Community Conversation => Transitioning => Orchiectomy and Penectomy => Topic started by: Rose City Rose on October 10, 2014, 01:12:55 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: Rose City Rose on October 10, 2014, 01:12:55 AM
I've decided I'm not ready to make the decision to get full SRS; in the mean time, I'm considering an orchiectomy for a number of reasons, but I had some questions:

1. Will it make it harder if I decide to get SRS later? I've heard differing stories on this; some say that it will make the scrotum shrink which will give you less skin to work with, but some say it's not that big of a deal (this is what Dr. Bowers says on her website). The fact is I'm still not sure full SRS is for me but I would like it to be a viable option because I'm kind of worried that orchi alone might feel like a job half-done after the stitches heal.

2. How will my libido post-orchi compare to my libido now, after about 18 months on HRT? I don't have much of a libido but I can still misbehave if I want to. Will that be pretty much the same?

3. Are there any potential complications I need to be concerned about with this procedure?

Advice, experience, and knowledge would be much appreciated.
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: Flan on October 10, 2014, 02:40:07 AM
Yes there is a good chance the scrotal skin will shrink. When it happens depends on a couple things but it generally takes a year or so.

Libido will probably be the same given the same mindset.

Complications can include local infection (not likely), spot bleeding (common, wear ultra-thin pads for 2 weeks or so) and local pain (expected from the nature of the surgery, rx pain meds are for a couple days at most then otc meds). Bruising tends to be mild. The first injection for local anesthesia tends to be the worst but it's easy going from there. Finally during the procedure it'll feel funny when the testies are pulled for the snip.  ;D
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: herekitten on October 10, 2014, 01:05:17 PM
Flan-- I loooooove the happy kitty, silly kitty, pretty kitty, purr purr purr....    yes I love kitties.
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: Jill F on October 10, 2014, 03:51:39 PM
Quote from: Rose City Rose on October 10, 2014, 01:12:55 AM
I've decided I'm not ready to make the decision to get full SRS; in the mean time, I'm considering an orchiectomy for a number of reasons, but I had some questions:

1. Will it make it harder if I decide to get SRS later? I've heard differing stories on this; some say that it will make the scrotum shrink which will give you less skin to work with, but some say it's not that big of a deal (this is what Dr. Bowers says on her website). The fact is I'm still not sure full SRS is for me but I would like it to be a viable option because I'm kind of worried that orchi alone might feel like a job half-done after the stitches heal.

2. How will my libido post-orchi compare to my libido now, after about 18 months on HRT? I don't have much of a libido but I can still misbehave if I want to. Will that be pretty much the same?

3. Are there any potential complications I need to be concerned about with this procedure?

Advice, experience, and knowledge would be much appreciated.

1) I had mine done by a surgeon who also does SRS.  He said it wasn't a big deal and optimized the scar if I wanted the whole shebang done later.  In the meantime, I stretch the empty sack every day to keep it from shrinking.

2) My libido was low before, so no real change.  I also still occasionally get a bit of morning wood.  I don't know if I can still have penetrative sex because I lost interest ages ago.  I'm guessing I probably could, but I like my Magic Wand so much better that I wouldn't waste my time.

3) Complications are a possibility with any surgery.  I didn't have any.  My surgeon was pretty slick.  No major swelling, bruising, nor hematoma.  I've heard some horror stories about the sack filling up with blood, drains being put in and having to squeeze the goo out every so often.  Yuck!
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: SorchaC on October 10, 2014, 08:34:36 PM
Like Jill my orchie was done by a urologist that at the time did SRS as well. He said he'd place the scar where he would make an incision for my SRS when that happened so no biggie. I'm not able to use him for SRS now but I am still able to get it so I don't see as it stopped me in that regard.

Libido, I didn't care much for sex before the orchie and I still don't. Does it still work as it did before? Yes. I had a female friend who made it her mission in life to see if it would work and eventually with huge amounts of patience she succeeded but I'm not saying I enjoyed it as much because I wasn't fussed either way if it worked or not.

