General Discussions => Beauty => Fashion => Topic started by: Aeyra on August 03, 2007, 12:06:50 PM Return to Full Version

Title: I got a pair of metallic pants
Post by: Aeyra on August 03, 2007, 12:06:50 PM
It took me forever to find anything near this (you people in Europe get all the fun stuff). Seems like only a few years ago you could waltz into even Walmart and find this all over. Now, even your most nutjob web retailers seem awfully stuffy...

Anyways, they're electric blue and they fit like a charm......they didn't have flare leg at the time so I had to go with the straight leg. That's okay even though it makes my thighs look big (I have a fat rear and thighs so that's why I usually go with boot cut or flare leg) and it looks more futuristic than the slop they sell at Walmart/Wallyworld. I kind of feel naughty since I also have a pair of leather pants that fit and look just as well as the blue ones...... :icon_suspicious: :icon_evil_laugh: :icon_rockon: they're made of the vinyl that you find on your raingear, BTW

Title: Re: I got a pair of metallic pants
Post by: stephanology on August 10, 2007, 10:13:54 AM
You didn't answer the obvious question:

WHY did you buy electric blue metallic pants?

(Don't throw anything at me! :D)

Posted on: August 10, 2007, 10:11:34 AM
Oh, and you bring up a more important topic as well, which is:

How come flares became uncool again?  Flares rule and should always be fashionable!

I said my piece, and you know I'm right!
