General Discussions => Beauty => Videos => Topic started by: Hazumu on August 01, 2007, 10:47:56 PM Return to Full Version

Title: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: Hazumu on August 01, 2007, 10:47:56 PM
If you believe that abortion is wrong, this video will make you uncomfortable.

A reporter asks protesters at an abortion clinic what the punishment should be for a woman who has an illegal abortion.

They hadn't thought of THAT...

Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: Jay on August 02, 2007, 09:38:32 AM
The video doesn't work because it doesn't allow embedding. However the URL is here

Thank you for the video Karen. I believe that women having abortions are there personal choice, however using abortion as a contraceptive should not be allowed.
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: Nero on August 02, 2007, 09:43:33 AM
Quote from: Jaston on August 02, 2007, 09:38:32 AM
The video doesn't work because it doesn't allow embedding. However the URL is here

Thank you for the video Karen. I believe that women having abortions are there personal choice, however using abortion as a contraceptive should not be allowed.
I agree Jaston. I'm vehemently pro-choice, but those women who have like a dozen abortions - that's just not kosher. Obviously if they have the funds for an abortion, they have the funds for birth control.
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: RebeccaFog on August 02, 2007, 03:26:14 PM

Are there really women who have a series of abortions?  Just asking. I never imagined such a thing.

If abortion was illegal, I think the ones who should be punished are the people who made it illegal. Every women who gets an illegal procedure is risking a lot more than a fetus.  It's a very serious health issue.  So every time a woman is discovered who has had an illegal abortion, the people who made it illegal should have a rusty nail run across their faces.

Just a thought.

I would prefer that every unborn child is set up to have an adoption, but the world is too imperfect to work nicely.
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: Nero on August 03, 2007, 12:31:03 PM
Yes. Although a dozen was probably an exaggeration. I don't believe these women should be penalized for it. But abortions (as far as I know) are not covered on health insurance, and I don't get why a woman who can afford 100s of dollars for an abortion can't buy birth control.
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: Dennis on August 03, 2007, 01:37:54 PM
Perhaps if it became illegal, all anti-choice people should be required to register and then to contribute a proportional share to the raising of the children that are born as a result.

Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: Sarah Louise on August 03, 2007, 03:33:07 PM
I hate to see abortion used as a form of birth control, however, I could never condone outlawing it totally.  There are times it is appropriate (I know many parts of the Christian Church don't agree with that).

Sarah L.
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: Rachael on August 03, 2007, 04:11:17 PM
if you attempt abortion, you will be subjected to a forced termination as punishment....
R :police:
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: tinkerbell on August 03, 2007, 09:33:00 PM
Three people have asked me in the past month or so the following question:

"How could you be pro-life and support the death penalty?"

My answer has been exactly the same to these three people:

Quote from: meHmmmmm....there is a difference though.  A fetus is an innocent creature.  He has not even been given the chance to be born.  Thus, killing him is murder.   Personally I don't see the comparison between a fetus in the womb and a serial killer who has raped, tortured and killed in order to satisfy his perversive desires.  You do know right?  that they (serial killers I mean) get sexually aroused when torturing and killing their victims?  So, IMO, abortion is murder, but putting the scum on the table and under the needle isn't. 

Furthermore, I'd like to ask all pro-choice people this question:  Have you ever seen an aborted fetus?  Do you know what some doctors do to kill a fetus in the womb?  Are you familiar with an abortion technique called vaginal aspiration?  Let me know if you aren't familiar with any of this, and I will gladly share a video with you.

tink :icon_chick:
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: Nero on August 03, 2007, 09:49:24 PM
Quote from: Tink on August 03, 2007, 09:33:00 PM
Three people have asked me in the past month or so the following question:

"How could you be pro-life and support the death penalty?"

My answer has been exactly the same to these three people:

Quote from: meHmmmmm....there is a difference though.  A fetus is an innocent creature.  He has not even been given the chance to be born.  Thus, killing him is murder.   Personally I don't see the comparison between a fetus in the womb and a serial killer who has raped, tortured and killed in order to satisfy his perversive desires.  You do know right?  that they (serial killers I mean) get sexually aroused when torturing and killing their victims?  So, IMO, abortion is murder, but putting the scum on the table and under the needle isn't. 