Complications are specific to the individual. Post op I had no pain,  ;D My nurses got upset with me for refusing pain meds.  :) I had it done under general anesthetic as I lived so far away and my surgeon didn't want me travelling home alone the same day so did it that way so I needed an overnight. I did get an infection but I have to take some blame there. Living alone with no help I did too much lifting and moving about as I had nobody to do it for me, I was also set a goal of weight loss and embarked on exercising way too soon, The stitches gave way some and I got an infection that nearly caused me to be readmitted to open the wound fully and let it heal before restitching but super strong anti biotics cured it enough to stop my GP sending me back. Overall I don't regret the orchie as I don't need anti androgens, I have less bulge and I am allot happier emotionally.

Hope that helps some

Sorcha  ;D
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: Rose City Rose on October 13, 2014, 03:18:55 AM
Quote from: Flan on October 10, 2014, 02:40:07 AM
Yes there is a good chance the scrotal skin will shrink. When it happens depends on a couple things but it generally takes a year or so.

Libido will probably be the same given the same mindset.

Complications can include local infection (not likely), spot bleeding (common, wear ultra-thin pads for 2 weeks or so) and local pain (expected from the nature of the surgery, rx pain meds are for a couple days at most then otc meds). Bruising tends to be mild. The first injection for local anesthesia tends to be the worst but it's easy going from there. Finally during the procedure it'll feel funny when the testies are pulled for the snip.  ;D

You mean they don't knock you out for it?  *cringes*

I could stand waking up without my balls but I don't want to be awake while they're removing them.  I just want to go to sleep and wake up a little bit sore and a lot less packed with testosterone.
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: Jill F on October 13, 2014, 03:23:59 AM
Quote from: Rose City Rose on October 13, 2014, 03:18:55 AM
You mean they don't knock you out for it?  *cringes*

I could stand waking up without my balls but I don't want to be awake while they're removing them.  I just want to go to sleep and wake up a little bit sore and a lot less packed with testosterone.

I was put under, and when I woke up it felt like I got kicked square in the nuts.  I was never happier.
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: SorchaC on October 13, 2014, 02:09:27 PM
Quote from: Rose City Rose on October 13, 2014, 03:18:55 AM

You mean they don't knock you out for it?  *cringes*

I could stand waking up without my balls but I don't want to be awake while they're removing them.  I just want to go to sleep and wake up a little bit sore and a lot less packed with testosterone.

I was offered a choice, The usual method is local but I'm a needle wimp plus I fancied an overnight escape from my neighbours who were making my life a misery at the time. I don't mind watching ops and I'm sure it would have a liberating effect to watch them go but I doubt I'd be able to lie still long enough.

I have to admit, I'm considering asking Dr Chett if he'd let me set up our GoPro so we can make a timelapse of my op come March  >:-)


Sorcha  ;D
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: Christine Eryn on October 13, 2014, 07:43:11 PM
Quote from: Jill F on October 13, 2014, 03:23:59 AM
I was put under, and when I woke up it felt like I got kicked square in the nuts.  I was never happier.

:icon_dance: That would be good feeling to wake up to indeed. If I hadn't been on HRT for so long and was deadset on GRS next year, I'd be looking forward to feeling the same way afterwards myself.
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: Miss_Bungle1991 on October 13, 2014, 07:57:03 PM
When I had my orchi, I was put under. I didn't want to be awake for that. I don't drive, so I just stretched out in the back seat and relaxed on the drive back home. Then once I was home, I sat around with a bag of frozen peas on my crotch. :D I remember the scrotum shrank like a frightened turtle. But I have no plans of ever having GRS since I could never afford it. That's why I had the orchi done in the first place.
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: Rose City Rose on October 14, 2014, 06:30:29 PM
Quote from: Laura Squirrel on October 13, 2014, 07:57:03 PM
When I had my orchi, I was put under. I didn't want to be awake for that. I don't drive, so I just stretched out in the back seat and relaxed on the drive back home. Then once I was home, I sat around with a bag of frozen peas on my crotch. :D I remember the scrotum shrank like a frightened turtle. But I have no plans of ever having GRS since I could never afford it. That's why I had the orchi done in the first place.

