Community Conversation => Transitioning => Legal Matters => Topic started by: alexis.j on August 30, 2014, 12:35:23 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Changing of name and sex implications (south africa)
Post by: alexis.j on August 30, 2014, 12:35:23 AM
Hi all :-)
This post is specifically for South Africans, or those with experience with name and gender changing.
As I understand,  by changing your gender, your ID number also changes (due to the number range for male or female being different).
What difficulties does one have when changing your details for your vehicles? Will they accept just a change of details?  Or do you have to do a sale from your old self to your new self, with roadworthy certificates and all? I have several, so it could become a timely and costly thing. And what happens if you just leave the details as it was? On your old name and ID number?
Then with the banks?

If any south african that went through this process is willing to share there experience or give me some advice, I would really appreciate it.

I am aware of the time and difficulty at Home Affairs,  thus dont want to wait until the last before applying. 
And would it be better/easier to first do name then gender, or to do both at once?

Thanx for your time reading this.

Posts or PM's welcome :-)