Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Topic started by: 2fish on November 17, 2014, 05:29:44 PM Return to Full Version

Title: 1 Week On T, Voice Dropping, Parents Don't Know
Post by: 2fish on November 17, 2014, 05:29:44 PM
Yup, just like the tittle says. I'm 1 week on T, my voice has dropped, and my parents don't know. What to do?
I told my mother that I was planning on moving out after the holidays. She had no comment, honestly I don't think she wants me to go anywhere, but again I think I might just have to anyway after she finds out I'm on T and transitioning. The good thing is that my job knows and are happy for me because they see me as happy. The were prepared for the changes that would take place. Now, my family is another story. My family is not so hip on LGBTQ issues. One parent always says the "F" word when referring to gay people. The other day while watching TV, a transsexual woman came on and outed herself. My parent (one of them not both) response was that the transsexual woman was still a man in their eyes no matter how much surgery she had. That response made it very clear to me that my coming out as a transguy was going to be very difficult. I was planning on moving out in about 2-3 months and was hoping that my voice wouldn't drop so quickly. But it has. I'm ecstatic! But, at the same time I have to be very cautious. I must limit my time at home, thank goodness I work the 3rd shift and while I am home resting, they are out work. I guess if I hope to save up for enough to move and for surgery I must not see my family too often. Sucks, but for now I think this is my plan. I will play the I'm sick so my voice sounds funny thing. Does anyone have any tips or any advice to help me through this?
Title: Re: 1 Week On T, Voice Dropping, Parents Don't Know
Post by: Lostkitten on November 20, 2014, 12:29:13 PM
I seen this thread for a while now and still no responds > _ <? Probably because just as me, I don't know what to say.

Telling your parents you are sick only works for so long. Especially because if it works so soon.. it will only get heavier I assume instead of getting better, like when you are sick.

Maybe I am very simple minded but if you plan on moving out really soon anyway, can't you just as well tell them and see how it goes? Worst case scenario you have to put up with it for two months and then move out? Although doing such drastic things behind your parents back while still living at home.. it might be best not to expect a too much of a cheery response .. =/.

Not sure.. complicated > _ <. I hope all will work out for you ^^.
Title: Re: 1 Week On T, Voice Dropping, Parents Don't Know
Post by: FriendsCallMeChris on November 20, 2014, 12:36:19 PM
Hi 2fish,

Sorry to hear you're in a tough spot. This is one I would drop on my therapist and talk out with them.  If you're planning on moving out anyway, maybe make arrangements to move then tell them after you've left the house, so you have a safe place to go if things turn bad?
Good luck, man!
