Community Conversation => Transitioning => Real-Life Experience => Topic started by: alawnah on July 15, 2014, 03:10:39 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Dorming as a transgender person
Post by: alawnah on July 15, 2014, 03:10:39 PM
I am still very new to the forums and I think this is the right place for this, sorry if not.

But anyway, I am hoping to start on HRT soon, and I am also hoping to go to college in the fall/spring. I've been accepted at the college I wanted to go to before I ever considered this because I never thought I would tell anyone about my being transgender.

And I still want to go to that college (UMass Lowell), but from what I have seen they support trans people, but they don't have many accommodations for it.

I just wanted to know what others experiences were like, and if I would be allowed in the woman's dorm, would I be stuck in a man's? Should I even try this college or should I set sights on a more accommodating college such as UMass Amherst which has an entire building that has gender neutral bathrooms, dorms, etc and also a very large LGBTQ community?

Thanks in advance for all responses.  :)
Title: Re: Dorming as a transgender person
Post by: mm on July 15, 2014, 03:23:20 PM
I am in college, transition ftm in college.  I would suggest if at all possible start college in the gender you want to be.  I think there are a so many pluses if you can pass reasonably well.  I do pass reasonably well now but still the older student know my history and I never know what somebody know about me.
Title: Re: Dorming as a transgender person
Post by: androgynouspainter26 on July 15, 2014, 04:04:08 PM

My understanding is that most state schools in Massachusetts, New York, California-all of the progressive states-tend to have some official, across-the-board policy in place, even if it isn't listed in bold letters.  MM is right that starting college full time can be easier, although it does have it's pros and cons.  On the plus side, I was not misgendered even once after I went off to school-but the downside is that you won't have much support going into school.  Even if you can't pass very well yet (like myself) students are usually a very accepting crowd. 

One thing you might want to try is writing a letter to the dean of students, or someone else who is in a position above the housing office, who might be able to directly influence the situation.  I happen to be at a state school without a concrete system in place as well, and after I send that letter, I was placed with a female roomate-our room even had an attached bathroom.  It's certainly worth the shot.  Most of all, don't choose your transition over your education.  Even if it's a rough road, you'll be so much happier in school, surrounded by like-minded people.  Take my word for it.
Title: Re: Dorming as a transgender person
Post by: ThatCatGuy on July 15, 2014, 11:36:41 PM
My advice would be to try to get in contact with the residence services department. I know that at the college that I go to, I had to make special arrangements for gender neutral housing. Every college/university is different though, so calling/emailing them about it is your best bet.