I could probably scare up the money, but I'm not sure about the procedure itself.  I've hardly seen anyone who had SRS who didn't have major complications sooner or later, and there is absolutely no data about the long-term effects and prognosis.  I'd have to hate having a penis so bad that it was my only alternative. 

As for the shrinkage, does anyone know if I could do a stretching regimen for a couple of months prior to SRS if I decide that I have to go that route?
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: Jill F on October 14, 2014, 06:44:54 PM
Quote from: Rose City Rose on October 14, 2014, 06:30:29 PM
I could probably scare up the money, but I'm not sure about the procedure itself.  I've hardly seen anyone who had SRS who didn't have major complications sooner or later, and there is absolutely no data about the long-term effects and prognosis.  I'd have to hate having a penis so bad that it was my only alternative. 

As for the shrinkage, does anyone know if I could do a stretching regimen for a couple of months prior to SRS if I decide that I have to go that route?

I stretch it out like pizza dough in a hot shower every morning.
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: Miss_Bungle1991 on October 14, 2014, 06:46:46 PM
Quote from: Rose City Rose on October 14, 2014, 06:30:29 PM
I could probably scare up the money, but I'm not sure about the procedure itself.  I've hardly seen anyone who had SRS who didn't have major complications sooner or later, and there is absolutely no data about the long-term effects and prognosis.  I'd have to hate having a penis so bad that it was my only alternative. 

Well, in my case, the orchi was pretty much the only thing that I could do and still remain among the living. Once I sat down and really analyzed the costs and associated stuff from GRS (traveling, lodging for people that would came with me since I don't drive), I knew that I could never have it done. If I didn't have the orchi done when I did, I would be long dead by now.
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: SorchaC on October 14, 2014, 07:09:53 PM
Quote from: Rose City Rose on October 14, 2014, 06:30:29 PM

As for the shrinkage, does anyone know if I could do a stretching regimen for a couple of months prior to SRS if I decide that I have to go that route?

I was told I'd be lucky to get 3-4 inches (and that was before my Orchie) so if I wanted a reasonable depth I need to stretch it every day. When I asked "And how do you suggest I stretch something I try my best to forget I have?" The reply was "The same way you would have stretched it before starting transition" I am assuming he meant by taking matters into my own hands but I didn't dare ask  >:-) >:-)

Mr Bellringer in UK had an interesting solution to the issue which he claims does the job for you. He had intended to insert something into the scrotum exactly 3 months before my SRS date which would inflate and do the stretching for me. He said he'd used it once and it was successful. I understand from research it is a procedure commonly used on women before BA so that they have more room for the implants when that's done. I've never hears of anyone else suggesting this but the idea makes sense but would make tucking rather hard  ;D


Sorcha  ;D
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: Jill F on October 14, 2014, 07:19:59 PM
Quote from: SorchaC on October 14, 2014, 07:09:53 PM
I was told I'd be lucky to get 3-4 inches (and that was before my Orchie) so if I wanted a reasonable depth I need to stretch it every day. When I asked "And how do you suggest I stretch something I try my best to forget I have?" The reply was "The same way you would have stretched it before starting transition" I am assuming he meant by taking matters into my own hands but I didn't dare ask  >:-) >:-)

Mr Bellringer in UK had an interesting solution to the issue which he claims does the job for you. He had intended to insert something into the scrotum exactly 3 months before my SRS date which would inflate and do the stretching for me. He said he'd used it once and it was successful. I understand from research it is a procedure commonly used on women before BA so that they have more room for the implants when that's done. I've never hears of anyone else suggesting this but the idea makes sense but would make tucking rather hard  ;D


Sorcha  ;D

So a valvestem on the nutsack?  I'd have to get a tattoo on it that said "Inflate to 30psi."  :D
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: Miss_Bungle1991 on October 14, 2014, 07:43:31 PM
Quote from: Jill F on October 14, 2014, 07:19:59 PM
So a valvestem on the nutsack scrotum? 

