Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Post operative life => Topic started by: 2124abc on October 29, 2014, 09:25:58 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Safe to eat/ ingest self lubrication? - Neo Vagina Right Colon SRS
Post by: 2124abc on October 29, 2014, 09:25:58 AM
The doctor tells me my vagina will be self lubricating - that's great, but unfortunately he tells me I need to wear a pad forever! The vagina will be self lubricating - and I need to wear a pad because it will always be leaking out.

I will be having Neo Vagina Surgery, and he's opening up my abdomen and going to use my right colon to join up to the gap he's making, to make the vagina. The self lubrication for the vagina comes from that part of the bowel then... My question is very important because it means whether or not I will go through with surgery:

Is it safe to ingest the self lubrication?

If my boyfriend wants to eat me out and ingests this discharge coming from my bowel is it safe? Because I don't want him to get poisoned or something if it's a dangerous mucous or discharge made within my bowel? I will ask my doc but until then I really need to know it will be safe.

Thank you
Title: Re: Safe to eat/ ingest self lubrication? - Neo Vagina Right Colon SRS
Post by: Vicky on October 30, 2014, 12:47:41 AM
The mucus lubrication coming from the colon section will be as clean as you keep yourself per the doctor's instructions.  Since this piece of your innards is not in contact with fecal material, which is what would contain the dirty stuff, the fluid doing your lubrication is pretty much the same as the mucus fluid you exchange with the BF when you kiss him.  There may be a slight chemical difference between the two, but kissing is more likely to transmit the little bug that causes dental cavities that the other would likely be.

For other reasons I ran like hell from suggestions to use colovaginoplasty.  I do self lubricate and my self lube came from the urethral mucosa that no longer had any use where it was in my penile shaft. Oral sex with a guy has its gross visions too, but that is why girls wipe themselves carefully and may do a special clean job before having oral sex from either direction.
Title: Re: Safe to eat/ ingest self lubrication? - Neo Vagina Right Colon SRS
Post by: Jill F on October 30, 2014, 12:56:31 AM
Having had my sigmoid colon removed for other reasons, I do not wish that recovery upon my worst enemy.  I had mine done laparoscopically, but open abdominal generally means two weeks in the hospital instead of one.

Plus you'll never be a swimsuit model...

Title: Re: Safe to eat/ ingest self lubrication? - Neo Vagina Right Colon SRS
Post by: suzifrommd on October 30, 2014, 08:33:47 AM
Quote from: Vicky on October 30, 2014, 12:47:41 AM
The mucus lubrication coming from the colon section will be as clean as you keep yourself per the doctor's instructions.  Since this piece of your innards is not in contact with fecal material, which is what would contain the dirty stuff, the fluid doing your lubrication is pretty much the same as the mucus fluid you exchange with the BF when you kiss him. 

My understanding is that self-lube from inside VJ comes from bacteria breaking down dead skin. This would be different from saliva, which is produced by glands near the mouth and has a different set of bacteria. Not sure how this effects whether this is sanitary, but it certainly wouldn't be the same as kissing.
Title: Re: Safe to eat/ ingest self lubrication? - Neo Vagina Right Colon SRS
Post by: Vicky on October 30, 2014, 11:52:37 AM
Quote from: suzifrommd on October 30, 2014, 08:33:47 AM
My understanding is that self-lube from inside VJ comes from bacteria breaking down dead skin. This would be different from saliva, which is produced by glands near the mouth and has a different set of bacteria. Not sure how this effects whether this is sanitary, but it certainly wouldn't be the same as kissing.

For those with penile inversion / scrotal graft surgery only, you are correct about the source of the vaginal "self lube". In that case the lubrication is reactive to deep dark places.  In my surgery, a little bit of mucus producing penile urethral lining was used to create my labia minora, and it produces the lube outside of my vagina in a more pro-active situation,  but the OP is considering colovaginoplasty which provides much greater mucus secretion that is not dependent on the bacterial items to produce the fluid. I apparently made a bad attempt at some humor there, and not the 110% science that some may think I should have.  I am sorry if the humor was not seen for what it was.  Years ago in college I took a "time filler" class that actually covered some of the little known science in human sexual couplings, and it was actually brain busting, but fun. The professor managed to communicate the absurd side of it quite well.
Title: Re: Safe to eat/ ingest self lubrication? - Neo Vagina Right Colon SRS
Post by: Sosophia on October 30, 2014, 12:10:01 PM
arent there the sweat glands that can make lubrication inside the vj from where it was before ? theyr suposed to be nearly all over the skin of the body except fews exceptions
Title: Re: Safe to eat/ ingest self lubrication? - Neo Vagina Right Colon SRS
Post by: Catherine Sarah on November 04, 2014, 06:03:22 AM
Hi Sosopgia,

No there are no sweat glands in penile skin.

