May 23, 2014, 03:09:33 PM
I did the rice with nylon but used bird seed. If you tie a knot  above the rice or seed that will make the nipple appear if you want it to show. Also leave a little extra room where you tight knot. Once you tie it take it and reverse back through the nylon and you will then have 2 layers of nylon just in case it tears. Use a measuring cup so both will be the same size.  I have 2 different sizes. I agree don't go to big. They look awesome with a good bra.

Good luck!!!

Title: Re: A week on estrogen and No boobies!!
Post by: FilaFord on May 23, 2014, 03:40:55 PM
Do you have any breast tissue at all?  I have very little, but I managed to make some cleavage by using packing tape to squeeze it all up, then shoved my breast forms (or you can use socks and bird seed which would actually probably work better) behind them and use a really tight bra to keep them all squeezed together.  I didn't go out clubbing, but I think it made pretty convincing cleavage.

Title: Re: A week on estrogen and No boobies!!
Post by: Hikari on May 23, 2014, 05:52:39 PM
I have seen panty hose cut up and filled with rice do the trick nicely before. Lots of things will work though, so long as you don't need people to touch your breasts and be convinced. Also Don't try and go too overboard on the size thing.
Title: Re: A week on estrogen and No boobies!!
Post by: melanie maritz on May 24, 2014, 05:31:50 AM
thanks for all the suggestions. I have rice boobies which I always use but I guess I don't have enough flesh to make cleavage.

The night out was quite fun. I think I passed 70% due to makeup. I partied so hard I got a heat rash from dancing :D it was so hot inside the club