Community Conversation => Youth talk => Topic started by: Susan on November 08, 2014, 08:23:20 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Introduction posts
Post by: Susan on November 08, 2014, 08:23:20 AM
Please consider posting an introduction here or in the introduction forum so others know that they are not alone, and that their situation isn't unique.
Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: Ms Grace on November 08, 2014, 09:32:13 PM
Hi, I'm Grace - I'm actually an old fogey (48), but I think I used to be young once! Anyway, hi there, as a site mod I'll be poking around here along with the other mods to make sure things stay safe for all involved. Any issues or problems you can PM me or any mods and admins with your concerns. You should also report a troll or troubling post rather than dealing with it yourself. Hope the youth forum is super helpful for you all! :)
Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: LordKAT on November 08, 2014, 09:38:24 PM
I'll join the 'Meet your mod' group.

I'm a big furry KAT and echo Grace's sentiments, minus the age. Play nice and let us deal with problems.
Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: mrs izzy on November 08, 2014, 09:41:55 PM
Another meet the mods.

Hello I am Isabell. Another one of the older generation of transitioned.

Will be around to help with any questions that might come up.

I am glad to see this topic section for our youth.

Enjoy and remember to reach out anytime you feel the need.

Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: Devlyn on November 09, 2014, 08:20:07 AM
Hi, I'm another oldster, 52. If you need something on the site, I can most likely find it for you.

Hugs, Devlyn
Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: suzifrommd on November 09, 2014, 08:23:13 AM
Quote from: Susan on November 08, 2014, 08:23:20 AM
Please consider posting an introduction here or in the introduction forum so others know that they are not alone, and that their situation isn't unique.

I'm Suzi. I've been a member here for about two and a half years. I was born as a male, and never questioned my gender until age 50. I figured that if I didn't "feel like a female" I couldn't be transgender, but I've since learned that we all experience our gender differently. In 2013 I transitioned to live as a female and find it much more natural, despite the fact that I still don't feel female.

I'm a high school teacher, so I understand a lot about how schools work and what they can do to make life easier for trans students. If there is anything I can do to help, please contact me.
Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: Jessica Merriman on November 09, 2014, 11:39:21 AM
Late to the Mod party as usual!  ::) I am 49 and have been living full time for 11 months now. Susan's is a very safe place, but if you find a problem report it as soon as possible. Relax, dig in and see what all we have to offer!  :)
Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: Matthew on November 09, 2014, 02:51:01 PM
Hi, I'm Matt and if I can say my age here I'm 15 :) was questioning from around the age of 8 when I cut my hair and told the kids at school I had a sex change and was a boy, as you can probably guess that got me in heaps of trouble so I didn't mention it to anyone again until around July this year. Around that time I started coming to the site, I pretty much live in chat and love a good poke around the forums ;) I'd be happy to chat with anyone who wants or needs it, either in forums or chat, will be good to see how this area turns out :)

Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: stephaniec on November 09, 2014, 03:46:28 PM
Hi! I'm Stephanie  , started to come to Susan's a couple of weeks after starting HRT. I came looking for help and info, been here a year and having a great time. I'm one of the ancient ones at 63.
Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: Jill F on November 09, 2014, 05:42:16 PM
Hi, I'm Jill, another character that lives around here.  I'm 45 and have only been out for two years, but was first aware of my gender issues when I was 4.  I have been full time since last March, and am now legally recognized as female.

Be safe,
Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: GorJess on November 09, 2014, 06:45:19 PM
Hi, I'm Jessica, age 22, former teen transitioner of sorts, so if you're reading this, it's okay to be you; to be who you are, and of equal importance, you're not alone, because it's too easy to fall into that trap. While I'm not a teen now, I was you once, and dealt with similar issues, at your age, and our stories are probably similar with societal acceptance, given our age similarities.

I work with, present with, and am good friends with many people who are transitioning around your age themselves, like Jazz, among many others. There's groups on Facebook for this purpose, if you need further assistance. You can also find me in a couple years in a documentary I'm filming at present; for further information, hit me up with a PM. Anything I do for you, please, let me know.
Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: Taka on November 10, 2014, 02:06:22 AM
welcome, any young person who is reading this!

i'm taka, someone not very special.
i was once a trans kid and after that a trans teenager. without any support anywhere.
now i'm an adult who's planning to become a teacher, and also learn more about the needs of today's youth,
so i can give the help they need rather than impose my own view on anyone or teach in an unwholesome way.
Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: evadenzin on November 10, 2014, 12:13:16 PM
hi, i'm eva, age 18. the country in which i am living is totally sh!t, so i'm willing to leave it and move to any other country where non-binaries have a better status.
Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: Devlyn on November 10, 2014, 12:26:23 PM
Hi Eva, welcome to Susan's Place! Sorry that where you live isn't a tolerant country.