Title: Re: Safe to eat/ ingest self lubrication? - Neo Vagina Right Colon SRS
Post by: 2124abc on November 06, 2014, 06:05:31 PM
Hi all!  :)

Thank you for your very helpful answers, I know now the lube is safe, HOWEVER

based on some of the responses and mainly on my mother's opinions when my parents & I were discussing it, I don't want to do colovaginoplasty because
- opening up bowel, more risks
- more prep, more recovery
- big scar on abdomen
- constant dripping

The last one is most concerning, I thought it was a little drip but I dont want to wear a pad every day even whenever I wear pyjamas and its just soo impractical.

As I do not have foreskin, the doc kept saying the only way to get a functional* vagina was through the colon surgery. NOW I do not want this surgery...

Can I still have the inversion method of SRS?
Without any foreskin will he use skin graft as well as inversion? Can skin graft make it deeper?
Since its smaller (less depth) than the colon result, will it max out? Could a penis or other object that goes up there hit the back of the vagina? Would this hurt or even rip/ break the vagina and could it be dangerous?

I am going to see him on the 20th but until then I would love to hear from you ladies what you think and if you've had either the colon or regular inversion SRS please reply.
Thank you!  :)

* he kept using the word "functional" which my mum and I thought meant "working" leaving us with no option, when in fact it means "8 inch depth as opposed to 6 or less" - is this correct?

P.S. the doctor wanted to do right side colon NOT sigmoid colon. Thank you  :)
Title: Re: Safe to eat/ ingest self lubrication? - Neo Vagina Right Colon SRS
Post by: Jenna Marie on November 06, 2014, 06:19:16 PM
I can't speak for your particular surgeon... but I had penile inversion with no foreskin and got adequate depth, excellent sensation and function, and looks good enough to fool a gynecologist. It *can* be done, at least by some surgeons?
Title: Re: Safe to eat/ ingest self lubrication? - Neo Vagina Right Colon SRS
Post by: Myarkstir on November 06, 2014, 06:34:20 PM
First here is MY opinion and it is in no way professional

Your doctor seems VERY eager to do a colon version. Prertty much like my dentist is VERY eager to do root canals instead of puling out teeths. Just professional preference i guess.

As for your question, dr brassards papers include a form to authorize skingraft and a release form attesting that you accept consequences etc. This is of course used when penile and scrotal skin is insufficient. He never does colon period.

So as you see what your surgeon is saying is complete opposite of what brassard says.

Oh and brassard's avg depth is 5.5"
Title: Re: Safe to eat/ ingest self lubrication? - Neo Vagina Right Colon SRS
Post by: 2124abc on November 06, 2014, 10:04:55 PM
Thank you both!  :)

I'm really looking forward now to the inversion method, and not the colon method, and as you said, Jenna Marie, the result might have good depth and sensation. I feel it will be much safer, and also I shouldn't need the extra skin with the graft, and I'm not even sure if my surgeon does skin graft as well, but since you had no foreskin to work with just as mine has none, hopefully I will get just as good a depth.

I do ask however, since the depth will be around 6'', for someone who has a length around this or less, do objects (like larger objects) hurt if they touch the end of the vagina? How much does it hurt? Could the object puncture the back of the vagina?
Title: Re: Safe to eat/ ingest self lubrication? - Neo Vagina Right Colon SRS
Post by: suzifrommd on November 07, 2014, 06:38:04 AM
Quote from: 2124abc on November 06, 2014, 10:04:55 PM

I do ask however, since the depth will be around 6'', for someone who has a length around this or less, do objects (like larger objects) hurt if they touch the end of the vagina? How much does it hurt? Could the object puncture the back of the vagina?