I hate term "nutsack".
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: SorchaC on October 14, 2014, 07:44:22 PM
Quote from: Jill F on October 14, 2014, 07:19:59 PM
So a valvestem on the nutsack?  I'd have to get a tattoo on it that said "Inflate to 30psi."  :D

Good one :) For best results pump here?

I think this system has advantages if you can easily get to the surgeon but I'm not sure it is worth it if you have to travel overseas for SRS.


Sorcha  ;D
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: Jill F on October 14, 2014, 07:46:47 PM
Quote from: SorchaC on October 14, 2014, 07:44:22 PM
Good one :) For best results pump here?

I think this system has advantages if you can easily get to the surgeon but I'm not sure it is worth it if you have to travel overseas for SRS.


Sorcha  ;D

In case of water landing, not to be used as a flotation device?
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: SorchaC on October 14, 2014, 07:53:26 PM
Quote from: Jill F on October 14, 2014, 07:46:47 PM
In case of water landing, not to be used as a flotation device?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: Christine Eryn on October 15, 2014, 09:44:23 AM
There are some funny and colorful visuals in this thread!  ;D
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: herekitten on October 15, 2014, 10:57:43 AM
Rose City Rose -  When you decide on your doctor and have the procedure, would you please post? I am following your search, experience and results.  Thanks much! and feel free to reach out to me. I'll continue watching for your post.
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: Tessa James on October 15, 2014, 11:25:56 AM
My 33 year career was as a CRNA, nurse anesthetist.  An orchiectomy can be accomplished relatively quickly (a half hour) and varying degrees of intravenous sedation and anxiolytic medication can be administered with the primary anesthetic being a local.  Let's assume that your team interviews you ahead of time and will do their best to meet your needs as an individual.  I had many patients so relaxed and comfortable they snoozed through it or we told jokes and traded stories.  A general anesthetic is safe but more expensive and depending on your health going in a bit riskier.  I plan an orchiectomy too and had a vasectomy many years ago that feels about the same.  All for a worthy cause eh?
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: SorchaC on October 15, 2014, 02:12:43 PM
Quote from: Christine Eryn on October 15, 2014, 09:44:23 AM
There are some funny and colorful visuals in this thread!  ;D

When I look in the mirror each morning I see some funny visuals as well  ;D Not sure what down there looks like anymore, One of the advantages of being overweight is the belly hides that part of the body  ;D


Sorcha  ;D
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: franie on October 15, 2014, 02:58:54 PM
 I had my orchi a year ago. It was preformed under a local I had every little pain afterwards. Since I was not planning on having  a SRS she removed the scrotum as well all lose skin because I had lost a lot of weight. My only regret is that I didn't have it done years ago. :)
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: Rose City Rose on October 22, 2014, 01:07:33 AM
Another question has come up for me now.

I'm actually hyper-aware of my testicles (always have been) and hyper-aware of any sensation of them being there, especially pain (and I have an aversion to testicular pain in particular).  I have pain and discomfort there a lot, some of it caused by a varicose vein but a lot of it's just somatic.

I'm just worried that once they're removed, the somatic symptoms might continue and I'll feel phantom testicles down there and they'll continue to bother me.  I really don't want that!  How likely is that to happen?
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: SorchaC on October 22, 2014, 02:22:40 AM
Maybe I'm not the right person to answer this as I very rarely felt mine but on occasion I did. I have not had any phantom pains from the area at all. It's like they never existed.

I'd suggest maybe contacting a Doctor or even a Surgeon and ask them what are the instances of this happening. If you already have a Psychosomatic pain isue then it could be that you should seek help for this before continuing with the surgical route. Allot would depend on your reasons for wanting an Orchie

Hope that helps

Sorcha  ;D
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: bibilinda on October 22, 2014, 03:12:04 PM
Quote from: Rose City Rose on October 22, 2014, 01:07:33 AM
Another question has come up for me now.

I'm actually hyper-aware of my testicles (always have been) and hyper-aware of any sensation of them being there, especially pain (and I have an aversion to testicular pain in particular).  I have pain and discomfort there a lot, some of it caused by a varicose vein but a lot of it's just somatic.

