General Discussions => Health => Fitness => Topic started by: EchelonHunt on October 11, 2014, 09:19:39 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Sprained Foot - how to ease into exercise again?
Post by: EchelonHunt on October 11, 2014, 09:19:39 AM
Hello everyone.

I have accidentally rolled onto my left foot many times the past two weeks and lately,... my left foot, the left side of it, if I put too much pressure on it or step/twist it the wrong way, I will get a sharp jolt of pain that my leg will give out. It results in me limping around gingerly on my left foot and being in tears because the pain will be intense even if I am putting the lightest amount of pressure on it.

It has been depressing me majorly because I have wanted to get back into my dancing game which has originally saw me lose 55 lbs. I've since gained 55lbs back after being on T for four years. Despite that, I have been able to keep my fitness up by helping my mother with her cleaner job so it's not like I walk outside for five minutes and pant out of breath. I am determined to lose 55lbs as I plan to have top surgery mid-2015.

Is there anyway I can ease into my dancing game without damaging my foot further? I thought about doing the dancing game on easy (less steps and very simple) and just taking it very slowly. I am already counting my calorie intake, that has saw me lose 6lbs so far at least that's something but I feel with combining calorie counting with regular exercise will help me reach my goal a little bit faster.

Any tips and advice? It will be greatly appreciated!

Kind regards,

Title: Re: Sprained Foot - how to ease into exercise again?
Post by: LivingTheDream on October 11, 2014, 12:01:34 PM
Hey Jacey,

First off, have you had a doctor look at your ankle to make sure that it is just a sprain and not something more serious like a fracture or tear?

I don't think it would be a good idea to be dancing on it if it is swollen and causing you pain as you said it was.  I would advise you to stay off of it for a bit as much as possible to prevent further injury to it. If it is swollen or sore I'd say ice it down to reduce the swelling too.

I know you want to lose weight but I don't think it would be a good time to do it while you're injured.

Title: Re: Sprained Foot - how to ease into exercise again?
Post by: helen2010 on October 11, 2014, 12:07:49 PM

LTD's advice is sound.  In bad sprains bone is often broken and/or inflammation caused inside the joint.  An x ray is recommended as internal inflammation and cartilage damage will not go away without an arthroscope and scrape.

Otherwise, assuming that bruising has now occurred, rest and compression/support and elevation is recommended to control swelling.  Anti inflammatory medication and physiotherapy will reduce swelling and discomfort.  Taping your ankle will also help.  Properly taping and supporting your ankle will help as your ankle regains its strength and stability provided there isn't a Breslin or cartilage damage.

Safe dancing