Furthermore, I'd like to ask all pro-choice people this question:  Have you ever seen an aborted fetus?  Do you know what some doctors do to kill a fetus in the womb?  Are you familiar with an abortion technique called vaginal aspiration?  Let me know if you aren't familiar with any of this, and I will gladly share a video with you.

tink :icon_chick:
Well, seeing as my mother was a pro-life activist in my childhood, I've been subjected to most of the images and stories. I know what it looks like and how it's done, yet I'm pro-choice. One of the very few issues I clash with my mother on.
Surprised to hear of one I'm not familiar with - 'vaginal aspiration'. What technique is that?
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: Rachael on August 03, 2007, 09:51:40 PM
my best friend was bruitally raped when she was 14, she got pregnant, she had the embryo aborted. it had no indepentat chance of live, and no consiousness at that stage. and letting it begin life would have been crueler for mother and future child...
she didnt deserve to loose her childhood and chance of education to a rapist...

R :police:
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: tinkerbell on August 03, 2007, 09:55:25 PM
Quote from: Nero on August 03, 2007, 09:49:24 PM
'vaginal aspiration'. What technique is that?

It is a type of vacuum which is inserted into the vagina, and then taken through the cervix until it reaches the uterus where the baby is.  Well, the aspirator is turned on, and the baby is suctioned into little pieces through this machine.  Do you know that some doctors use it in the third trimester of pregnancy?  It is not legal to use it at this stage but you will be surprised what some doctors do for a few bucks.

tink :icon_chick:

P.S.  true, there are many circumstances but a woman doesn't have to keep a baby after he/she is born.  IMO, you will sleep better if you give your baby for adoption rather than killing him.
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: Rachael on August 03, 2007, 09:56:43 PM
poonhoover? sounds disgusting...

R :police:
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: Nero on August 03, 2007, 09:58:09 PM
Oh Ok. That's the name for the most common procedure then.
Is it even possible to suck a third trimester out like that? ??? That would seem, well, messy.
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: Tay on August 04, 2007, 08:27:04 PM
Quote from: Tink on August 03, 2007, 09:33:00 PM
Three people have asked me in the past month or so the following question:

"How could you be pro-life and support the death penalty?"

My answer has been exactly the same to these three people:

Quote from: meHmmmmm....there is a difference though.  A fetus is an innocent creature.  He has not even been given the chance to be born.  Thus, killing him is murder.   Personally I don't see the comparison between a fetus in the womb and a serial killer who has raped, tortured and killed in order to satisfy his perversive desires.  You do know right?  that they (serial killers I mean) get sexually aroused when torturing and killing their victims?  So, IMO, abortion is murder, but putting the scum on the table and under the needle isn't. 
Innocence requires the capacity to be guilty.  A rock is, by your definition, an innocent.  Should we avoid blowing it up if it's going to fall down onto a road and take out a bridge?

A pregnancy carried to term, regardless of giving up the results of the pregnancy for adoption, is a life altering thing.  It can destroy your chances for a good education, depending upon the school you go to. It can cost you your job.  You might say "Well, sue them for discrimination!" but suing takes money and after you have paid for the pregnancy and lost your job and your education, where do you find the money to do so?

Quote from: Tink on August 03, 2007, 09:33:00 PMFurthermore, I'd like to ask all pro-choice people this question:  Have you ever seen an aborted fetus?  Do you know what some doctors do to kill a fetus in the womb?  Are you familiar with an abortion technique called vaginal aspiration?  Let me know if you aren't familiar with any of this, and I will gladly share a video with you.

tink :icon_chick:

I've seen the videos.  I've seen the photos.  I've seen the sources that have proven that the photos are not true and are falsely created propaganda.  I've met women who had abortions and do not regret it.

Posted on: August 04, 2007, 08:15:51 PM
Quote from: Tink on August 03, 2007, 09:55:25 PM
Quote from: Nero on August 03, 2007, 09:49:24 PM
'vaginal aspiration'. What technique is that?

It is a type of vacuum which is inserted into the vagina, and then taken through the cervix until it reaches the uterus where the baby is.  Well, the aspirator is turned on, and the baby is suctioned into little pieces through this machine.  Do you know that some doctors use it in the third trimester of pregnancy?  It is not legal to use it at this stage but you will be surprised what some doctors do for a few bucks.

tink :icon_chick:
And some doctors will do black market breast implants.  Some doctors will do black market FFS.  Some people DIE from black market procedures.

