General Discussions => Health => Weight loss => Topic started by: Rawb on June 17, 2014, 05:42:19 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Is there something wrong with me?
Post by: Rawb on June 17, 2014, 05:42:19 PM
No matter how much I work out, no matter what I eat or don't eat, I maintain my weight.
It's always the same.
So am I just, loosing fat and gaining muscle as such a rate that my weight never changes?  -__-;;
Title: Re: Is there something wrong with me?
Post by: Jessica Merriman on June 17, 2014, 05:58:40 PM
I would not think anything is wrong with you. Genetics and metabolism just work different for everyone. This just may be the way you are wired, that's all. This is why we can't tell someone how they will respond to HRT. There is just no way to predict it and there is not a "normal" scale for anyone. Like when I was on the street as a Paramedic. Two identical patients with the same condition, but different reactions to the same dose of meds.  :)
Title: Re: Is there something wrong with me?
Post by: Rawb on June 17, 2014, 07:11:40 PM
I haven't started HRT yet, and I heard that testosterone boosts your metabolism? So hopefully that will help.
Although I could be totally wrong on that.
Title: Re: Is there something wrong with me?
Post by: Jessica Merriman on June 17, 2014, 07:13:57 PM
You are correct it should boost it.  :)
Title: Re: Is there something wrong with me?
Post by: whatismylife on August 20, 2014, 02:49:58 AM
Quote from: Rawb on June 17, 2014, 05:42:19 PM
No matter how much I work out, no matter what I eat or don't eat, I maintain my weight.
It's always the same.
So am I just, loosing fat and gaining muscle as such a rate that my weight never changes?  -__-;;

what are your goals specifically and do you have a workout and diet program you are following in order to achieve those goals, or just winging it?

p.s. weight itself is not always the best indicator unless you are competing in a sport where you are trying to specifically fit into a certain weight class.  the scale can always deceive, but better to see what you look like in the mirror, what your strength and endurance levels are, etc. etc.