I'm just worried that once they're removed, the somatic symptoms might continue and I'll feel phantom testicles down there and they'll continue to bother me.  I really don't want that!  How likely is that to happen?

Hello, Rose!

This is a very lengthy response. Sorry I couldn't make it any shorter, I did try though. Please read it carefully when you have some free time, it may be useful to you!

I had both orchi and t-shave almost exactly four years ago. My Dr. for that procedure is a plastic surgeon specialized in SRS, penile inversion technique. So those two procedures I had done, were really no big deal for him.

When I have an important procedure, like those two, I write a journal --until I fully recover and there's no issue, no need to keep writing in it-- and i take pictures of the area, before, after, etc. I also document the meds pre and post-op and the doctor's  instructions.

Anyways,  on the specific issue of the "phantom testicles" you mentioned.
Here's an entry in my journal, post-op: (This is only regarding the orchi, I also added stuff related to my trachea shave but of course that is not relevant to your issue, so I've left it out).  NOTE: These are my personal and REAL experiences post-orchi, yours may be similar or entirely different, for the better or the worse, but at least you are having now some real-life insight about your specific question.


(Days 1 to 3 post-op):
SCROTUM: Bleeding (dripping) continues. No apparent bruising. there's a weird feeling like pain, like the testes are still there and the pelvis area is swollen, as well as the scrotum, as if the balls were still there."

(Day 4th post-op:)
This day, an acute pain appeared in the pelvis area, mostly on the right side. Pelvis (specially right side) and inside of scrotum (specially left side, like a testicle is still there) are swollen.

(Days 5th to 10th post op)
The acute pain in the pelvis area continues, now on both sides.
Days 9-10, the pelvis swelling decreased, but the left side of the scrotum formed a little lump which hurts (a piercing pain), which looks and feels like a blood clot.

(Days 11th and 12th post op)
Bruising and discoloration have decreased substantially by now.  The acute pain in the pelvis area decreased substantially. The left side of the scrotum formed a little lump which hurts (a piercing pain), The little lump inside the left side of the scrotum (possible blood clot) decreased substantially today (more than 50%), maybe as a result of taking aspirin, and vitamin E at the same time, the night before and in the mid afternoon of  the 11th day. On the 12th day there's still a bit of pain on the left side of the scrotum.


So that was it, after the 12th day post-op I stopped my surgery journal, which means the discomfort was mild from that point on.

I also kept all the email communications post-op with the doctor. Here's some interesting stuff about the issue you brought up: NOTE: I am just quoting the talk related to the issue at hand.

QUOTE (selected from actual emails from me to my orchi Dr., the 7th day after the procedure)

Q (Bibi)  Hi, Dr. Please pardon my big ignorance, if that's the case for this message. I definitely have a big lump inside my scrotum, that looks and feels EXACTLY like I still have at least one testicle in there (the left one). I expected to be left with  just a flat and completely empty/deflated piece of skin just hanging over there, not a scrotum filled with something that looks and feels like I still have testicles in there. It makes me think maybe there was a mistake or something and both my testicles were not completely removed, otherwise there's a big accumulation of some tissue which I ignore what it is, but looks and feels like a testicle.
As I said, maybe I am a complete ignorant but then again, there could be a slight chance that a mistake was made and for some reason I am not 100% without testicles as of now. I am so traumatized right now with the thought any of my testicles being left there, that if another surgery is needed, I'll ask you this time to better get rid of the skin (scrotum) as well , so I can be 100% sure you got rid of the very hated glands.