No. I don't feel them touching the end of the vagina at all. But if I try to work them in a little further, I get kind of a stretching feeling, which can be uncomfortable. The discomfort is not felt in the vaginal membraine, but in the surrounding tissue (mostly the bowel) as I'm pushing into tissue that was not cut to make room for it.

Does that answer your question?
Title: Re: Safe to eat/ ingest self lubrication? - Neo Vagina Right Colon SRS
Post by: Monkeymel on November 07, 2014, 06:53:36 AM
With Dr Chettawut and scrotal skin graft, and having no foreskin since baby, i still have a comfortable 5.5". it was 6" but uncomfortable on the bowel, which is a limit of my physical anatomy and not the available skin. Healing well and needing only a little lubricant for dilation. I wear "Always discrete flex and twist" pads as there is some natural discharge during the day, as some cis women also get. No underwear at night, no smells, no issues.

Long term i will probably switch to virgin organic coconut oil as this seems to be a good naturally absorbed product. And anti-fungal and smells nice. I know it can work.
Title: Re: Safe to eat/ ingest self lubrication? - Neo Vagina Right Colon SRS
Post by: Jenna Marie on November 07, 2014, 07:10:43 AM
I have 5.5" (which is more than enough for me, and considerably more than my wife in depth *and* width even when she's fully aroused, so I can use much bigger toys than she can!). I *can* feel when I've hit the back of the vagina, but it doesn't hurt. I'm not sure how to explain the sensation except as sort of pressure/fullness.

A dilator can't puncture the back of the vagina after it's fully healed, but just like cis women, we shouldn't be putting sharp or pointy objects in there. Even if a serious puncture is rare, it's possible to give yourself some nasty scratches!

8" is far beyond the average maximum depth of even aroused cis women. Most men are already used to the idea that vaginas aren't that deep. ;) Don't forget, too, that because of bodies and the mechanics of it, it's impossible to get the full length of a penis inside - so a guy with 6" will usually only penetrate about 4.5" and so on. BTW, the reason "bottoming out" hurts some cis women is that it hits the cervix, which can be very sensitive and painful. We don't have a cervix, so that can't happen.
Title: Re: Safe to eat/ ingest self lubrication? - Neo Vagina Right Colon SRS
Post by: 2124abc on November 07, 2014, 05:50:16 PM
Thank you Suzi, Mel & Jenna Marie,  :)

ok so for penile inversion - it can't be punctured after full healing by a basic object like dilator, dildo or penis? Would that be like 3-4 months after surgery until it definitely won't puncture?

Is starting off with quite rough sex after the 3 or 4 months, when doc says I can have sex, a bad idea? Should I tell my boyfriend to just take it slow incase something rips, because it's still healing?

I've told my boyfriend we have to wait the full 3 months of recovery time before having sex, but if we both want to use it, could it be dangerous to have sex using my vagina at the 2 month or 2.5 month mark?

P.S. I'm definitely going for penile inversion now and not right colon surgery, if my doc can only do the colon way then I'll find a new doc. I haven't done lazer properly, I still have hairs all over the pubic region and on the penis and hopefully that's not an issue with choosing this SRS method...

Thank you  :)
Title: Re: Safe to eat/ ingest self lubrication? - Neo Vagina Right Colon SRS
Post by: Myarkstir on November 07, 2014, 06:26:02 PM
As fas as penetration is concerned 3 months is usually a minimum. Passed that you will have to listen to your body. Starting slowly and seeing where it leads you. But caution would be a good advice.

Passed that if your surgeon says wait 3 months it means 3 not 2...
Title: Re: Safe to eat/ ingest self lubrication? - Neo Vagina Right Colon SRS
Post by: Jenna Marie on November 07, 2014, 06:44:10 PM
Yeah, listen to the surgeon first and foremost. Then listen to your body. Odds are that when the surgeon says it's safe, it is, but if you feel pain or tearing, stop immediately. Also, I apologize, because I got too hung up on the specific word you used - puncture (where you shove something all the way through the lining) is unlikely, but tearing (where pressure/pulling/stress makes the skin come apart) is more common. Tearing is also less dangerous if it's not severe, and it can happen to cis women too, but it's wise to be cautious.

I was allowed to try sex at 2 months... and to be perfectly honest, I was terrified of it until more like 6 months (and I have a female partner). :) By 2 months it still felt very much like a half-healed, still swollen surgical site to me. But other women have definitely followed the original doctor's advice and been fine that early.