General Discussions => General discussions => ARGHHH! => Topic started by: letmebe_me on August 14, 2007, 06:36:13 PM Return to Full Version

Title: good and bad
Post by: letmebe_me on August 14, 2007, 06:36:13 PM
today was a good and a bad day i guess.
i went to see my new doctor. he was very nice. he really is only to deal with my medication for my depression but we spoke about my background and reasons for being depressed etc and i wanted to say 'i am in the wrong body'. i really want to tell someone. i want to tell my counsellor. i get on great with her and she is so nice. but everytime i go to tell someone i feel i can trust it just doesnt come out, something pulls me back and stops me. i think 'what if... what if... what if...' and i think 'how will ... react' and 'what about...'! i just want to get it all out and start to sort it out but i dont feel strong enough :( i am very unsure of what to do. i dont know what i should do or what i want to do. ??? i feel so depressed right now.
on a good note after i went to the doctor i went out with my dad because he had the day off work. it was good to spend time together, just me and him. really helped to lift my mood and to stop me thinking about all of the worries i have etc.
when i got home my mum was home from going out and i had bought my nephew and neices some little toys. my mum said to me, 'you spoil them kids you know! when you have your own children they are going to have everything!' and i automatically said, 'if i even have kids' and she said, 'of course you will' i went quiet. my mum said, 'you will be a great mother' and i just said 'hmmm'  :-\
so its been a bit of a mix today but not been too bad :)
Title: Re: good and bad
Post by: Ms Bev on August 28, 2007, 11:00:46 AM
Maybe your mom knows something??
It's nerve wracking, coming out for the first time, and the only way I have found to do it is make yourself say it.  In my case, if or when someone (hell everyone knows by now...) came along that I felt needed to know, I would just tell them " I have something important to tell you.  I'm spending the rest of my life as a woman, and am not hiding any more".  That pretty much got the ball rolling.  As soon as I said "I have something important to tell you", it was enough pressure to get me started.
Now I don't have to tell anyone.  They don't recognize me, unless I reintroduce myself to them.