A (Dr) Dear Bibi,
Of course both testes were removed, you can check the incisions one on each side. It would have been useless to remove only one! There must be swollen tissue that´s giving you the impression of having a trsdtyicle there, and it will resolve with time and ultrasound. Speaking of ultrasound, you can have an ultrasound made this week just to make sure that there are no testicles in the scrotum, and that the mass that you feel is just inflammatory tissue or a blood clot. Either way treatment is conservative. Please stop worrying, I assure you your testicles are gone forever. I didn´t save them for you to look at as I was pretty sure you wouldn´t want to see them. Yet the hospital records are there and you could talk to the assistant. Her name is  (  )  and her number is  (  ).   Also try calling Dr (  )  the anesthesiologist who also is a trained sexologist. She´s very interested in your case and can certainly help you. Her numbers are (   ) (  )

Q (Bibi) I can't afford ultrasound in any shape, way or form as of now, so I'd like to know if there's any other way to avoid fibrosis, via regular or alternative inexpensive medicine, exercises, diet or whatever. The 4th day after the procedure --today is the 5th, I hope it gets better!--, the whole groin area  looked purple/blackish, did hurt very uncomfortably and some areas even looked blistered and red, sort of like the area was burned with fire and the skin was about to burst.  If the color keeps purple/black tomorrow, the 6th day, I'll inform you, because something may be wrong given the case.

About the meds, the antibiotic is gone, metamizole you indicated to take it only twice and I did, so currently this is what I am taking, every 8-12 hours:
Vitamin C, 1000-1500 mg per intake
Aspirin, two 500 mg tabs
Deodorized Garlic 4-6 soft capsules
Ketorolac, I took it the 2 days after surgery every 8 hours; now I take it only when it hurts a lot (the groin area).
Calcium, one 1,500 mg tablet with main meal of the day.

A (Dr) Bibi, no wonder you have inflammation and pain...I prescribed the ketorolac every 8 hours continuously, not for only the first two days. Please continue to take it, now at 8, 14 and 22 hours for another two weeks. Also masturbation will make the swelling worse, increase the groin pain and certainly worsen the redness and bruising. Do call Nurse (  ) and Dr. (  )  who were present at your surgery. They can tell you the truth.


OK, there you go, I shared all this very personal stuff with you, because I get the vibe that you're similar to me, before orchi, in that you TOTALLY HATE the damn little trouble makers and want to know nothing about them right after you wake up after the procedure, and never ever remember they were even there.

As you can see, even after the procedure, I was so apprehensive with the pain and still-there sensation (every bit the same as what people who lose limbs feel, for some time after their limb was removed), that I confused inflammation and small blood-clotting pains for the idea that at least one of the damn trouble makers was still there.

I still had the sensation of one of them still being there for probably a whole month, that annoying pain one gets when one still has those things, when you unintentionally hit them ad you have that endless pain in the pelvis area. After that, I still had the sensation from time to time, but much less than the first month, until some day it all just disappeared.

But I assure you, four years after my orchi  that now it feels like I NEVER HAD ANYTHING IN THERE AT ALL! Too bad I didn't have anyone to tell me their experience as I'm telling you (of course you may or may not have the same post-op issues as I did), but it MAY happen to you, something similar to my ordeal, so now you can be put at ease, or at least I expect you can feel that way, because now you know that you can expect such things to maybe happen, but they should go away pretty soon! Just follow the Dr's post-op instructions to the letter and I'm sure you will be fine, or at least will do much better than me at that time!

Good luck with your procedure!


Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: Rose City Rose on October 24, 2014, 01:10:58 PM
Thanks Bibi, the long-term outlook seems encouraging, though I really cringed at the part about the blood clot and having that particular feeling for weeks on end.  Is that typical?
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: Mindy More on October 24, 2014, 02:17:15 PM
Hi everybody, I figure I should chirp in here.  Most things have been addressed, a few things haven't come up yet.  I had the procedure done in May under general anesthesia.  Had no issue with pain management, swelling, phantom testicles.  I do have something that resembles a blister, or pimple, which doesn't go away, and is painful to touch, which needs to be checked out, at the incision line.  I think it's a healing issue... if your Dr is using self-dissolving sutures, make sure they don't get absorbed back into the body, don't be afraid to check, as I didn't.  They don't dissolve like crystal light, more like break down enough to fall out (or fall in) as I think that is what I am dealing with, unless ingrown hair.