Do you know how many more women would die each year from abortions done at home if abortion were illegal?  I can guarantee that that number would be higher than it is now, and likely higher than the rates of death for other black market procedures.

Quote from: Tink on August 03, 2007, 09:55:25 PM
P.S.  true, there are many circumstances but a woman doesn't have to keep a baby after he/she is born.  IMO, you will sleep better if you give your baby for adoption rather than killing him.

These women do not regret their abortions and seem to sleep relatively well.

If I ever became pregnant, and was unable to abort?  I would kill myself.  The IDEA of being pregnant makes my brain start to panic.  Not only would my foetus then die, but I would as well.

Adoption is a solution for unwanted parenting, not unwanted pregnancy. 

Also, the adoption system is ageist, racist and predjudiced against children with disabilities.  I do not find it more moral to pawn off your "mistake" on someone else or to leave a child in a situation where they run a high risk of being unwanted and growing up without a stable home.  I was an unwanted child.  I would not wish that on anyone.
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: error on August 04, 2007, 08:37:42 PM
Quote from: Tink on August 03, 2007, 09:55:25 PMP.S.  true, there are many circumstances but a woman doesn't have to keep a baby after he/she is born.  IMO, you will sleep better if you give your baby for adoption rather than killing him.

Those that consider adding to the already saturated system against their own morals probably wouldn't.

Especially if said individual isn't white or if the child has a disability.

Because with the addition of either factor, the chances of the child being adopted drops dramatically.
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: Nero on August 04, 2007, 08:51:43 PM
Quote from: error on August 04, 2007, 08:37:42 PM
Quote from: Tink on August 03, 2007, 09:55:25 PMP.S.  true, there are many circumstances but a woman doesn't have to keep a baby after he/she is born.  IMO, you will sleep better if you give your baby for adoption rather than killing him.

Those that consider adding to the already saturated system against their own morals probably wouldn't.

Especially if said individual isn't white or if the child has a disability.

Because with the addition of either factor, the chances of the child being adopted drops dramatically.
So true. And the children who aren't 'adoptable', whom no one wants, are just dragged through foster home after foster home. Many children living in foster or group homes are abused. Some suffer sexual abuse daily. While some are fortunate enough to be placed with good fosters, many are not. Most of the runaways in my area are from the foster and group homes because of the abuse. This really is no life for a child. At least not for the unlucky, undesirable ones.
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: Sophia on August 04, 2007, 09:11:34 PM
Quote from: Tink on August 03, 2007, 09:33:00 PM
Furthermore, I'd like to ask all pro-choice people this question:  Have you ever seen an aborted fetus?

Considering most abortions happen in the first and second trimesters it looks like a deformed salamander at best and a near microscopic clump of cells at worst.
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: Fer on August 05, 2007, 04:18:15 AM
If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?

Kill them all!  >:D

sounds awful, innit? 
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: error on August 05, 2007, 08:00:42 AM
Quote from: Sophia on August 04, 2007, 09:11:34 PM
Quote from: Tink on August 03, 2007, 09:33:00 PM
Furthermore, I'd like to ask all pro-choice people this question:  Have you ever seen an aborted fetus?

Considering most abortions happen in the first and second trimesters it looks like a deformed salamander at best and a near microscopic clump of cells at worst.
And considering it's stored away as biohazardous material, most people wouldn't be able to anyway.
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: Rachael on August 06, 2007, 06:28:39 AM
imo, a foetus is alive when it has the capability to sustain life on its own, when it is physically independant. when it is not, it is still a part of the mother, and any mother, or person to that matter, should be able to do anything they like to thier own bodies as long as it is medically safe...

R :police:
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: katia on August 08, 2007, 03:20:03 PM
Quote from: Fer on August 05, 2007, 04:18:15 AM
If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?

Kill them all!  >:D

ha ha ha

you mean the parents? yeah surely!  >:D
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: Sophia on August 08, 2007, 09:43:59 PM
Irony is awesome isn't it?
Title: Re: If abortion is illegal, what should the punishment be?
Post by: katia on August 11, 2007, 12:13:20 PM
Quote from: Sophia on August 08, 2007, 09:43:59 PM
Irony is awesome isn't it?

you have no idea. >:D