General Discussions => Beauty => Topic started by: Jennygirl on July 12, 2014, 12:16:26 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Simple & cheap tooth whitening
Post by: Jennygirl on July 12, 2014, 12:16:26 AM
I drink a lot of tea and years are finally starting to work against the color of my teeth, so I've been looking at tooth whitening services/products/etc for quite some time now. Then, earlier this week my mom was like "EW your teeth are so yellow, what the crap?!" Literally she said that. Thanks mom for lighting a fire under my butt!

Luckily I had been looking into it for quite some time so I knew what i wanted to try first. Anyway I had watched a few glowing youtube reviews on this stuff... it's called "Plus White 5 Minute tooth whitening". I got it at Walgreens for 9 bucks. Would have tried it sooner but I couldn't find it in LA (right now I'm visiting FL with my parents).


I've used it 4 nights in a row, and I'm loving it so much I figured I would post a review of my own / how I use it- mainly because bang for buck I think it's pretty awesome.

I apply it with a qtip- so far only on my upper teeth because those are really the only ones that show. I usually stuff some kleenexes in the sides of my mouth to keep my lips propped up. The gel takes 5 minutes to get going, then you want to let it sit there for 15-20 minutes. The hardest part is keeping your lip off your teeth and not smearing it onto your gums.

I'm assuming it would not feel too nice to have this stuff resting on your gums or the inside of your lips. I also didn't bother to look at what they put in it. All I know is I saw several reviews on youtube with girls saying that it works after the first time... and they were absolutely right!

Can't believe how cheap and effective it is. Made such a huge difference already... Probably another few days and I'll stop for a while. The nicest thing is how cheap it is, and you really can see it working super fast.

I was also thinking about "zoom" or whatever but read too many reviews of messed up gums afterwards... And I trust my own hand with chemicals being carefully applied to places I can see more than about anyone else. I am a perfectionist.. This is the perfect solution because I can apply it perfectly every time and not have to worry about gum damage.

Anyway, prolly should have taken a before/after. But I guess those are hard to do because if lighting changes at all teeth look totally different anyway. 4 treatments though and already they look about 4-5 years younger in terms of color & evenness of tone. LOVIN' IT! Maybe someone will find this review useful!