So the reason I had it done, was to nip testosterone in the bud, as HRT was only partially effective at 15 months, on maximum dosages.  Still plan on SRS, have not been vigilant about stretching anything, but reading what you girls have said has given me the kick I need.

Now for the real problem I want to share.  My hormone levels have been checked twice since the procedure, and definitely my T is down to around 17(parts per something), with 0-100 being the normal female range.  I don't think I'm breaking the rules by sharing that, since it's not HRT related, but feel free to let me know. 

Okay, so my energy levels are SO LOW, for the last 5 months, I really struggle.  Really, really, struggle.  To the point where my endo has given me testosterone gel and kicked up my E.  I can only hope this is an adjustment period, it really freaked me out in the beginning, to the point of having regular anxiety.  Once the dust settled and I healed, fatigue became my middle name.  I'm dealing with it though, managing, and have realized that it's just part of my transition experience. 

Second, weight gain.  Have put on 15 lbs, from 162-178 lb @ 5'11".  Okay, so I have realized that I am going to have to incorporate exercise into my life, forever.

Third, sex drive.  On HRT is was probably about 20% what it was originally.  Post-orchie, about 3%.  Do I still have fun? Yes.  Is it non-existent? No.  Am I losing something by not having the drive to release pent up energy through regular self-maintenance? Maybe. 

Do any of these things matter now? NO. It's done.    They may matter to you though, if you haven't pulled the trigger yet.  Do I regret the decision, Nah.  But do I drink 10 energy drinks a day, yeah I do.
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: SorchaC on October 24, 2014, 07:31:16 PM
Quote from: Mindy More on October 24, 2014, 02:17:15 PM

Now for the real problem I want to share.  My hormone levels have been checked twice since the procedure, and definitely my T is down to around 17(parts per something), with 0-100 being the normal female range.  I don't think I'm breaking the rules by sharing that, since it's not HRT related, but feel free to let me know. 

I've found over the last few years since the Orchie that my levels of T and E have seriously been messed up. There was a period pre orchie also when at least the E was wrong and my doctors haven't been able to link any of this to having an Orchie.They so far at least don't have an answer so it was interesting to hear someone else is having the same thing.

Quote from: Mindy More on October 24, 2014, 02:17:15 PM

Okay, so my energy levels are SO LOW, for the last 5 months, I really struggle.  Really, really, struggle.  To the point where my endo has given me testosterone gel and kicked up my E.  I can only hope this is an adjustment period, it really freaked me out in the beginning, to the point of having regular anxiety.  Once the dust settled and I healed, fatigue became my middle name.  I'm dealing with it though, managing, and have realized that it's just part of my transition experience. 

I found it the other way. I was so full of energy and vigour that I was doing 2 hours a day on an exercise bike, Yes that's what caused the stitches to give a but and the infection that followed. Maybe it was the extra motivation of knowing I could have SRS if I lost the required weight. We are all different and so you are right to share this because some others likely will experience loss of energy and they should be a ware it could happen.


Sorcha  ;D
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: paxi1334 on October 24, 2014, 07:46:55 PM
the main issue with the orchie is in _how_ it is done.  when i had mine, i wasn't considering SRS and so the urologist did it the normal way he usually does it for testicular cancer patients - this caused scarring in an area which made it hard for my SRS surgeon to work with and, in fact, led to there being only minimal depths.  if SRS is even a possible option, make sure the urologist knows this & make sure s/he realizes that with future SRS patients, the incisions are made on a different part of the body.  summation: it needs to be a mtf orchie, not a general run in the mill orchie.
Title: Re: Orchiectomy Questions
Post by: Tessa James on October 24, 2014, 08:18:24 PM
Good point Paxi,

We have plenty to consider as we take these profound steps.  I am working toward an orchiectomy and also not considering SRS.   Therefore it makes sense to consider having it performed by a surgean familiar and responsive to our needs.  Right now the idea of having no testes or scrotal sack and a cosmetic closure sounds best for me.  Surgeons can use a subcuticular type of closing stich as oppossed to the perpendicular stiches.   Ah the best laid plans of mice and women:-)