Hugs, Devlyn
Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: Taka on November 12, 2014, 06:30:30 AM
hi eva, and welcome!

i also live in a country where nb's (medical) status isn't really all that good.
but for other reasons, i'm not willing to move to a better place, so i'll just have to do what i can to change my country.
as if that's possible for one lone nb...
Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: ftmalex on November 30, 2014, 09:44:35 AM
Hey everyone!

I'm Alex, I'm 16 and I'm a transguy from Germany. I came out to my parents a few months ago and we're taking teeny tiny baby steps ever since. Two nights ago I had the so far 2nd talk with my mom about this topic since, and it was the most emotional, honest and I think also brutal/raw one yet. Though she's still not open to allowing me to get a binder/me coming out to my friends, I think it made her realize how bad I really feel. She also reassured me that her and my dad aren't forgetting about this topic, but need there time to come around.

While that didn't help me with my dysphoria/transition/whatsoever, my mum is now putting extra effort into showing me that I have a loving home. That's at least something. And now I'm done with rambling :D
Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: King Malachite on December 19, 2014, 02:49:21 AM
Hey everyone!  I'm Malachite.  I am 22 years ago, so not too far removed from being a teenager.  Also, I'm in a similar situation as many of you.  I'm not officially out to most of my family and I'm not currently transitioning.  I still live with my (Non-LBGT friendly) mother that I'm financially dependent on.  I'm a person of color, and I am a devoted Christian.  I have been a member of this site for about three years..  If you ever want to reach out to me for whatever reason, be it dealing with being a non-transitioner at the moment, having non-LBGT friendly family, being a POC, or reconciling your Christian faith, etc., then feel free to contact me.  Glad to have you all on the site!!!!  :)
Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: gildedfire on December 26, 2014, 06:23:09 AM
Hi, I'm Chess, and I'm 15 and non-binary. I have already come out to my friends as pansexual and all are accepting of that, but my friends are all particularly dismissive of non-binary people as well as one in particular accusing me of wanting to be a 'special snowflake' when I said I wanted to wear a tux not a dress to our formal presentation in a few years time. I also have the issue of having an extremely female figure, and short, making it hard for me to do anything to appear even slightly non-binary in appearance. Thank you
Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: Stephanie2 on December 26, 2014, 06:59:33 AM
I am Stephanie, the name I would have had, had I been born a female. My mother had mentioned that to me a few years ago while she was still around. I am no longer young at 64, soon to be 65. Back in my day it was rare to hear of transitioning people. There was no forums that I know of then. There was a couple of movies made on the subject, though. Myra Breckinridge in 1970 and The Christine Jorgensen Story, also in 1970. I never did see the movies, maybe it is time to see them on DVD, etc. So, anyhow, it was tough to talk to anyone about the subject, not that it is easy now, either. This forum is great for hearing of everyone's experiences and advice. Plus I am looking forward to more feminine changes that I may be getting in the future. At my age, I guess, it is better late then never!
Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: Sandy on December 26, 2014, 07:59:04 AM
Hello everyone!

My name is Sandy and I've been a member of Susan's for quite a long time.  I transitioned eight years ago when I went full time.

I have achieved all my goals of changing everything in my life.  My life is now one of joy and color.  I am a happily married woman.  I have shared my experience with my brothers and sisters here.  I was supported by those here when my life seemed in unending chaos.  In turn, I wish to support those whose lives are also may be in chaos.

I want all to know that there will come a time when you can look back on your journey and see that your life too has changed for the better.

Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: Dawn B. on December 28, 2014, 01:16:52 AM
Hi I'm Dawn and I'm 17. I joined Susan's a little after a month on HRT. Since I came out as Bi and Trans, I have lost friends and had difficulties with family.
I know things will get better. I just need some friends and a little support so don't be afraid to message me. I also look forward to meeting the staff. You guys seem amazing so keep up the good work!  :)
Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: Julia-Madrid on December 28, 2014, 09:38:54 AM
Hello y'all

I'm Julia, a young 45. You can guess where I live, although I'm actually English. I first "officially" knew I was trans 20 years ago, hid from it, and did mostly positive things with my life.  In April 2014 I enrolled in a gender program in Madrid, started HRT and by July I was full time. 

If I have a message for my trans brothers and sisters, it would be that almost anything is possible if you find the inner and outer strength to make it so.  And save your money carefully - this is a darn expensive journey for those of us who need a fair bit of fixin' up :D

Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: Skyler on December 29, 2014, 10:23:46 PM
Hi I'm Skyler and apart of the Minecraft staff, 17 and live in the good ol NY :3. Been on hormones for about 3 weeks now and identify as a queer demi boy. I'm going to college soon and I have no idea what i'm doing with my simply terrifies me....but it guess that's life for you  :-X
Title: Re: Introduction posts
Post by: stephaniec on December 29, 2014, 11:17:34 PM
hi ! I'm one of the oldies , but goodies at a refreshing age of 63. Dealing with this situation since 4 years old. Started HRT 14 months ago and everything is OK. welcome to Susan's , where there is a lot of info around and a lot of nice people to talk to.